
The Overton Window: 56 years of Manipulation

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Lets take a look at the Overton Window.

This is how what has been socially acceptable has changed deliberately.

I do not play this game, nor do I suggest people do so.  This post exists merely for education only and active discussion as to how people feel about it.


Edited by TheWhiteRabbit
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That could be construed in several ways:


"Thinking freely" is not "freedom to think".


There are things we can change and things we cannot. There are moral boundaries, certainly not necessarily societal moral boundaries, but none the less there is moral and immoral action based on reality.


I'm suggesting that this video is promoting whim.

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Was distracted by the giant gold bling rings, count them three, on that man's hands lol


I think I missed the point of that video, or rather, it was so obvious it seems odd that anybody would need to make a video to make the point, perhaps.


Nothing personal OP, thanks for sharing :-)



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The point made is that society norms were changed using these techniques.


I may further suggest that reasons why a person may not want to draw attention to this is due to the nature of the manipulation.

That is, the people wishing to impose their views on society are challenged.  Because people who seek to manipulate do not wish to be accountable, because the reasons for doing so are selfish.  Thus, they have no regard for the result whatever it may be upon society whether it may be good or bad.


That is why it is very important, because it challenges how society has been manipulated.

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