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just do these things

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I came up with a list, each idea starting with "just."


One thing that I feel is so powerful about such concepts is that they sidestep the "hows" and "whys."


The questions of how and why usually complicate things. Of course, sometimes they're necessary, but often they're an unnecessary distraction.


Nike's ad, "Just do it," sidesteps the why, and the idea, "just choose," doesn't worry about HOW to choose. In fact, that IS how......the how is a non-how and the why is a non-why.


Please add to this list if you come up with good ones.


Just be. Just be aware. Just be yourself. Just be quiet. Just accept yourself. Just let go. Just be still. Just ask. Just listen. Just enjoy life. Just trust. Just have faith. Just be sure. Just think. Just feel. Just love. Just respect yourself. Just wait. Just be patient. Just guess. Just be free. Just notice. Just observe. Just live. Just smile. Just laugh. Just stop. Just don't. Just try. Just stop trying. Just own it. Just give up. Just give in. Just allow. Just relax. Just be happy. Just appreciate. Just have fun. Just believe. Just stay. Just go. Just shut up. Just be at peace. Just obey. Just do as you please. Just follow guidance. Just read. Just meditate. Just pray. Just watch. Just care. Just exercise. Just work. Just play. Just breathe. Just be careful. Just pay attention. Just learn. Just heal. Just grow. Just create. Just forgive. Just begin. Just do something. Just choose. Just make up your mind. Just concentrate. Just cry. Just scream. Just don't give up. Just fight. Just search. Just stop searching. Just swallow your pride.

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Because it's impossible. Nike's slogan isn't a philosophy. We have to plan ahead because we are reasoning animals, we aren't simple perceptual operators in the way animals are.

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JUST Worry more about your mindset or philosophy you have. There are people usually from smoking pot or doing other drugs they open up something or see there while being high and then think that they can program their minds and life is that simple. But its not.


figure how to deal or trade with things what doesn't have mouth and brain. Feed information from the ground.

Edited by allinone

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Also how much Nike paid you to create this thread? Just kidding.

Edited by allinone
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Actually, I should just stop reading these things since they just somehow tick me off.

Edited by Stosh
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