Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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he's a trainwreck of epic proportions

she's mired in corruption and the endless greedy pockets that feed it.


This is the result of decades of 'choosing the lesser evil' it would seem.

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they are the two most lightning rod divisive candidates that could have ever been invented for this election.Ā 

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"Clinton Foundation Staff Member Doug Band noted he could cite over 500 Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest: "Last week an email was released that revealed the government of Qatar wanted to get ā€œfive minutesā€ of time with Bill Clinton to present him with $1 million for his birthday, while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state in April 2012. Under Clintonā€™s service at the State Department, Qatar received a 1,482 percent increase in weapons exports from the United States, which by law were approved by Clinton herself. The New York Times reported Clinton Foundation officials claimed the $1 million gift didnā€™t have to be cleared with the State Department because it was not a fluctuation from Qatarā€™s previous donation levels. But, ā€œthe claim, however, was impossible to verify because the foundation is not required to publicly report every donation it receives and has not done so,ā€ wrote Steve Eder for the Times.""

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blackstar212's true intentions can be easily determined through logic,

despite his ambiguity, diversion tactics, irony and hiding in plain sight.

Just ask yourself the question:

What effect do his postings supposed to have on the average reader and forum member?

Well, the answer is:

They are supposed to unsettle Trump voters and supporters,

to confirm Clinton voters and supporters

and to keep the undecided from supporting and voting for Trump!

this is hilarious! relax, folks do not go to TDM for political advice or to decide how to vote. if a handful (literally) of voters did get swayed by any of these threads it isn't going to effect one precinct. its just a bunch of venting or colorful commentary with some chronicling of interesting developments along the way. Ā a daoist or any free thinker will adjust with however the wind blows. when i say blows, i am referring to both clinton and trump.Ā 

Edited by zerostao

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blackstar212's true intentions can be easily determined through logic,

despite his ambiguity, diversion tactics, irony and hiding in plain sight.

Just ask yourself the question:

What effect do his postings supposed to have on the average reader and forum member?

Well, the answer is:

They are supposed to unsettle Trump voters and supporters,

to confirm Clinton voters and supporters

and to keep the undecided from supporting and voting for Trump!


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it just keeps getting better....I wonder who will be a true believer, when the time comes rofl



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hmnn, I think his true intention is calling it, like he sees it.Ā 


What you gonna do in 19 days after Trump goes down in flames, because of all the kindling he himself created?Ā  You realize that his chance of losing is about 90% right now.Ā  Much as he shows off polls that show him winning and his followers gobble them up, he tends to only use those that allow people to vote as often as they want.Ā  The scientific polls all show him going down in defeat, with the biggest question being- will it be a landslide?Ā 


There's still a small chance he'll win, but I get the feeling his desperation will turn to firing more campaign managers, pissing off more running Republicans and getting increasingly shrill and outlandish.Ā  In this election cycle he will be the biggest loser.


This is kind of the point I wanted to avoid explaining... he doesn't care the outcome that much. Sure, he'd likely enjoy a chance to be POTUS and do business within the white house instead of his mansions, but there is no exact end-game for him in this foray... Ā His entire life is built around his own game and he plays it regardless of who is around him. Ā I use the word 'game' more metaphorical and not negative as it is more like a game of chess where gambits and sacrifices are offered but the game aint over till it's over. Ā He has a lot of game still in him.


I believe as Karl said, he wins by losing. Ā  That is the Trumping factor...

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but for anyone that was thinking wiki might have been a setup....deadman switch wouldnt have included gems like




For example, the FBI contract with Motorola corporation for making their cell phones hackable is in there, and it's a huge contract which includes the agreed upon hardware and software configurations, accommodations, and back doors for the FBI. That one is clearly marked classified all the way through it.



which is where it gets juicy on the REALLY bad stuff that implicates a LOT MORE than just hillary...

Edited by joeblast
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encounters w/ Trump:


Richard Branson's lunch with Donald Trump.

"Some years ago, Mr Trump invited me to lunch for a one-to-one meeting at his apartment in Manhattan. We had not met before and I accepted. Even before the starters arrived he began telling me about how he had asked a number of people for help after his latest bankruptcy and how five of them were unwilling to help. He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people.

He didnā€™t speak about anything else and I found it very bizarre."


Edited by Trunk

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he's a trainwreck of epic proportions

she's mired in corruption and the endless greedy pockets that feed it.


This is the result of decades of 'choosing the lesser evil' it would seem.


A lot of his ideas are pretty good though.Ā 

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I believe as Karl said, he wins by losing. Ā  That is the Trumping factor...

If he wins by losing big, then I wish him luck. Ā Ā 

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Interesting minorities largely don't engage alternative media, controllers preferring this. I think overall they believe "minorities" are going to be much easier to manipulate/ enslave. They "empower" "minority" (92% of the world population) groups only to later enslave them, Europeans an obstacle to this and so their greatest enemy, which they constantly attack in varies underhanded ways.

This was posted by Rose Rabbinovich, a "former Zionist", seems accurate.

My readers will find it hard to believe the following example of the ambitious, ruthless mind-set of the Talmudic Zionist philosophy. Ā  This address of Rabbinovich was published in the U.S. Publication 'Common Sense', and re-published in the September issue of the Canadian Intelligence Service. Rabbi Rabbinovich speaking to an assembly in Budapest, Hungary on the 12th January 1952 stated: Ā 

"We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia or Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our control commission will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The white women must co-habit with members of the dark races, the White man with black women. Thus the White race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judiaca, and OUR RACE will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples." http://rense.com/general45/race.htm


Then you find things like this

By former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Jewish) promoting genocide of French


"What is the goal?
It's going to be controversial.

The goal is to meet the challenge
of racial interbreeding.

The challenge of racial interbreeding
that faces us in the 21st Century.

It's not a choice, it's an obligation.
It's imperative.

We cannot do otherwise.
We risk finding ourselves confronted
with major problems.

We MUST change; therefore
we WILL change.

We are going to change
ALL at the same time.

In business, in administration,
in education, in the political parties.

And we will obligate ourselves
as to results.

If this volunteerism does not work
for the Republic,

then the State will move
to still more coercive measures."

it just keeps getting better....I wonder who will be a true believer, when the time comes rofl



Edited by Sionnach
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