
Kunlun Nei Gung "100 Days" Support Thread

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Gee I go on Holidays for a week and it takes 37min to catch up just one thread :) It was a very fun holiday with Deanne (the other half) where we learnt to Sucba dive. So I've had to restart my counting! Also while I still found 30~45 min to do my kungfu practice I've dropped everything else including Kunlun.


I'd like to be included because while I do have a partner :-

To clarify: you can have as much sex as you want during the 100 days, just don't lose your essence. Retain or refrain, whatever works.


I would like for this thread to be a place for practitioners to discuss there own first 100 days Kunlun practice.


So count me in if that's o.k. (asking to be included in a general forum hahaha)


My current 100 days practice problem.


While I enjoy kunlun I'm finding it hard to get 1 hour (even 20 /20) a day and constant everyday practice.


Kung Fu practice is the most important thing in my life so it comes first. I enjoy Tai Chi a lot and try to do it at least once a day. We stop our classes Dec and Jan and this is the time I usually step up the aerobic exercise and try to drop a few kg's. Do a bit of running / swiming etc.


I dropped T5T to do kunlun, but I really like what T5T does to my body and I'd like to put some combat contitioning royal court back into my workouts, which is really pressing my time.


I'm not too concerned, it took me 8 months before my kung fu practice became an everyday thing but any help / suggestions appricated.....

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Obviously no one needs permission, I just wanted to change the overall tone of this thread.


I would like this thread to be a vault of experience where people can look back six months from now and say "cool, look how far I have come" or Kunlun noobs can go to to add whatever they want.


Also, keep in mind Max does say keep high experiences to yourself. For example, I shared a couple experiences I had with the board. I think in my case it was warrented since everything was so new.


But if you experience any really far out stuff use discretion. Might be better to keep some things private.



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I love bunny Cam, he is so fluffy. And he figured out how to embed Youtube! :D


Just when I started questioning why I come to this site. Nice Sean


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BLASPHEMY!!! You cant give up Kunlun, your not allowed CAMERON needs suporters! :D

Sarcasm and passive aggression. Two of my least favorite qualities.



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I love bunny Cam, he is so fluffy. And he figured out how to embed Youtube! :D






And will need to learn to accept things as they are just like Adya told us last year.


I love Webmaster Sean too.

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Hey sean,


Adya is coming to Phoenix next year!!


So if Max doesn't motivate you to visit hopefully Adya will.




ps. He is also doing an intensive in Philadelphia next year so you might want to time that with visiting fam.

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In the spirit of oneness and to help set the tone for a more positive discourse for those of enjoying our Kunlun practice.


And to excercise my newfound embed abilities(NOT attributed to Kunlun)



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mal, if you have a partner that doesn't think you're crazy already, try talking to her about maithuna. having sex without orgasms is great - you mustn't indulge in the sensations though. very tricky to word, i suggest watching "sex - the secret gate to eden." you can find the entire movie on youtube.

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mal, if you have a partner that doesn't think you're crazy already, try talking to her about maithuna. having sex without orgasms is great.


Oh she knows I'm crazy :D and she still likes me !!! and is willing to try "weird" stuff like this.


We have been trying "maithuna" this year, mostly based on Dr Lyn's methods and predominantly to "last" for as long as we both want. Lots of practice required :) but it is fun and we have had some great experiences.


Actually Chris suggested that we try the partner exercise in the Kunlun book, we have both read through that and will be trying it out when the time is right, just taking things nice and slowly.

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I had written a negative post here but have decided to delete it in order to set a better example for the younger generation of Tao seekers.

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Would you just look at this gator in Matt Furey's back yard.


Pretty freakin' good looking gator!


And here is Matt with some incredibly fine woman in China.





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And here is Matt with some incredibly fine woman in China.


I knew combat conditioning was usefull :D

But I don't think that pic is going to help with the 100 days .......

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Who is this actress?


Leighton Meester or something.


Pretty fine woman right here.


Ok..back to 100 days focus.



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Here is Matt with another incredibly fine woman and a Tibetan monk.






Some more Leighton. Ok, pure 100% focus on 100 days here on out.



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Oh, she is just ridiculously cool. I am just going to show this clip to any future girlfriends and ask "Can you be like her?"


Am kidding of course every woman is beautiful in a unique,special way.


100 days!




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Seven days in 100 days report.


I think my decision to do 100 days will end up being a very good one.


I quickly went over some of the feedback I have gotten so far.


IMO, most people who have given negatative feedback on here lack wisdom.


Some things I noticed the first week.


A subtle, but growing appreciation for woman. It feels like with the sex mind control mechanism "out of the way" I can talk to woman and enjoy conversations on a more human level. I feel like I am growing more aware and the energy in continuing to increase.


The Kunlun practice I think is an essential ingredient of course. I don't think I would have any hope doing 100 days without having learned Kunlun.


I also think if you are going to do 100 days doing it in the winter is a good idea. My guess is attempting 100 days in summer when woman are wearing less clothing would make an already challenging goal more challenging.


So, I have along way to go. Will check in once a week with a report and post any clips I find that add a sense of humor and lighthearted vibe to this endeavor.



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