Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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Gah! See, there you did it!


I don't even have to go to a mainstream news media channel for it.


So if someone presents that

a> The constitution is the law of the land.

b> One can make amendments when appropriate. We have a process for doing that.

c> It's inappropriate to do things that violate the constitution outright (without going through b>) just because someone thinks it's a good idea.

(because that is no respect for the constitution at all if anyone in a position of power can arbitrarily ignore it.)


You suggest it's a good idea because disease is horrific.


And someone presents that yes it's horrific (many illnesses are), but that's not relevant to the action needing to be legally within -- or following a proper amendment change for -- the constitution.




(West African lives matter! We are not irrelevant! omg)


I can't even mutter at my screen properly because I have a cold and I sound like Elmer Fudd trying to swear.




I was completely misunderstood regarding my comments. I was stating that virulent contagions must be stopped before the population at large becomes infected. It was Brian that brought in the legalities and not me. Further, If Ebola ever takes hold in this country, the consequences are possibly horrific.


If there were a vaccine for a common childhood disease back in the fifties when I was 6 years old, I would not have the disability I have today. In fact, this physical problem has limited me from a number of possibilities. I didn't include that in my PM to you.


I have no idea regarding some conspiracy regarding Obama signing some executive order. That was hearsay.

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Maybe it is just an overabundance of compassion and projective empathy, outweighing objective discussion with subjective concern. Which is a lovely state of heart but it becomes like that quip about young/old and heart/brain in politics. Politics is probably not the topic to discuss when one is feeling emotionally sensitive.  RC



I am not separate from subjective/objective and am quite capable of managing both simultaneously, although, both are just limited semantic arguments. Both concepts are flaws posited by Aristotelian logic and are not capable of mapping the infinite possibilities of existence.


Whatever 'I am', doesn't exist as a separate being, and has no boundary. That is the result of Dzogchen practice.


'Space' is the operative experience.

Edited by ralis

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OK, I get it, and I will not interfere by defending your intent again. Sorry.


Having a bad head cold is making things seem even more surreal at the moment.



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But now, i wonder what the American government will create as a fear (linking it to religious people), for:


clinton = they made Taliban

Bush = Al-Qaeda

Obama = ISIS

Trump= ???



They might go back to the Russians, like they did before

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Maybe Trump will make America? We seem to have lost it along the way.

If Soros purple revolution doesn't break Trump in the first few months. See what was done in Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Egypt. America has the beginnings of a new civil war.

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Yep, with great regret I must confess that America has ruined a lot of countries lately.  Unacceptable IMO.  We are supposed to be building friendships, not hatred.


Trump hasn't said too much about our wars yet.  I guess we'll have to wait to see what he tries to do about them.  There are many people who are making a lot of money from them. 

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Yep, with great regret I must confess that America has ruined a lot of countries lately. Unacceptable IMO. We are supposed to be building friendships, not hatred.


Trump hasn't said too much about our wars yet. I guess we'll have to wait to see what he tries to do about them. There are many people who are making a lot of money from them.

The worst war is being waged against your own people. It is like the decay of a tooth from the inside. Eventually the enamel will be breached and the decay will become evident. There will be no way to save the tooth, it will need extraction.


In the UK Chairman May has recently enacted the 'snoopers charter' under the radar during Brexit. As I have said previously, Brexit is really the plan of the British James Bond types (MI5, MI6) who are seeing their powers eroded by the EU as it seeks a common intelligence network. The snoopers charter is the most far reaching piece of Orwellian statist legislation ever conceived. It destroys privacy, it effectively destroys the right of minorities to free speech and hence free thought. All human progress is by radical elements which are inevitably minorities. I fear we have just destroyed our means of survival.

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The worst war is being waged against your own people. It is like the decay of a tooth from the inside. Eventually the enamel will be breached and the decay will become evident. There will be no way to save the tooth, it will need extraction.


In the UK Chairman May has recently enacted the 'snoopers charter' under the radar during Brexit. As I have said previously, Brexit is really the plan of the British James Bond types (MI5, MI6) who are seeing their powers eroded by the EU as it seeks a common intelligence network. The snoopers charter is the most far reaching piece of Orwellian statist legislation ever conceived. It destroys privacy, it effectively destroys the right of minorities to free speech and hence free thought. All human progress is by radical elements which are inevitably minorities. I fear we have just destroyed our means of survival.


I haven't been keeping up with Brexit sentiment on TDB for a while. My recollection is that you were very pro-Brexit. You're now saying it's all been a plot by MI5??

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Trump hasn't said too much about our wars yet.  I guess we'll have to wait to see what he tries to do about them.  There are many people who are making a lot of money from them. 


Well he won't be in office for two months. And he won't have all the information he needs until then probably. And this is way bigger than merely a president. I think if he had his way we'd not be at war mostly so we could use that money at home because it's not the US Gov't that is making that money, it is a few uber-giant contractor corporations and worse they're making it over-there so we don't even see taxes from it. But war is a simply gigantic momentum and I'm not sure how much power he is going to have related to it in most cases. To some degree I think if he took that issue on he'd spend all his time on that one and have no time to address the many critical things on the home front. So I'm suspicious that he might be prone to just not try to 'intervene to change' anything on that front -- alleged experts are already running things -- while he focuses on the home front first.


So far I'm already seeing tons of articles basically lambasting him for every possible thing he is not even in office to do yet. If he seems to be consistent then he's bad because he is not changing his mind from his campaign 'rhetoric.' If he seems a little more compromising in some comment, then he 'has already abandoned his vows and we should expect more lying.' If he hasn't said anything about something because for godssakes, a> he hasn't had time, and b> he is not even in the chair yet, then he is 'already ignoring' important issues. Pretty much no matter what he says or does about anything, ever, there's already a label and insult for his response no matter what it is, and even if he doesn't even have one.


I'm thinking, do all these people seek to undermine any new manager or CEO who comes into their business, too? Is the concept of "the map above me changed, support the chain of command" too difficult for people of today?



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MSM busted again! Pathetic!

Btw, bad acting, dude...


Just fyi, that guy was actually interviewing about the violence and being against it. Then he went off about the EC. Then a guy on the news mentioned on audio the fellow interviewed had worked as a cameraman with him in the past. I know that makes it look like the 'person on the street upset' was in fact a plant from the news station (and such things are easy to believe in today's news M.O.) but I think he was being interviewed mostly because they knew him and he was a witness to the violence and a good person to interview as a result. That he ended up going on -- and that the 'recognition' on the air of him happened -- made it seem like a concocted situation it probably wasn't.


Since CNN has very clearly been trying to incite and maintain violence and hysteria, at this point it's easy to believe anything though.



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The worst war is being waged against your own people. It is like the decay of a tooth from the inside. Eventually the enamel will be breached and the decay will become evident. There will be no way to save the tooth, it will need extraction.


I know.  But far too many Americans don't understand this or maybe just don't care because they think it won't effect them


In the UK Chairman May has recently enacted the 'snoopers charter' under the radar during Brexit. As I have said previously, Brexit is really the plan of the British James Bond types (MI5, MI6) who are seeing their powers eroded by the EU as it seeks a common intelligence network. The snoopers charter is the most far reaching piece of Orwellian statist legislation ever conceived. It destroys privacy, it effectively destroys the right of minorities to free speech and hence free thought. All human progress is by radical elements which are inevitably minorities. I fear we have just destroyed our means of survival.


I think you folks are a little ahead of the US in that regard.  But Obama sure did strengthen our Patriot Act.  We wouldn't need a Patriot Act if we didn't stop making so many enemies.


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I haven't been keeping up with Brexit sentiment on TDB for a while. My recollection is that you were very pro-Brexit. You're now saying it's all been a plot by MI5??

Always was, I knew that from the beginning. If it hasn't been, then we couldn't have achieved Brexit. I made several posts, not sure about here, but on other platforms warning about the story of two wolves fighting over a lamb.


The way to achieve freedom is serpentine and circuitous. It's not possible to achieve things by wishing it so. A large mass can be moved in a direction only by starting it moving. The work is slow and full of snags, shifts and unintended consequences, but that's the nature of all change, sometimes it can run over your toes.

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The worst war is being waged against your own people. It is like the decay of a tooth from the inside. Eventually the enamel will be breached and the decay will become evident. There will be no way to save the tooth, it will need extraction.


I know. But far too many Americans don't understand this or maybe just don't care because they think it won't effect them


In the UK Chairman May has recently enacted the 'snoopers charter' under the radar during Brexit. As I have said previously, Brexit is really the plan of the British James Bond types (MI5, MI6) who are seeing their powers eroded by the EU as it seeks a common intelligence network. The snoopers charter is the most far reaching piece of Orwellian statist legislation ever conceived. It destroys privacy, it effectively destroys the right of minorities to free speech and hence free thought. All human progress is by radical elements which are inevitably minorities. I fear we have just destroyed our means of survival.


I think you folks are a little ahead of the US in that regard. But Obama sure did strengthen our Patriot Act. We wouldn't need a Patriot Act if we didn't stop making so many enemies.


The enemies have become the US population, the backlash in all empires is that the collapse brings the military back onto the population.


Like everywhere, some people are happy. Many will say 'nothing to hide, no need to be afraid' but that's because they lack the intelligence to see the broad picture. It's only when things start going wrong-as we have seen with the Trump vote-that they begin to stir.

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I haven't yet seen any indications that our military will become a political force.  I really hope in never happens even if they did things I would approve of.  I would view that as the beginning of the slide down with no way to stop the fall.


But I agree, it are we, the people, who are at fault.  But most still want to put all the blame on the government.  What?  Me take responsibility for my actions?  Hell no!  The government made me do it.

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I haven't yet seen any indications that our military will become a political force. I really hope in never happens even if they did things I would approve of. I would view that as the beginning of the slide down with no way to stop the fall.


But I agree, it are we, the people, who are at fault. But most still want to put all the blame on the government. What? Me take responsibility for my actions? Hell no! The government made me do it.

It's the intelligence community and not the grunts. It is the NSA, DHS and parts of the pentagon. The US already has hundreds of thousands of trigger happy, low intelligence ex military operating in the police force. They have gone from peace officers to 'law enforcement' and come equipped with all the military hardware and dress of an occupying force. They have been re-employed as an army on home turf.


The people need to be educated to think. That's not going to be easy, but then nothing worthwhile is ever easy. So, begin, take the first step, don't look back. I would encourage everyone to think, that's all.

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I don't want to go there. I've never been voyuristic in the sense of accidental violent death, murder other kinds of sordid behaviours, it makes me feel very uncomfortable. People become detectives to handle this sort of sick perversion and I'm glad they do it because I couldn't. I don't even watch thrillers/horror if they contain any elements of sadistc violence so the real thing is something to be avoided. I hope none of it is true.

Edited by Karl

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pizzagate infographic (its like a 3mb file)


look at this shady web








Thank you for sharing this. I'd say that I hope the FBI has been tipped off to this, but I'm not sure it'd do any good.


edit: I've submitted these links as a tip to the FBI in the very rare case that no one else thought to.


another link: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5bpa7c/breaking_from_the_anon_who_brought_you_the_laura/

Edited by Aetherous

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