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The proof of infidelity probability theory

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The proof of infidelity probability theory I mean the theory of probability accepted in science. So, I came up with a chess problem at a1 is the white king on h8 white horse on a8 black king. They move using rendoma. What should be the average number of moves to the white king ate a horse? According to the theory of probability response infinite number of moves. Now consider the same task with a slightly different wording on a1 is, the white king on h8 white horse on a8 black king. They move using rendoma. What should be the average number of moves (statistically significant), the king ate a horse? Obviously, the answer is a specific figure. But this can not be, because if the possible likelihood of an infinite number of moves, it is impossible to calculate anything at all, because we are talking about infinity. Q.E.D. If we try to find out in practice, the responsibility also can not say anything exactly and calculate the average probability, because you can always say that the resulting number of moves does not fit within the boundaries of a statistically significant moves. We are talking about the fact that it is impossible to say anything about the probability in this case, since it is impossible to predict what might be the number of moves in practice. This implies that the probability theory is incorrect.

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Proof of Infidelity Probability Theory (PoIPT) is such a cool name I hate to see it wasted on 2 kings and a knight.  To make it sexier you need to bring some queens on board, then its not just a theory, its a drama.   

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If the white king ate a horse , he's not going anywhere anytime soon.

"I'm as Hungry as a horse a could eat a horse"

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