Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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Interesting minorities largely don't engage alternative media, controllers preferring this. I think overall they believe "minorities" are going to be much easier to manipulate/ enslave. A clear anti-white agenda. They "empower" "minority" (92% of the world population) groups only to later enslave them, Europeans an obstacle to this and so their greatest enemy, which the constantly attack in varies underhanded ways.

This was posted by Rose Rabbinovich, a "former Zionist", seems accurate.



Then you find things like this

By former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Jewish) promoting genocide of French


"What is the goal?

It's going to be controversial.

The goal is to meet the challenge

of racial interbreeding.

The challenge of racial interbreeding

that faces us in the 21st Century.

It's not a choice, it's an obligation.

It's imperative.

We cannot do otherwise.

We risk finding ourselves confronted

with major problems.

We MUST change; therefore

we WILL change.

We are going to change

ALL at the same time.

In business, in administration,

in education, in the political parties.

And we will obligate ourselves

as to results.

If this volunteerism does not work

for the Republic,

then the State will move

to still more coercive measures."


You need to stop this crap. Sarkozy is a lefty authoritarian, France is a lefty country. This continual conflation is not an argument. What's more this is a thread about Hillary and Trump so why are you posting this here ?

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Did you read what it was in response too? I was expanding on anti-white thought etc being exposed.

Seems most European countries are "lefty country" now, I suggest you look into the Frankfurt School.

Edited by Sionnach

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Did you read what it was in response too? I was expanding on anti-white thought etc being exposed.

Seems most European countries are "lefty country" now, I suggest you look into the Frankfurt School.

I suggest nothing is what you observe it to be. You are being pulled about by your internet preference masters like a bull with a ring through its nose. Just like Joe, you have become a victim of your own bias which is turning you into a unguided missile. You aren't the only one who is subject to this manipulation, but your kind of anger has turned it into a crusade devoid of factual evidence. Your evidence is the product of skilful e.manipulation by party/parties unknown, for agendas equally unknowable. It is constant threat/war created in your mind to keep you in a state of heightened fear, sensitisation and confusion. The door becomes prison bars, the window a mirror through which you are viewed and examined, the floor is in constant motion like a high speed lift. You are reduced to fighting your own shadow in a virtual world from which escape has become impossible because it is the only place which offers freedom.


Get a grip. What is real ? How do I know it ? What should I do ?


If your entire world is now in the manipulated virtual and you have given up on the external reality to provide a reference, then you are being dragged deeper. This is how deep hypnosis is carried out. Mirror the experience, then begin to offer the alternative, first pace, then lead.


This is the thing Trump has learned, as has Soros. This is the new politic.

Edited by Karl

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People can decide for themselves what it is and what it isn't. Perhaps some will look into and find that it is nothing, maybe they will find it is something. Question everything I say.

Edited by Sionnach
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People can decide for themselves what it is and what it isn't. Perhaps some will look into and find that it is nothing, maybe they will find it is something. Question everything I say.

OK, but the danger in questioning everything is that you lose datum. It means a letting go of a grip on reality and drifting on whim. It's possible to create a virtual story which needs no confirmation other than the VR world of the Internet. It creates a paranoia, but just step outside your door and see there is nothing but what was there yesterday-this is the real. Do you question that ?

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it just keeps getting better....I wonder who will be a true believer, when the time comes rofl



You think they're going to stage an alien invasion to keep Trump from winning??  wow.  just wow. 


That doesn't seem crazy to you?  If there's any chance, at any odds you care to bet on the alien scenario, I'll be there for you. 

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You think they're going to stage an alien invasion to keep Trump from winning??  wow.  just wow. 


That doesn't seem crazy to you?  If there's any chance, at any odds you care to bet on the alien scenario, I'll be there for you. 

*gets out popcorn* oh, its time to have my position embellished again, let us be entertained :rolleyes:

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who is anonymous anyways? are they russian hackers too? are they just a bunch of teenagers with lots of time on their hands?

are they some state disinformation or inside information outfit? is it some spinoff from V for Vendetta? are they communists?

are they the 99%? are they anti establishment? are they the antidisestablishmentariasts? 

are they really able to operate in the shadows undetected by intelligence agencies? are they some intelligence agency?

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deep in the leaks are things like Motorola's contract with the government on all the hw, sw specs for "acceptable use" - haha and people wonder why the carriers would care if you root your phone - you're making them break their contract with the government that all phones on their network have a FBI-NSA-CIA approved hack hw&sw profile!



as I said before its bigger than just hillary, the whole got damn tree is hollow.

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....at this point its like a whole slew of details about aspects of the felonies every single day.  we knew they were oversampling Ds, anyone calling objectively


...just like we knew the FBI refusing to follow through with Hillary's prosecutions was money and politically motivated



people want to talk about DT being a narcissist but hillary actually talks about herself far more









and it seems that latest assange video was a bunch of years old again, with Wikileaks Director McFayden now added to the globalists' death list. 


at this point, not sure if wikileaks can be trusted any longer, since the dead man file and switch has been released, that's the money shot and now that enough of them are dead


we can only hope that the right people will get prosecuted from what's in there (index) and not the patriots who have this file and hope to use it to bring down all the perpetrators of these crimes. 

Edited by joeblast
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having an entire strategy for oversampling through media polling is something that was already obvious, but nice to have it confirmed. a lot of people have fallen for it but in reality it's still close and trump could well be ahead. he's winning the early voting in florida (dems typically always win early voting here) - another interesting, real world datapoint.

Edited by wilfred

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election rigging, part 3 - this time it explicitly nails hillary


will there be a collective yawn and sweep under the rug from the media?  its surely a safe bet.


Edited by joeblast
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Soros backs Hillary Clinton with money to do his bidding.



Result: If you vote for her based on shallow reasons we all lose.  Because he thinks he is a god.  It has been documented.




Hillary is racist.




Voting Hillary is a vote for destroying america.

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Soros backs Hillary Clinton with money to do his bidding.



Result: If you vote for her based on shallow reasons we all lose.  Because he thinks he is a god.  It has been documented.




Hillary is racist.




Voting Hillary is a vote for destroying america.


The anti-Semitic thread has been locked and perhaps this one should also. George Soros is Jewish and is hated by the right wing conspiracy cabal. What is your point?



Edited by ralis

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The anti-Semitic thread has been locked and perhaps this one should also. George Soros is Jewish and is hated by the right wing conspiracy cabal. What is your point?



I do not see anything in Rabbit's post that is anti-semitic, however your link is questionable.


It is well-known and documented that Soros is a big backer of the DNC and the Clintons, it is only natural that benefactors will be called into question regardless of their religion.


You are the one bringing Soro's religion into this thread, not a single other member has! Are you trying to make this about religion and not politics?

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I do not see anything in Rabbit's post that is anti-semitic, however your link is questionable.


It is well-known and documented that Soros is a big backer of the DNC and the Clintons, it is only natural that benefactors will be called into question regardless of their religion.


You are the one bringing Soro's religion into this thread, not a single other member has! Are you trying to make this about religion and not politics?


Soros was mentioned in the anti-Semitic thread and my comments tie in with that. Further, the link posted is one example of many online, if you care to research. Moreover, I am addressing a problem that seems to be growing on this forum in which anti-Semitic remarks are generally veiled and not overtly stated.


I am puzzled as to your calling me out on this and I have yet to see you address the misogyny on this thread or the anti-Semitism on the other thread i.e, from your personal point of view.




The images he posted are clearly designed to evoke an emotional response. Especially by using his birth name Gyorgy Schwartz. Such images have been used to great effect by propagandists.

Edited by ralis

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@ TheWhiteRabbitt,


Exactly why do you view George Soros as evil? Further, how do you know that Hillary is behind the blackened face as implied?

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