
Under Trump

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Atherous: please do tell, because I've had quite an opposite experience. What is your methodology for researching news from Breitbart or Jones? Mine was, when I gave such sources any credibility at all, was dig down deep into several pages of webcrawlers. Google actually isn't even my preferred search engine, anymore, it's changed so much, but I will use it, when it suits my needs. Other search engines do just fine, and often includes items Google hides. I paid attention to Jones, Drudge, Breitbart for about a decade, then finally stopped wasting my time. It's sad, too. Jones can take a shred of truth and twist it and let his imagination run rampant, which is fine, if you're claiming fiction as fiction, not so much when fiction is presented as fact.

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In terms of Alex Jones, he's sensationalist and will say things in the moment...knowing that, it's very easy to find any truth in what he's saying because it's easy to see what's not true. Of course, anything you think is fact needs to be checked from other sources...preferably your own eyes, rather than what someone tells you to think. That's the case with this current narrative about Russians hacking the election by Putin's evidence provided.


With the mainstream media it's more challenging to discern what's true or false. Most people take all official news to be actuality, its purpose is not to inform but to guide what people focus on and believe. It's often slanted heavily, and without constantly having your face in multiple news sources over years, it's hard to debunk. But it's more often possible to do so.

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Several posts back, I stated my methodology, so not going to beat the dead horse.


Thanks for your reply.

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It appears that Trump wants to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. That move will inflame the Muslim world.

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Idk, but I did read where his... Whatever *giggle* referred to Jerusalem as *Israel's* eternal capital. Holy smokes, when USA and UK collude to create a quagmire, they really do a superb job, of it. In this case, carving up the levantine and handing it over to a different ethnic group than had been there in ages!


In before: the Israelis were there FIRST! No, they actually weren't, even if one uses the Talmud or Bible as "history."

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Is this the one where he stated his supporters were nasty and vicious.


That was Orlando. Not a good move to turn on your crowd, but I think he might be a bit frightened in realizing that the movement wasn't about him and is now trying to control how it goes.

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That was Orlando. Not a good move to turn on your crowd, but I think he might be a bit frightened in realizing that the movement wasn't about him and is now trying to control how it goes.

he mentioned lowering business taxes to 15%, but he didnt mention lowering personal income taxes, like he used to, im hoping he doesnt change his stance on that either. 


It's clearly not smart to call your fans vicious after everything that has been happening, who knows why he would say that.. 

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While we know we the msm abdicated journalistic integrity, I'll leave some things here, that showed up in my email, this past week. Please apply critical thinking skills, in this thread, as other mundane topics.

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The White House told us they had personally taken charge of DHS, NSA and other cyber-units within the central government prior to the election.


<speaks_into_microphone> Clearly, this is all being done for our own good. <turns_back_on_telescreen>

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I think you are blind to the fact that Obama almost doubled the national debt. He was also putting troops around Russia and causing them to threaten war with us.


So yeah, nuclear ww3 and double our national debt. vs. Trump?


War with Russia and double our national debt and lower global education rankings?

Hope you are here when Trump raises the national debt higher than Obama and no war with Russia PHEW....... now he wants to start one with China which is FAR FAR worse. Trump has not even taken over yet and he is the most idiotic president elect I have ever seen.

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Hope you are here when Trump raises the national debt higher than Obama and no war with Russia PHEW....... now he wants to start one with China which is FAR FAR worse. Trump has not even taken over yet and he is the most idiotic president elect I have ever seen.


Obama doubled it. So Trump wouldnt have to just raise it higher, but add 10 trillion to even come close to Obama. 

And yes avoiding war with Russia is a good thing. 


We have close to a 400 billion dollar trade deficit with China.


Changing the way we trade with them is more than a good idea. 

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Instead of blindly disliking Trump, try to use logic.

The objective is to plant poisoned seeds under the guise of righteousness, and then point to poisoned vines as justification for having poisoned the well. It isn't "Trump" -- the tactics were in place before the target had been identified.


Out of curiosity, does anyone recall which party was "The Party" that Big Brother represented?

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The objective is to plant poisoned seeds under the guise of righteousness, and then point to poisoned vines as justification for having poisoned the well. It isn't "Trump" -- the tactics were in place before the target had been identified.


Out of curiosity, does anyone recall which party was "The Party" that Big Brother represented?

both parties

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Instead of blindly disliking Trump, try to use logic.

it is not blind he tweets like an idiotic little kid. No logic required. His cabinet is the worst group of goldman Sachs oligarchs ever assembled. So far it is pure disaster.
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Where did Trump attack his own followers verbally?

During the Orlando thank you tour speech, he spoke of the crowd as being vicious and violent prior to winning the election. It could have been sarcasm, mocking the abusive language of the left...or he really could have been trying to pacify the crowd.

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