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what is next?

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after meditating, healing, doing qigong and etc of other practices... what is next? 


after reaching that state of presence, stillness, mindfulness, awareness, observing the body, thoughts,.. what is next after all that?


how to measure the progress? and what are the levels or stages how to know where are you at? 

what is the goal you are working toward?

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after meditating, healing, doing qigong and etc of other practices... what is next? 


after reaching that state of presence, stillness, mindfulness, awareness, observing the body, thoughts,.. what is next after all that?


how to measure the progress? and what are the levels or stages how to know where are you at? 

what is the goal you are working toward?


One perspective -


Generating the genuine intention to help others is next.

This is the way to continue to let go of the attachment to the self, put the welfare of others before your own.


One excellent measure of progress is the degree to which you manifest enlightened qualities in your life and enrich the lives others. Markers are things like openness, being non-judgemental and supportive of others, feeling spontaneous warmth and creativity. Knowing when there is no need to do anything but be present (or absent) and doing what needs to be done when necessary and doing it without effort.


It's easy to tell ourselves how advanced and accomplished we are. Easy to think we've reached the depths of ourselves or the peak of our potential. If we're not manifesting these enlightened qualities in our everyday lives, we're not as far along as we may believe...


And I agree with Old Chi - live life fully. It seems contradictory, giving up your sense of self and engaging fully with life but with the right perspective it makes complete sense and it works.

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Steve & OldChi are on the money. Nothing to stop you manifesting/practicing enlightened qualities right now. Then your measure of progress is perhaps to do with how you reduce suffering in yourself and the wrld around you.


after reaching that state

IME there is no that state. There is this state, and now there is this state, and now...


Rumours of an enlightenment wherein you're done, cooked, finished, are likely more myth than reality. Surely such a state would be extinction: stagnation at least?

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after meditating, healing, doing qigong and etc of other practices... what is next?


after reaching that state of presence, stillness, mindfulness, awareness, observing the body, thoughts,.. what is next after all that?


how to measure the progress? and what are the levels or stages how to know where are you at?

what is the goal you are working toward?

It's still all being done from the perspective of duality, ie you observing your thoughts and body as if the subject and object are two separate things. So the next step is the collapse of that dichotomy. But from that perspective all levels and ideas of progress are seen as illusory.

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cultivate the body, the dan tiens. Get siddhis, travel around the universe, gather more knowledge.....go help some people there are lots to be done, that illuminati and reptillian crap on youtube is not even the tip of iceberg. disguisting stuff happens out there just about daily....concentration....there is lots to do ! worry about it when you get there I would say. 

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One perspective -


Generating the genuine intention to help others is next.

This is the way to continue to let go of the attachment to the self, put the welfare of others before your own.


One excellent measure of progress is the degree to which you manifest enlightened qualities in your life and enrich the lives others. Markers are things like openness, being non-judgemental and supportive of others, feeling spontaneous warmth and creativity. Knowing when there is no need to do anything but be present (or absent) and doing what needs to be done when necessary and doing it without effort.


It's easy to tell ourselves how advanced and accomplished we are. Easy to think we've reached the depths of ourselves or the peak of our potential. If we're not manifesting these enlightened qualities in our everyday lives, we're not as far along as we may believe...


And I agree with Old Chi - live life fully. It seems contradictory, giving up your sense of self and engaging fully with life but with the right perspective it makes complete sense and it works.


I have tried to help others when they needed it and tried my best to give some of my advices or experiences.. but it wasn't that much beneficial, people only wanted to nag about their problems and issues all the time and never cared to listen. and if they do listen, they start arguing and try to put u down with ur own beliefs and practices and judge u as living in an illusion and that u need help :P .


So in the subject of helping people.. i made my decision that i would let people suffer their own problems and issues.. it is their path and that is the only way for them to learn. i ll just give my advice and leave them to suffer until they come for help.


can you give example of enlightened qualities? ... my practices of life are passive and acceptance and allowing things to be and less of demanding and wanting in order to attract stuff that i wish for or think that are enlightened... ido notice synchronicity with my life and other people's life...but i don't have that motivation or desire to something that will allow for me to test the time and quality of my attraction to something i want... if u know what i mean....


Keep up your daily practice.....and go out and live life. 


Meditation and observing myself and thoughts and live in mindfulness.. has been my practices in life... i do practice at home but also in my daily activities.. i do practice in life and activities, and did struggle a bit just practicing at home with sitting and such. spirituality (meditation) is a big part of my life not just a practice but values i live by. but maybe i need some kind of a goal, to have a motivation to use that state of mind ?

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Meditation and observing myself and thoughts and live in mindfulness.. has been my practices in life... i do practice at home but also in my daily activities.. i do practice in life and activities, and did struggle a bit just practicing at home with sitting and such. spirituality (meditation) is a big part of my life not just a practice but values i live by. but maybe i need some kind of a goal, to have a motivation to use that state of mind ?


Every individual has activities or patterns of expression and creativity that give them joy. Contemplate on what gives you joy and then pursue it, make your life an expression of that joy. 

Edited by OldChi
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I have tried to help others when they needed it and tried my best to give some of my advices or experiences.. but it wasn't that much beneficial, people only wanted to nag about their problems and issues all the time and never cared to listen. and if they do listen, they start arguing and try to put u down with ur own beliefs and practices and judge u as living in an illusion and that u need help :P .


So in the subject of helping people.. i made my decision that i would let people suffer their own problems and issues.. it is their path and that is the only way for them to learn. i ll just give my advice and leave them to suffer until they come for help.



This was my experience too, people need to live their own lives and learn their lessons at their own pace. There is no such a thing like "saving someone" or "helping others to cease suffering". Unrequested advices are always ignored, even the ones that were requested. So help only those that ask for help, and help the way they expect to be helped.

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I have tried to help others when they needed it and tried my best to give some of my advices or experiences.. but it wasn't that much beneficial, people only wanted to nag about their problems and issues all the time and never cared to listen. and if they do listen, they start arguing and try to put u down with ur own beliefs and practices and judge u as living in an illusion and that u need help :P .


So in the subject of helping people.. i made my decision that i would let people suffer their own problems and issues.. it is their path and that is the only way for them to learn. i ll just give my advice and leave them to suffer until they come for help.


can you give example of enlightened qualities? ... my practices of life are passive and acceptance and allowing things to be and less of demanding and wanting in order to attract stuff that i wish for or think that are enlightened... ido notice synchronicity with my life and other people's life...but i don't have that motivation or desire to something that will allow for me to test the time and quality of my attraction to something i want... if u know what i mean....



Meditation and observing myself and thoughts and live in mindfulness.. has been my practices in life... i do practice at home but also in my daily activities.. i do practice in life and activities, and did struggle a bit just practicing at home with sitting and such. spirituality (meditation) is a big part of my life not just a practice but values i live by. but maybe i need some kind of a goal, to have a motivation to use that state of mind ?

You can't tell people how to change. As you have noticed it never works.


What I have found is as I progress, as the practices have changed me, those around me have changed. The interaction between those around me is vastly different. You will then begin to see that people will notice the change in you and some will ask what are you doing. At that point the snowball just gets bigger and bigger.

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This was my experience too, people need to live their own lives and learn their lessons at their own pace. There is no such a thing like "saving someone" or "helping others to cease suffering". Unrequested advices are always ignored, even the ones that were requested. So help only those that ask for help, and help the way they expect to be helped.

I believe there are means of helping others. I agree it is not telling others what to do.


Would you consider Direct Introduction a means of helping someone?


I do.

Edited by Jonesboy

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Jonesboy, I don't understand your question. What do you mean by Direct Introduction? Direct introduction to what are you doing that would help someone?

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Jonesboy, I don't understand your question. What do you mean by Direct Introduction? Direct introduction to what are you doing that would help someone?

Hi Andrei,


What is the cause of suffering?


Attachment to our thoughts? It can be fame, fortune, a better job or a flat tire. It is all our thoughts aka attachments.


Direct Introduction is where a guru introduces you to deeper levels of your self. In Dzogchen it is a direct introduction to the natural state.


I have found it to be more of a gradual experience. The silence allowing one to let go of attachments.


Therefore, someone can help others

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On 17/07/2016 at 11:05 PM, Shad282 said:


Edited by Ish
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Hi Jonesboy,


Hm, no. I am allergic and disagree with anything related to buddhism, dzogchen, tibetans, gurus, deeper levels of self, natural states, etc. Nope sorry this is a pit without bottom.

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Hi Jonesboy,


Hm, no. I am allergic and disagree with anything related to buddhism, dzogchen, tibetans, gurus, deeper levels of self, natural states, etc. Nope sorry this is a pit without bottom.

What is it you disagree with if you don't mind me asking?

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What we can do with our mind is amazing. Theres just so much. I am still at a beginner stage where i am trying to meditate. I envy the level you've reached, but soon i'll be there too.


Google has many answers, i googled how to do telekinesis and this was the first link that came up,

It has instructions and practice excersises on how to telekinesis.

From what i've seen the internet usually has basic instruction on doing cool brain things like telepathy or astral projection etc.

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What's the next level after?  I'm in the 'Chop wood, carry water, do the laundry' camp. 

Course we're all individuals on our own path.  In most traditions 'powers' tend to be seen as a distraction.  Fine if taken as a marker along the way, but not as a goal, ie don't get too attached to them. 

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strong jing,chi,shen, DEEP meditation and REAL concentration practice PLUS practice because many fools on the internet with lots of chi throw their chi to do it. Thats a lot of orgasms wasted easily. That is not the way. 

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strong jing,chi,shen, DEEP meditation and REAL concentration practice PLUS practice because many fools on the internet with lots of chi throw their chi to do it. Thats a lot of orgasms wasted easily. That is not the way. 


what do you mean by throwing their chi on the internet? orgasms?

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What's the next level after?  I'm in the 'Chop wood, carry water, do the laundry' camp. 

Course we're all individuals on our own path.  In most traditions 'powers' tend to be seen as a distraction.  Fine if taken as a marker along the way, but not as a goal, ie don't get too attached to them.

I'd say "let your light shine while you chop wood, carry water, do the laundry" but I think we are on the same page here. :)

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