
Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

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Yesterday, Obama commuted the 35-year sentence of Chelsea (nee Bradley) Manning, who pled guilty to stealing and releasing to WikiLeaks hundreds of thousands of classified documents.

Something good Obama has done for once.

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Something good Obama has done for once.

I'm curious about how you imagine the Commander-in-Chief, days before leaving office, condoning, empowering and encouraging treason and espionage by members of the armed services to be "something good." How do you rationalize this in juxtaposition to Obama's words and actions related to Podesta's E-mail? Why do you think Obama commuted Bradley/Chelsea's sentence but didn't pardon Snowden?


The ripples from this decision are quite extensive.

Edited by Brian

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When you get to the point that sedition is a JOB a country really has a problem.




I was wondering if anyone else knew this is what is going on. Sedition:


You may also add fomenting insurrection as well.


Both are prosecutable crimes the last I looked, it would please me to see certain individuals prosecuted after they have left office, it would be justice.


So long as the elected officials and former elected officials are permitted to live under a different set of laws than the populace then what we have is a monarchy not a Representative Republic.


One more day and we'll be through !!!!  I'll be glad and so will you !!!!! :D

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I'm curious about how you imagine the Commander-in-Chief, days before leaving office, condoning, empowering and encouraging treason and espionage by members of the armed services to be "something good." How do you rationalize this in juxtaposition to Obama's words and actions related to Podesta's E-mail? Why do you think Obama commuted Bradley/Chelsea's sentence but didn't pardon Snowden?


The ripples from this decision are quite extensive.

Snowden is topic B Manning is topic A so I will stay with that. The sentence was the longest ever for not sharing with a foreign country. Manning shared with the US citizens and not a foreign power. 7 years is long enough IMO.


On topic B Snowden. I think Snowden should be pardoned/freed etc. Obama should man up the people of the USA deserve to know just how corrupt our government is.

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I was wondering if anyone else knew this is what is going on. Sedition:


You may also add fomenting insurrection as well.


Both are prosecutable crimes the last I looked, it would please me to see certain individuals prosecuted after they have left office, it would be justice.


So long as the elected officials and former elected officials are permitted to live under a different set of laws than the populace then what we have is a monarchy not a Representative Republic.


One more day and we'll be through !!!!  I'll be glad and so will you !!!!! :D

Same in Germany. Sedition (Volksverhetzung) is a crime, yet governments and the media are doing it every day en masse.

And generally, yeah, as Trey Gowdy pointed out, the laws we have are quite good, if only we would actually enforce them for everybody.

But too many people are active and zealous supporters of fascism and corruption, deliberately shielding themselves from the apparent reality.

A government always reflects the collective will of the People.

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Here's a thought. When Obama was first elected, I was a Sophomore in High School; When George W. Bush was elected, I was in second grade (or somewhere near there); When Clinton was elected, I was nearing one year old.


When Clinton was not elected, many adults were nearing one year old.

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Shouldn't have cared about your link to Washington Times there. They got fooled, like it happens regularly with the MSM. Check the article again.

Ads in two dozen cities offer protesters up to $2,500 to agitate at Trump inaugural

It's also easy to pull off such pranks though because in the current situation any batshit-crazy thing has a high likeliness of being true.

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Shouldn't have cared about your link to Washington Times there. They got fooled, like it happens regularly with the MSM. Check the article again.

Ads in two dozen cities offer protesters up to $2,500 to agitate at Trump inaugural

It's also easy to pull off such pranks though because in the current situation any batshit-crazy thing has a high likeliness of being true.



I love it! I should have dug a little deeper.

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Shouldn't have cared about your link to Washington Times there. They got fooled, like it happens regularly with the MSM. Check the article again.

Ads in two dozen cities offer protesters up to $2,500 to agitate at Trump inaugural


It's also easy to pull off such pranks though because in the current situation any batshit-crazy thing has a high likeliness of being true.

Turns out this is fake.

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I should specify the link has fake information not you. Too hasty a reply my apologies. :)

No I mean I said the story is fake and then you said the story is fake as if I didn't already say exactly that.

Edited by Owledge

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I should specify the link has fake information not you. Too hasty a reply my apologies. :)

Actually, Owledge's post contained a link to the updated story which revealed that the ads were real but they were not legitimate, if you follow me. For reasons unclear, someone really did run those ads but it seems to have been some sort of publicity stunt or diversionary tactic or performance art or outright insanity -- rather than a genuine effort to recruit paid protestors/rioters as Podesta's e-mails revealed had been done during the election.

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"...congressional investigators claim the Obama Administration funneled billions of dollars to left-wing activist groups—such as the National Council of La Raza, National Urban League and National Community Reinvestment Coalition—through a slush fund scheme of the Department of Justice."

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I get that some current events may re-focus our attitude about Obama but I think this thread is about his actual time as president and policy stuff.


If you want to explore another issue about Obama that arises post-President, let's try another topic. 

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As long at the theater with bad actors on both sides is fueled by partisans, improvement of the situation cannot be expected.

Quite often I wonder just how high-up this has been set up, because one could get the impression that both sides are ultimately helping each others' cause. The DNC helped Trump win and now he's their useful boogeyman while the press is doing what they can to become a target of ridicule and shame. Everybody is aiming at growing more dirt.

The Devil doesn't take sides, and there lies his advantage.

Edited by Owledge
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I get that some current events may re-focus our attitude about Obama but I think this thread is about his actual time as president and policy stuff.


If you want to explore another issue about Obama that arises post-President, let's try another topic.

Well... Yes and no.


This thread shouldn't focus on things unrelated to his presidency but this is a continuation of nefarious activities and structures which he initiated while in office.


If I were an executive employee of a large commercial bank and I put in place a mechanism which gave me backdoor access in the future to confidential information about mergers and acquisitions, or a mechanism which secretly deposited large sums of money in my personal account on an ongoing basis, those activities would certainly be relevant to a future retrospective evaluation of my performance while employed at that bank, wouldn't they?


On the other hand, if the French make him their next leader, that would not be in-scope for this thread (it would certainly warrant a thread of its own, though!)

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As another example, if Obama takes the reins at the UN, that would not be relevant here -- UNLESS it turns out that he made a deal during his presidency by which he agreed to some UN action in exchange for being given the role later.

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