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is Monday through Friday natural?

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When was the Monday through Friday work schedule invented?


Is it just an idea to enslave people, or does it have some sort of divinity associated with it?



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Since antiquity Saturday was Saturn's day at romans, or God's day at hebrews.

Romans were celebrating TheSun sunday, Moon monday, Mars tuesday, Mercur wednesday, Jupiter (Thor) Thursday, Venus friday and Saturn saturday.

Since Christianity came into power and because Christ was seen as a Sun god the resting day was moved from Saturday to Sunday.

Since after the cold war I don't know exactly when probably in the 80' in the western world it was added Saturday as a resting day.

Since 90' after the cold war finished the resting Saturday was introduced in the ex-communist countries too.

Nowadays there are some trends to introduce Friday too as a rest day in some advanced European countries, so the week-end will be 3 days for them. But soon will be for everybody.

But the idea of working 6 days and 1 day to rest was invented when agriculture was invented probably in the Babylonian-Summerian civilization.

Edited by Andrei
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Nope not natural, as in not suitable with the planetary psychic influences. I think Sunday and Monday should be a personal day. Sunday a day for well, everything seems okay on that day, exept hard effort in work - a saturnian type of aspect. And monday well its very yesod, personal time :)


Then we have marsday -to bang a new week in style, then mercuryday to well...continue and forget about how long time is, supported by a mighty explosive jupiter day and followed by a venusday. Ending with a hard agriculture like working day on Saturday. 


Honestly only Friday I'm not sure, it seems like a day of love, maybe be reserved for creative work? I am not sure, maybe a day off in midweek on friday would be suitable.

Edited by Arramu

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