What do you use to help with your practice?  Anything unusual?   For me, its the shower; in two ways.  First I take cold showers aka Wim Hof.  It's not just that it improves will power, wakefulness and immune system.  They are also a stark reminder not to let pleasure/comfort rule me.  It gives me a chance to choose how I accept cold water, how I interpret what is just a sensation then see how my interpretation (or clear mind) creates my mental, emotional and physical states.     After I turn off the water I stay in the shower.  By design they are unique echo chambers.   Chanting I get resonance unlike anywhere else.  Most cultures have kotodama- sacred sounds.  I know a few practices from Shinto, yogic, kabalic, Hermetic; practicing in the shower increases there power.    This deeper resonance has power even for normal songs (Opera probably quite intense).  Long vowels effect the body in certain locations.  I like Rawn Clarks YHVH Hermetic practice because its a chant that has imagery that gets inside the body, then circles around, then alternates inside then outside the body.   And it has interesting levels.     So that's my unconventional practice tool.  The shower.  What is yours?