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How Do You Make Some One Your 'Friend' Here?

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Dear Dao Friends,


  How do you make another member your "friend" on this list?


Could someone explain that to me please?


In simple terms, if possible.


I tried to make another member my 'friend' but I could find no way to do it.


Thank you in advance for helping me understand this process.   


Keep on Daoing,  Differently Abled Daoist







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Hi Diff,


Find the member you wish to befreind, either in a post or the "members" list or wherever;


click on the members name;


on that screen you will see a button "Add me as a friend";


click that button and if that member has set their options to automatically accept all friend requests you will immediately become that member's friend.


If friends requests is set to manual it may take a day or two before the member accepts the request.

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Dear Marblehead,  Thanks a lot for your input/help here. The member that I'd like to 'friend' has NO 'add me as friend' button on their profile/name.


I tried and failed, but at least I tried. By the way, I'm 64 (65 on November the 1st, 2016) and I STILL love "short skirts and bikini's"  lol!


Thanks again, Differently Abled Daoist

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