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be as loving as you can

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That's my new moral perspective.


I want to add that I'm not talking about being a so-called doormat, sacrificing yourself, engaging in false moral standards like not drinking alcohol or not masturbating (unless that's your desire), or "trying" so hard to be good that it makes you miserable. None of those things would be TRULY loving.


I'm talking about being as truly loving and good as you can be, to the best of your ability.


And here's something crazy and infinitely wonderful: Ultimately, everyone is ALREADY doing this. Everyone is doing their best.

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Well Roger, I have to disagree with your last sentence.  I don't believe we all are doing the best we can.  But I still like your optimism.

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It may sound crazy, but I tend to view people as two beings simultaneously, a person and a soul. (a third would be universal spirit- all that is)


So from my pov, your soul knows everyone is doing their best, you just haven't "remembered" that consciously.


Your universal spirit IS me, and is everyone, and therefore knows literally everything. Spirit is the "soul's soul."

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And here's something crazy and infinitely wonderful: Ultimately, everyone is ALREADY doing this. Everyone is doing their best.


yes. everyone is doing their best, in every moment. they are their best version of themselves for that moment. that doesn't mean there isn't potential for better/growing/evolving. it just means that for this moment in time and space, this is how much of that potential has unfolded. no one will ever choose to be less of what they can be. 


for instance, we could consider someone as being lazy or ignorant or arrogant or stubborn or whatever and be tempted to think that they could be better. we'd be right and wrong at the same time. we'd be wrong because in this moment, laziness or ignorance or arrogance or stubbornness or whatever, is what it's here now, is part of the blend of who/what that person is and factors in their choices, in their way of speaking and behaving. for right now, that's the best they can be. we'd be right because there is indeed potential for that to change, to be harmonized.


a bud can't be an opened flower in the bud stage. it has the potential to open and be a flower, but it's a bud right now and we can't blame it for that.


understanding that is the seed of compassion.


we tend to be more understanding with kids and animals, because with them is easier for us to accept that this is the best they can be/do right now. we see their potential and accept them as they are right now at the same time. i don't know why we don't do the same with everyone and everything, including ourselves. probably because that's the best we can do right now, as who we are at this moment.


enjoy life

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Feel free to ignore this question if you think it's too facetious; I think it's fun to ask things like...


If I try really hard to not do my best, then will I still be doing my best?

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that what makes you (wish to) try really hard to not do your best is also a part of who you are right now. so trying really hard not to do your best is your current best. does that make sense?

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