
Hong Chi Xiao simple healing techniques

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Hi All,


There is a video 


There are two techniques outlines there...  One includes stretching and other is slapping..


Could that stretching really fix meridians? Also, slapping?


Can you tell ime f you have the knowledge?





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Slapping is one of methods of acupressure (beating is better). Stretching helps Qi flow more easily like in some yogas. They are some health benefits from it but I would say fragile unless they are pointed exact to the cause of problem. 

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Yes, I believe it works - based on all its testimonials, theory, and history.
Of course, "simple" is not necessarily easy...
The slapping doesn't really hurt, but it takes a lot of stamina to keep slapping yourself hard hundreds of times or even more for hours a day...  Imagine just slapping your hand on a desktop 300X - that's actually pretty tiresome.  Well, the effectiveness of Paida is basically based upon how hard & frequently you slap yourself (where you need it).

I tried it myself for a few days, and got tired & lazy...but I may pick it up again...


Because when you consider the benefits and lack of side effects, I'd say it's worth the gains.

Edited by gendao

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I would be concerned about blood clots. Clots don't need to be large to cause major problems such as a stroke.

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There are so many different ways of healing, but you know the important part that everybody forgets?


... the wait...


Slapping, stretching, rolling over muscles all do things, but unless you wait after doing them they don't do much. If a plant in a pot is sick, and you move it into the sun, in 1 minute nothing happens, so you move it to the shade, nothing happens, so you move it inside, nothing happens, then you put it on the roof and nothing happens, then put it back where it was to begin with (live your life the way you always have).... the plant stays the same. "IT DOESN'T WORK" we exclaim!


If you watered the plant and left the plant in the sun for half a day it would probably stand up straight and blossom. We need to give our bodies chance to respond.


After you stretch, slap or massage, just lay there and rest in stillness for just 5 minutes and let it take hold. Then go back to your activities and see if you feel any different. The rest is as important as the therapy.

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This is a problem.


On one hand a boy and grandmother has died, but on the other hand some others may have been cured of diabetes. So the world loses this technique that may cure diabetes for some, because now nobody will dare teach it because fear of being thrown in jail for 25 years..... and 2 have died because the technique failed them.


You know i see amazing things on TV where western doctors can take lungs out of one dying patient and cut them and sew them smaller so they fit inside a child, then put them inside a child and sews them back up again, and after a few weeks or months i can't remember the child was running around! But I rekon their would have been quiet a few who died early through the same surgery that weren't shown on TV.


So these teachers from the east who mean well need to learn the ways of the west, how to have responsibility for these things fall on the shoulders of extensively trained medical doctors. They are the ones (or moreover their training) who our western society gives their uttermost faith in with medical matters. They need to learn to work alongside these Medical Doctors so that we don't lose cures or alternative, often even more effective treatments


It's something i am very mindful about in my practice, never to give advice where i'm overstepping my scope, and always have to tell clients to see their GP if they haven't already. From time to time a client may feel i have performed a miracle (only because everything else they've tried hasn't worked), and in their excitement they may feel they can stop their medications. I need to remind them all that they can only stop or change medications under supervision from the doctor... however often on these occasions i can see it in their faces, in their mind what the doctor did didn't work and what i did did, and they are ready to throw their meds in the bin, so in some instances i get them to sign something to say i have explained that they shouldn't stop their meds. I have to do it to cover my own bum.

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I agree. I think the main issue is unqualified healers overstepping their bounds and interfering with Western medical treatments. They don't have the knowledge or the right to do so. We see what happens when they think they do: people die.

Slapping can be beneficial if done right/harmful if done wrong...but what should have never been done is telling someone with diabetes to fast and not take insulin (if that did happen).

Edited by Aetherous
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My advice with slapping is ... start slow and light.

It's a very old practice and many Chinese do it daily. I see many people at the gym, parks...even at the casino... people tapping and slapping their legs and bodies. It feels quite good to get the blood and qi flowing.

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tapping, slapping, shaking and humming


those four are always nearby these days


Add in just a few more mini-practices -- stretching, quiet sitting, napping -- and you´ve got enough for a lifetime.

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