Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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As Trump himself said that he didn't need the crap that comes along with threatening the status quo, but he knew he would get it. He would have no doubts about the information they would have on him and that they would use it. He had no immunity as Hillary does, no protection from Clinton media.


Anyway, the Trump/Clinton thing is over now these emails have emerged. I said before that it didn't matter whether Trump wins or loses, he has won. Things will never be the same again.



These are real trials and not some BS you are posting here.

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Straight out of Alinsky.


(Yeah, ralis will likely howl with injury but Alinsky was Hillary's mentor (before an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK became her mentor decades later...))

Hell hath no fury like a defeated liberal :-) just like lefty metropolitan macchiato drinkers went mental when they realised they had lost the EU referendum. 6 months later that remain in denial. Our referendum has nothing like the intrigue an immensity of what's going on in the USA. I like to think I was a part of it as a leave campaigner. The fire caught in the USA and it's coming to France, Germany and Italy next.

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These are real trials and not some BS you are posting here.

So what ? There have been numerous Kangaroo trials to derail a candidate prior to an election. Hitlers hanging judge conducted hundreds of them.


I doubt Trump is guilty of anything at all bar a bit of shady dealing connected with Clinton and Co. It will probably end up being added to the pyre that they will light under the Clintons in due course. We already know that Bill is a violent rapist and Hillary is his moll. Now we have the paedophile Weiner swimming in the same water. If those emails were kept as 'life insurance' then what emerges have a great likelihood of producing other startling things.


I don't know why you are still defending Hillary by deflecting to Trump ? You refuse to put the spotlight on someone who is clearly guilty and is a remorseless liar. I don't get it Ralis. By all means talk about Trump, but it is no longer relevant at this point.

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Just another deflection away from Trump's alleged crimes which he is going to trial for and that is a fact. Prove he is a pederast.

Trump is no longer important. Win or lose it makes no difference. It's like a giant comet hit the Earth and you are still prattling on about who won the Super bowl.

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Trump is no longer important. Win or lose it makes no difference. It's like a giant comet hit the Earth and you are still prattling on about who won the Super bowl.

It is just the dying death scream of angry white man. Once the baby boomers are gone you will see a Bernie Sanders type in the white house.

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It is just the dying death scream of angry white man. Once the baby boomers are gone you will see a Bernie Sanders type in the white house.

Doubt it, that's the dream of the Corbynites. A tiny group of vocal and often violent people who have more in common with the national front fascists than soft liberals.


I imagine the USA is headed towards a collapse and likely civil unrest on a wide scale. What comes out of it I hope is far better than what went before. With luck you will find your constitution and start laissez faire capitalism going.

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 A tiny group of vocal and often violent people 

other than the governor of north dakota it is hard for me to imagine anyone who vocalizes violence more than you karl

Edited by zerostao
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Doubt it, that's the dream of the Corbynites. A tiny group of vocal and often violent people who have more in common with the national front fascists than soft liberals.


I imagine the USA is headed towards a collapse and likely civil unrest on a wide scale. What comes out of it I hope is far better than what went before. With luck you will find your constitution and start laissez faire capitalism going.

A storm is coming which has been brewing for over a century.
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other than the governor of north dakota it is hard for me to imagine anyone who vocalizes violence more than you karl

Vocalises violence ? -I hope so, that way I avoid using a club on my fellow man. These young lefties are acting violently. Some are clearly disappointed when something doesn't 'kick off'.


If I want to use colourful language to get my point across, then I will. Do you require a 'safe space' little snowflake ?

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idk, maybe, but it seems a toss up to me

"We were liberated from the foe, that's all..."


The bomb-throwers rang in a great war not too long ago which only wound down because of soldiers in Kansas who burned some dead cows before getting on a ship. I'd not count on being so "lucky" the next time.

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Vocalises violence ? -I hope so, that way I avoid using a club on my fellow man. These young lefties are acting violently. Some are clearly disappointed when something doesn't 'kick off'.


If I want to use colourful language to get my point across, then I will. Do you require a 'safe space' little snowflake ?

you can be as colorful as you like, you have problems with young people that has been obvious all along in your vocalizing of violence since your arrival on TDB. safe space? one thing about your posting that i do recognize is that it is filled with humor. i chuckle at your posts more than you might realize. and if i want to point out your violent content of language i will

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you can be as colorful as you like, you have problems with young people that has been obvious all along in your vocalizing of violence since your arrival on TDB. safe space? one thing about your posting that i do recognize is that it is filled with humor. i chuckle at your posts more than you might realize. and if i want to point out your violent content of language i will

I have problems with irrational morons, be they old, young, or in-between. I'm unbiased. Ive not tried to stop you pointing out my 'violent' language, as pointless as that actually is. Have you tried counting sheep or playing I spy ?

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I have problems with irrational morons, be they old, young, or in-between. I'm unbiased. Ive not tried to stop you pointing out my 'violent' language, as pointless as that actually is. Have you tried counting sheep or playing I spy ?

i think you just can't come to grips with "irrationality" in its many forms. it is beyond you to grasp it, it seems. have you tried cultivation? it could help you find your center.

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Just realized my link didn't work properly (stupid smartphone...) It was supposed to take you to a gallery of images, which you can still access by clicking the link and then clicking the "Images" tab. Images like this:



ah, that makes more sense. is this currently going on?

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ah, that makes more sense. is this currently going on?

That one happened to be "Occupy Oakland" a couple years ago. This one was outside a Trump rally a few months ago (which we now know was orchestrated):



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i think you just can't come to grips with "irrationality" in its many forms. it is beyond you to grasp it, it seems. have you tried cultivation? it could help you find your center.

Nah, prefer it my way.

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That one happened to be "Occupy Oakland" a couple years ago. This one was outside a Trump rally a few months ago (which we now know was orchestrated):



whew, i dont have to make a run to the store then, actually i am really stocked up on about everything i need

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whew, i dont have to make a run to the store then, actually i am really stocked up on about everything i need

Smart man.

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whew, i dont have to make a run to the store then, actually i am really stocked up on about everything i need

BTW, it started with torches and swords in 1860... Edited by Brian

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BTW, it was torches and swords in 1860...

i've upgraded on some things and back to karl's question of if i require a safe place, not sure i require it but yeah, as far as places go it's fairly safe, relatively speaking anyways

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