Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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I think it's charming how optimistic you guys are. The stuff on she and Bill way back in his early days in office -- the stuff people read into the congressional record, that Rush Limbaugh used to feature on his show way back then -- was so mind boggling that if that had no effect (they only pursued him over Monica because like Capone, he couldn't be nailed on his actual crimes) nothing else will. She was planned a long, long time ago. The people doing this planning have such massive power over media in particular, and the top level of all authorities, it's not going to matter. And if it does matter they will make sure she gets into office first so anything that happened would still leave her VP and dem policies in place (not because they are dem but because they are not DT who may not be controllable the same way).


Just to demonstrate how truly cynical I am, I suspect that if anything comes up that is truly threatening, she will die. 'Accidentally' which is not or via 'health' reasons that are not accidental either. Then none of that will matter and the show will go on without her. But I suspect that is plan B and not the desired outcome at this point.



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debbie wanted to say sth, brain already  broke the news here on this thread but i wanted to give debbie her turn



and i want to add this quote from HRC who apparently has had this idea of rigging elections for at least 10 years

“I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake,” said Sen. Clinton. “And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.”

Edited by zerostao
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She has to become president so that things will get ugly in the end, it is all planned in advanced:



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Oh god, this campaign is the gift that doesn't stop giving. A couple of months ago I decided, on the basis of Brexit, to put a tenner on Trump winning. During the last two weeks with all the accusations flying at Trump, I thought that £10 was as good as lost. But what goes and happens? The FBI suddenly step in with less than two weeks left and seem to bring everything back to square one.


Did the timing of this really have absolutely nothing to do with the election? Do they want to hold some thing over Clinton if/when she gets in?


Who knows? But if Trump does get in I'm up £30 and the chances of that have just increased thanks to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (and, of course, Hillary's abuse of private email server...)

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Goose and cooked. Hillary is about to get thrown under a bus by the looks of things.

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the email case truly is symbolic of all the corruption that hillary is embroiled in. this is why trump keeps bringing it to the forefront, it quite rightly associates hillary with corruption & lawlessness. just the mention of this new story is bad for clinton.

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the email case truly is symbolic of all the corruption that hillary is embroiled in. this is why trump keeps bringing it to the forefront, it quite rightly associates hillary with corruption & lawlessness. just the mention of this new story is bad for clinton.

I wonder if they have realised that she is in an untenable position.

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Just to demonstrate how truly cynical I am, I suspect that if anything comes up that is truly threatening, she will die. 'Accidentally' which is not or via 'health' reasons that are not accidental either. Then none of that will matter and the show will go on without her. But I suspect that is plan B and not the desired outcome at this point.



eh, perhaps theresa will get relieved of duty in time to attend the public "funeral"

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I assume you guys know that most of the country hears "yada yada email complex bureaucratic BS yada yada" and their eyes glaze over and they JUST. DON'T. CARE. and figure it's mostly some detail and DT is blowing it up just as part of campaigning.


Seriously. Nearly everybody I know wants HC in the chair, thinks DT is literally the spawn of satan, and that he disrespects 'women and minorities' so it's got to be HC in the vote.


Which of course leads one to recalling that axiom about how people get the government they deserve.


Although I'm not sure we deserve either of them. I'd like to think our country deserves a real chance to escape the hamster wheel and DT (and previously Ron Paul 'sorta', and previously Ross Perot) might be a way to do it. But then there is that out of the frying pan into the fire thing. :-)



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I assume you guys know that most of the country hears "yada yada email complex bureaucratic BS yada yada" and their eyes glaze over and they JUST. DON'T. CARE. and figure it's mostly some detail and DT is blowing it up just as part of campaigning.


Seriously. Nearly everybody I know wants HC in the chair, thinks DT is literally the spawn of satan, and that he disrespects 'women and minorities' so it's got to be HC in the vote.


Which of course leads one to recalling that axiom about how people get the government they deserve.


Although I'm not sure we deserve either of them. I'd like to think our country deserves a real chance to escape the hamster wheel and DT (and previously Ron Paul 'sorta', and previously Ross Perot) might be a way to do it. But then there is that out of the frying pan into the fire thing. :-)



Ron Paul seems like he was controlled opposition he never stood a chance.

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This statement says more about the people you have social interactions with

than it says about the likely outcome of the election.


Yes -- except it's not social 'personally', so it's not actually local (Ozarks) -- it's social professionally -- basically a lot of meetings with people in our corporate offices in NY, MA, OH, TX, CA-SF for example.


I am usually the one 'out' in such social environs anyway -- they make 'flyover territory' jokes and so on, until I say (I try to let ice form on my voice before doing this, just to make the point :-)) "You know, *I* am in the midwest." and then everyone goes, "Oh but not you! You're cool!! And you're from California, so you know, it's probably different with you." (yeah, riiiiight :-)) (And yes. Why would people in OH have the bias norms of CA-SF/MA/NY? Who knows. Media influence??)


So it's a collection of people who work in functional roles or lower to mid-level management in a very large publishing company (textbooks, although my area of that world is university-level online edu). They're from around the country. And I seem to be the only one that actually has anything good to say about Trump -- so I don't say it, since they are all rabid and I don't want the bother or the results. But perhaps the edu setting still does filter the people, to some degree.


Strangely the people I know best, I have no idea of their vote -- maybe my best friend's, but we've never discussed it -- probably because the people I choose don't talk much about politics with me, on purpose. It's usually the people I know less, which means the ones I work with (as I'm not around people I don't choose to be outside of that!) that have such an evangelist bent they just have to tell me, over and over, how bad that man is.



Edited by redcairo
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Oh but where's the fun in that??


What is that Chinese curse -- "May you live in interesting times."


Watching one's entire nation plummet toward hell in a group handbasket can be very entertaining.


For a while.



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Three in Florida, Virginia charged with voter fraud.

Police arrest a person for loitering/electioneering around a polling place in Texas while others were arrested for tampering with votes. One person voted twice and was arrested. These are all felonies with sentences of at least two years.


Wonder how many of these were Republicans and totally loyal to Trump.


Like I said, it is illegal to loiter around polling stations.



Edited by ralis

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Tolerance, equality? Most violent of them all.

These are the people who preach love, equality etc beware

Every Communist/Marxist/"Progressive"/"Liberal" revolution has been the same worldwide

"Equality" = mass graves



"The Red Terror was a campaign of mass killings, torture, and systematic oppression conducted by the Bolsheviks after the beginning of the Russian Civil War in 1918."

Edited by Sionnach
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Yes -- except it's not social 'personally', so it's not actually local (Ozarks) -- it's social professionally -- basically a lot of meetings with people in our corporate offices in NY, MA, OH, TX, CA-SF for example.


I am usually the one 'out' in such social environs anyway -- they make 'flyover territory' jokes and so on, until I say (I try to let ice form on my voice before doing this, just to make the point :-)) "You know, *I* am in the midwest." and then everyone goes, "Oh but not you! You're cool!! And you're from California, so you know, it's probably different with you." (yeah, riiiiight :-)) (And yes. Why would people in OH have the bias norms of CA-SF/MA/NY? Who knows. Media influence??)


So it's a collection of people who work in functional roles or lower to mid-level management in a very large publishing company (textbooks, although my area of that world is university-level online edu). They're from around the country. And I seem to be the only one that actually has anything good to say about Trump -- so I don't say it, since they are all rabid and I don't want the bother or the results. But perhaps the edu setting still does filter the people, to some degree.


Strangely the people I know best, I have no idea of their vote -- maybe my best friend's, but we've never discussed it -- probably because the people I choose don't talk much about politics with me, on purpose. It's usually the people I know less, which means the ones I work with (as I'm not around people I don't choose to be outside of that!) that have such an evangelist bent they just have to tell me, over and over, how bad that man is.



This was also the case during Brexit. Generally those in public service jobs, or related to public service activity were staunchly anti-Brexit. When we broke it down, those who were doing well, had good public service pensions, nice houses and, what they believed was a cosmopolitan outlook-voted to remain. All the wealthy areas of the London bubble, those who considered themselves kind of bourgeoise, academic socialists (a sort of classism) thought Brexiteers were stupid, xenophobic, uneducated morons that shaved their heads, had dogs they named Killer and slept under the flag of St. George.


When I went out leafleting around the wealthy neighbourhoods of our own town-usually the self made company owners-I discovered they were very cagey about revealing that they were Brexiteers, often because it was seen as a shameful thing. They even lied to their children who had reached the age to vote- the young were very vocal about remaining as the Government had convinced them the old people were stealing their lives.


I have a couple of friends who are university and school heads. They were appalled to discover both myself and my wife were voting to leave. I was the only one in the street to display a leave poster and got no end of grief from the other residents-although one finally admitted, rather conspiratorially,that he was voting to leave.


I suggest that DT supporters will vote be in far greater numbers in the traditional democratic areas than appearances would suggest. Like remainers, generally I would expect Clinton supporters in those areas to be more vocal.

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I am definitely entertained. Is this one big show ? Well perhaps, but blimey heck it's a bloody good one. This is like EK actually did jump the Gran Canyon on his rocket bike, he just landed and the bike has gone out of control throwing its hapless rider into the air. Will he live, will he die ? It rivals the first moon landing, the breaking of the sound barrier and 9/11.


It would be hard to come up with a novel the rivals the sheer sexual deviancy, corruption, denial, subterfuge and possibly murder that is now connected to this broadening circle of putrefaction. I wouldn't be surprised if it landed on Obama next, he clearly was involved. We have an FBI agent who investigated Hillary who's wife ran as a senator for the democrats that looks like the funding came directly from Hillary Clinton herself. Even Clintons campaign manager is shocked at the depth of it.


Fantastic stuff. Another 11 days and I'm on the edge to watch each episode. Who will cave in, who's going to prison ?

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