Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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You seem mentally not well equipped in figuring out the big picture.

All the predictions of the "conspiracy theorists" have been proven to be right so far,

including the rigging of the election

and you are simply in complete denial of reality.

I guess we'll see who is better mentally equipped if Assange is not kidnapped.  Then spacester you are wrong and my idea of reality gives me a better predictive model then your paranoid one.  We will see.


I don't think the election needs to be rigged.  I assume, could be wrong, that Hillary will win by a decent margin.  Trump has created such low margins with blacks, latinos, woman and college educated that I don't think he can over come it.  His temperament makes him burn bridges.  Thus he's lost the confidence and respect of many of his parties intellects and leaders. <maybe that's crazy talk to you though>

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Hope this lawsuit sticks. Appears the Republicans are violating the consent decree and violating certain state laws. The consent decree is a court order to cease and desist voter intimidation which has been in effect for 34 years.





In a dramatic escalation of a long legal battle between the national Democratic and Republican parties – and in what is arguably a fitting culmination to the year of Donald Trump – the Democratic National Committee is asking a federal court to hold the Republican National Committee in contempt of court for allegedly violating a decades-old consent decree limiting so-called "ballot security" activities at poll places.

The Democrats' filing Wednesday, among other things, ask that the consent decree -- which is set to expire Dec. 17 -- be extended for another eight years. The DNC is also asking the court to block any coordination between Trump and the RNC as it relates to Election Day poll monitoring activities that many fear will amount to voter intimidation.

The legal move by the DNC comes in response to Donald Trump's calls for vigilante "poll watchers" to come out in force nationwide on Election Day. The RNC had hoped to be freed from the consent decree as soon as next year, and Trump's actions now threaten to hobble the GOP for nearly another decade, if Democrats have their way.

As Trump has amped up his rhetoric claiming a "rigged elections" and urged his supporters "go over and watch" voting sites in "certain areas, the RNC has tried desperately to distance itself from the campaign's poll monitors efforts, given the consent decree. But Trump campaign hasn't made that easy. Wednesday's filing cites comments made by Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN), Trump's running mate, at a town hall event and by Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager, to the Washington Post suggesting collaboration with the RNC on anti-voter fraud activities.

(Conway later told the Washington Post she was mistaken and the RNC at the time also denied collaboration).

"Although certain RNC officials have attempted to distance themselves from some of the Trump campaign’s more recent statements, there is now ample evidence that Trump has enjoyed the direct and tacit support of the RNC in its 'ballot security' endeavors, including the RNC’s collaboration on efforts to prevent this supposed 'rigging' and 'voter fraud,'" the DNC's court filing said.

The filing also points to the activities of state party leaders who are also members of the RNC that appeared to be inspired by Trump's comments. The Pennsylvania GOP -- led by chair Robert Gleason, also an RNC member -- recently sued to allow for poll watchers to monitor voting sites outside their own precinct, which is currently prohibited by state law. Michigan Republican Party Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, an RNC member, said last week that the party's attorneys were preparing "a massive statewide anti-voter fraud effort."

The RNC consent decree does not technically apply to state parties, which are allowed to deploy poll watchers assuming they follow state law. Nevertheless, the national committee's general counsel sent a letter to its members discouraging them from participating in such activities, even as state party or independent actors.

The consent decree originated from activities Republicans engaged in in the 1980s in New Jersey and elsewhere at ballot boxes that included, allegedly, deploying off-duty cops near polling places in minority communities and sending mailers to minority neighborhoods to create lists of voters to challenge at voting sites. Democrats sued over the activities, and the RNC ultimately agreed to a consent decree that severely limited what it could do at polling places in terms of election monitoring.

As part of litigation around the decree a few years ago, a judge modified it to allow it to expire on December 1, 2017, unless the the RNC was found in violation of it again, at which point it would face an eight-year extension.

As Ben Ginsberg, a GOP attorney whose worked for a number of party organizations, said on MSNBC last week, "They are eager to have it come off next year."

The RNC did not respond to TPM's initial request for comment.

Read the court filing below:


Edited by ralis

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It is still a conspiracy of large proportions and what many are missing is that each state/local district has their own system. Paper ballots, touch machines, ballot readers and so forth.


To say that Hillary is rigging the election is just plain nonsense. The misogynists believe that women in no way shape or form are able to rise to a high position without help from men, or sleep their way to the top, or cheat. Intelligence and hard work are not in the domain of females, are what misogynists believe.

Yes, it is, but it's also possible, but maybe Occam's razor applies here. Perhaps the 'vote rigging' narrative is part of something entirely different. It does not mean that there is a large group promoting the idea. Unless we understood the motive we are lost.


It's nothing to do with misogyny, it's to do with a general distrust of the system that has lied and obfuscated for so long that those who aren't doing as well as their leaders tell them, are no longer engaged. The way to bring them back to the fold is to give them the illusion of a dragon and the knight which will kill it. Election rigging is just dragon fire.


It's a big old show designed to bring back the crowds. It needs a goody and a baddy. Perhaps, initially at least, the idea was to cast Trimp as the baddy, but it turns out the baddy is well liked-the only real suprise in this kind of narrative.


It isn't the elections that are rigged, the point is that it's all a big con, it's all rigged. If the elite can make the audience take 'rigging' seriously, the crowd gasps at the wicked 'doings' and the emotional connection gets notched up.


The worst thing for the elites is not Trump being elected, it's that no one has any interest in their system, or their messages. An apathetic electorate has a smouldering kind of anger which is dangerous if it isn't routed as the French Revolution aptly demonstrated. Can't beat those circuses for bringing the serfs out of their hovels.


"Are you not entertained?"

Edited by Karl
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It doesn't prove anything if he is kidnapped or not.

What proves something is that you are not even able to imagine that this could be the case:

An obvious below average level of spatial intelligence

and therefore below average ability to fathom the big picture

on your part,

which you demonstrated repeatedly recently in this thread and related ones.

I' kinda thinking it helps prove you focus on baseless fears

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LOL! Talking about being in denial of reality,

I already provided enough undeniable proof in this thread for voting fraud happening right now,

including people videotaping what happened when they tried to vote for Trump / republicans

and the voting machine switching their vote to Hillary / democrats before their eyes:






Undeniable truth YET the Republicans are in control of congress? That is a pretty awful rigging system.

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That means that is happening everywhere? It is illegal to film persons voting inside a polling station. The person filming should be in prison! Laws vary from state to state.

There is zero reason for it to be illegal for one to videotape himself in the process of voting




otherwise, what proof does one truly have?

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There is zero reason for it to be illegal for one to videotape himself in the process of voting




otherwise, what proof does one truly have?


I am saying that filming en masse is not allowed. No one can look over my shoulder to see how I vote.

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and that's the sole reason such a law exists, but there should be a provision that explicitly allows one to film his own vote for verification purposes.


making it illegal for the above to have been filmed, only enables voter an electoral fraud

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Undeniable truth YET the Republicans are in control of congress? That is a pretty awful rigging system.

You still believe the R vs. D ruse? It is Kabuki theater, my friend.
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Biden Blames “Lazy American Women” For The Economy: “They Sit Around Doing Nothing, Only Hillary Can Force Them To Work”


Democratic Vice President Joe Biden wants American women to get back in the workforce to help boost the economy. “If we just put all the women back to work, if they were able to afford childcare, we would increase the GDP in America by close to eight tenths of one percent,” he said. “That’s trillions of dollars over the next decade.”




 Women's liberation? ah, and they want your children too

Edited by Sionnach
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Women's liberation? ah, and they want your children too

I don't usually use this acronym but OMG :-0


Read between the lines 'still in recession' and 'the country that has given them so much'


substitute 'government' for 'country' and the tirade makes more sense.


Kennedy used this "don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" an equivocation on the word country. In the first it refers to independence, in the second it refers to Government/ state.

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Recent disagreements have actually just been a coincidence, from my end.


Coincidence, yes, I wasn't suggesting that we've been disagreeing for any reason other than that we happen to disagree on certain things. And I'd guess that I've been the antagonist more than half of the time anyway.... :ph34r:

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You still believe the R vs. D ruse? It is Kabuki theater, my friend.

I do not. However anyone who believes that the election is rigged it is republicans blaming democrats and they do believe in the R vs D ruse. Go back a few years ago and the Democrats were saying the election was rigged.


It just gets ridiculous.

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I don't have the energy to read the whole thing right now but accusations of 'perjury' would seem to be technically false, guys.

uh, yes, she lied about running guns from libya through turkey, to syria, right into the hands of ISIS


wth do you think benghazi was really about????


the militants were pissed about yet another USA hit and run job, flood the weapons there to cause a fake green revolution, and once the banksters have their target out of the way (khaddafi) then on to the next bump in the geopolitical domination road, Syria, where the pipeline is needed in order to have another economic tool to wage against russia, since they're not on board with the central banking con job on humanity


they wanted to keep the toys that hillary brought over for them to play with, and hillary would have let the weapons go, but the problem was she was willing to let stevens go too, since he seemed to be hanging out too long and then the special forces guys having some sense of loyalty paid the price too.


stevens was a dirty bastid participating in running the guns, so dont think he's innocent in this whole matter, he just was a recipient of street justice.

Edited by joeblast
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was just reminded that Jim D started this thread, wonder what happened to him?

I was in contact with him for a short while after he quit. He wasn't enjoying the to and fro of forum discussions.

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