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the essence of meditation

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I had an insight tonight about the nature of meditation.


Basically, it comes down to AWARENESS and BEING.


The Hindus say our true nature is absolute existence (being), consciousness (awareness), bliss.


Two very simple meditations are:


1. Just be.


2. Just be aware.


I've found that these two principles comprise the essence of meditation.

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Yeah, the thing is that our being is already being and our awareness is already being aware, so there is nothing we can do except bring our conscious awareness to what is already going on. Which is often when the mind kicks in trying to convince us that we should be doing something or that it should be more complicated.

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That's why once the physical structures are conquered, its all a mind-awareness game.  The mind kicking in is just noise that can be tamed via beating it like a dead horse with rote anapanasati ;)

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