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The Whitest Kids You Know (Humor)

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.. never mind.  


I don't know why this stuff is posted here. There seems to be an agenda on the part of the OP.

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.. never mind.

BTW, as a Concierge, your edits aren't labeled as such by default. You have to check the little checkbox for the edited post to be stamped. If you are using the mobile version, you have to switch to "Full Version" for this checkbox (and the field in which you have the option of adding a reason for the edit) to appear.


Just food for thought (which you may have already known...)

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I decided to go with a more humorous video that did not involve violence to keep the peace.


I did not like the small part about slavery at the end of the video.  I am praying the 1s and 0s of this thread become corrupted into oblivion.

Edited by TheWhiteRabbit

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Murder, kidnapping and rape is never funny.  I had focused on the job of the Genie who... unfortunately impressed into service as a slave is forced to fulfill the master's wish.  Yet, I learned something valuable from this experience.  (To spell it out, this experience posting here.)


So, if I were to be even more demeaning.  Having a genie is a form of Human Trafficking since it is a form of slave labor.  But did these things happen in real life?


So, in the old Snow White film, the witch poisons and for all purposes, poison-murders Snow White.


I think this is just a case of being thin-skinned.  All humor comes from "attack"  it has been that way since the beginning.  Different groups of people get attacked and we laugh.  That is the way it has always been and to try to PC humor, it ends up like George Carlin said.


Humor References:


Heres the George Carlin video:



You can defend your view of humor in any manner you choose, even to the extent of calling those that take issue with it thin skinned. You, yourself, in the title called it humor, so I find your explanation to be an effort to save face in the midst of disagreement.


My view will never change when it comes to joking about or spoofing reprehensible and vicious crimes. It is of poor taste, and really has no place on TDB. Would it still be funny and acceptable humor if someone you love were kidnaped, raped or murdered?



I am sure this type of content is just what Sean had in mind for TTB when it was initially set up.  A place that folks can get a good laugh and joke around about heinous crimes against women is just what every good Taoist forum should be.


Have you noticed that no one is laughing?

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I do not want the Dao Bums to become a war zone of any kind and I am a sensitive person who does not advocate physical or violent behaviour in real life.

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I do not want the Dao Bums to become a war zone of any kind and I am a sensitive person who does not advocate physical or violent behaviour in real life.


Don't post this stuff anymore if you are unable to handle the criticism.

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I do not want the Dao Bums to become a war zone of any kind and I am a sensitive person who does not advocate physical or violent behaviour in real life.


Well, the White Rabbit has put itself in the Red Crosshairs of TDB staff...   the future of the White Rabbit only rests with the White Rabbit...   Just advice :)

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Well, the White Rabbit has put itself in the Red Crosshairs of TDB staff...   the future of the White Rabbit only rests with the White Rabbit...   Just advice :)


Is that a promise or a threat? :D

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The ball is in your court...  I hope you stay :)


Sorry, I thought I posted last night... It must not have taken.

Yes, what I was trying to say was I wanted what was good for the forum when I changed the video.

At first when you mentioned about "crosshairs"  I thought that I had possibly done something additional to warrant an additional rebuke.  Then, I realized knowing from how you were years back that you were actually just letting me know what the current situation was.  So, I will take your invitation to stay.  :)

Edited by TheWhiteRabbit
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