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The Human Race

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One race, the human race.  Isn't it time?


What if you lived every day not seeing people for their skin color and just for their qualities?

It seems the more people focus on race the more things get muddled and angry.

Am I right or wrong here?

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One race, the human race. Isn't it time?


What if you lived every day not seeing people for their skin color and just for their qualities?

It seems the more people focus on race the more things get muddled and angry.

Am I right or wrong here?

See everyone as an individual and not a collective. Judge and prepared to be judged. Everyone equal under an objective law.

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eh, it kind of tiring judging and judging and judging.  Unless someone gets in your face, it's cool. 

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eh, it kind of tiring judging and judging and judging. Unless someone gets in your face, it's cool.

Then perhaps you don't understand what is meant by judging. You just made a judgement that it was 'tiring', but in actual fact we do so millions of times everyday.


Judge people by their actions and be judged by yours. When people are disinclined to judge individual actions then they are asking for their own actions to be ignored. That's a dangerous precedent and the results of this kind of moral evasion are the cause of the worst atrocities in history. Some people find excuses for people actions and so find excuses for their own actions. This is the blame culture which has grown so strong that moral relativism threatens human survival because it destroys the need for self responsibility and moral action.

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Talking of judging, I caught the end of a program on black people. A comedian called Lenny Henry was talking about his mother beating him endlessly. He said that he wondered if his mother beat him because of her rejection in white Britain. Instantly he was blaming the white people for his beatings, instead of putting the blame where it should have gone-his mother had no excuse for beating her own child no matter how racist people were to her.

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eh, it kind of tiring judging and judging and judging.  Unless someone gets in your face, it's cool. 


I agree.  When it became okay for people to get in my face about ideas... That is when I realized it was not okay.

I spend lots of time freely speaking to people about the importance of:

o   Understanding what personal boundaries are and why it is not okay to violate them or let others do so.

o   Connection between confusion of the self which leads to unhappiness and codependent relationships.

o   How unhealthy it is to violate other people's boundaries or let other people do that.


I suppose I could go into depth more, but I tend to do it for free because no one seems to want to buy rational thought anymore.  It became very depressing... But before I go off in a different direction I just have to say that shoving something in their face or jamming them with ........ <unicorns or insert ugly idea here> or <"u gotta lissen 2 me"> is not nice.

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One race, the human race.  Isn't it time?


What if you lived every day not seeing people for their skin color and just for their qualities?

It seems the more people focus on race the more things get muddled and angry.

Am I right or wrong here?


Right . 


It so confused here .....  just forget it, is my advice.     officially, used to be, if you are 1/8th Aboriginal, you Aboriginal.  Yet, one time, old 'Uncle' ;   "See Biily there, he's is whiter than you, but he has more Aboriginal blood than me, and I am blacker than him."  Then they tell me I am Aboriginal !   And that it has nothing to do with color , its attitude mind and spirit .  


I like the most modern expression;   '  .... Bunjalung descendant  .....    Gamilaroy descendant  ... etc .  With some here, they get a little disappointed that they have no indigenous blood, so some of the indigenous will 'adopt' them. 


But there is this  .... 'other element '   ....  not sure what to do about them ?   At least  the indigenous now have Muslims and Asians to deflect and receive some of the prejudice away from them. 

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Then perhaps you don't understand what is meant by judging. You just made a judgement that it was 'tiring', but in actual fact we do so millions of times everyday.


Judge people by their actions and be judged by yours. When people are disinclined to judge individual actions then they are asking for their own actions to be ignored. That's a dangerous precedent and the results of this kind of moral evasion are the cause of the worst atrocities in history. Some people find excuses for people actions and so find excuses for their own actions. This is the blame culture which has grown so strong that moral relativism threatens human survival because it destroys the need for self responsibility and moral action.

millions of times a day.   huhh.. that seems much.  Unless you're some kind of autobot with a list of strict rules that your running constantly.  I don't see millions of people, I only interact with a dozen or two a day.  I don't need to judge all of them, I don't want a rule that says people who dress this way must think this, or people with hair like that must believe that. 


I.. intuit, maybe that's judging, but even then, shut the damn thing off until I need it, or it pokes through consciousness.


Will atrocities happen if I don't judge millions of people each day.  Probably not.  Will I become a murderer, a thief, a brigand if I don't judge all I see??   No.  addon> Plus I made my mind long ago on murder, rape, theft non-gratuitous nudity,  I'm against it.  In most cases I don't waste mind time judging if its suddenly okay, and in the few cases I might, I find I have absolutely no power. 


This is a zen site, dao bums.. zen bums.. whaterver.  For me Zen is a reminder, I can drop the cultural conditioning, return to a natural state, live with te, strive for harmony and drop the judging mind. 


Karl, try it.  Drop your judging mind, especially if its working a million times a day.  Go a week without judging people.  Maybe you'll find yourself  lighter and happier.   No atrocities done or created because of it. 


addon> As I've gotten older and dropped prejudices, I find I'm happy with 'I don't know'.  See guy with tattoo riding a Harley, is  that good.. bad.. I don't know.  Young woman in low cut dress, should I be morally indignant and judge her a harlot?  I don't know.. not my place.   ISIS kills 30 people?  That's a no brainer, against.  Person gets in my face or expresses hate language, that bugs me.  Maybe it shouldn't but then I tend to push back. 

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millions of times a day. huhh.. that seems much. Unless you're some kind of autobot with a list of strict rules that your running constantly. I don't see millions of people, I only interact with a dozen or two a day. I don't need to judge all of them, I don't want a rule that says people who dress this way must think this, or people with hair like that must believe that.


I.. intuit, maybe that's judging, but even then, shut the damn thing off until I need it, or it pokes through consciousness.


Will atrocities happen if I don't judge millions of people each day. Probably not. Will I become a murderer, a thief, a brigand if I don't judge all I see?? No.


This is a zen site, dao bums.. zen bums.. whaterver. For me Zen is a reminder, I can drop the cultural conditioning, return to a natural state, live with te, strive for harmony and drop the judging mind.


Karl, try it. Drop your judging mind, especially if its working a million times a day. Go a week without judging people. Maybe you'll find yourself lighter and happier. No atrocities done or created because of it.

You make most judgements almost automatically. Our entire lives are spent in judging what we should do and say. Should we get out of bed or spend a few more minutes snoozing, should we wear that shirt with that tie, it's endless.


We judge people in the first 20 seconds of meeting them whether we want to or not, we have to decide if the people we meet are sane, rational, or likely to harm us in some way.


You are judging me right now whilst denying that this is what you are doing. I'm suggesting that this obsession with pretending we do not judge is deceitful, it is a mental evasion and a lie that we tell ourselves. We tell this lie because we don't want to be judged, we prefer people to like us and agree with us. The problem is that this blind eye evasion, this lie is a useful cover for our own immoral behaviour. It produces excuses for bad actions and once you adopt this laissez faire attitude then that is all that is required for evil to flourish.


This lying to oneself is harmful to our consciousness, just because we think no one knows of our self deception and justification we think it is inert, but it isnt, it's much more harmful than we realise. We cannot see the damage but we feel it through our emotions and often on a physical level with illness. We can evade, but we cannot avoid the damage caused by that evasion.


I'm suggesting that honesty really is the best policy, that integrity (the correct integration of thought, speech and action through sound reasoning and honest judgement) lead to the most peaceful and positive outcomes. That we should take pride in our selves for always reasoning objectively and independently. That positive outcomes come from moral pride which self reinforces our confidence and creativity. We are more just, more loving and happier when we are sure of ourselves as independent moral operators that reject any evasion of thought and apply light to any ignorance that prevents our having total integrity of character.


You are free to choose that path, it is the hardest, but for me it is the only path and I will not compromise my integrity by straying one hairs breadth from it.

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