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Starting qigong...again

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Hello all,


I found myself in a funk lately and had abandoned my qigong practice, among other things. Yesterday I started practicing my qigong form again, and it felt great. I felt happy, charged, and full of vitality -- something that was missing this last month. Just a reminder that no matter what life throws at you, it's always important to pick up the pieces and start over again. And in that reconnection, I realized that some of the pieces were there waiting for me, right where I left them.

Edited by Rakiel
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Yay you!


Right on, it's always a good thing to reconnect and rediscover those goodies!

I can relate , all summer's been spent with significant parts of my head up my behind and two weeks ago i finally got back into doing a rotation of my basics and then some. Now im studying twice a day, feel pretty darn good too!


Sorry for hijackimg, just gearing up yo say YAY US :D

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Sometimes life can throw obstacles in our path. It's important to remember that Qigong is easy, you can even do it while your on the shitter or in the shower. 

Edited by OldChi
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Went shopping at the thrift store today and while i was waiting in line and doing my internal purification practices....i thought of this thread. Take your practices everywhere you go, that's how you gotta roll. 

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