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For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

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And BTW, it was the Obama Administration who gave weapons to the rebels in Libya; yes, the rebels who killed our embassy employees because Clinton refuse to give them any additional protection.

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I know I shouldn't but sometimes I can't help myself and I toy with the "two-staters" until they get mad or I get bored.

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I know I shouldn't but sometimes I can't help myself and I toy with the "two-staters" until they get mad or I get bored.


Yeah, it really is a difficult situation to talk peacefully about.  We can talk all we want but until they start seriously talking with each other not much is going to change.


Trump is going to have to repair the peace that has been broken between the USA and many of the Middle Eastern countries.


I haven't heard anything from him regarding our being in the Middle East.  I really don't expect any significant changes but he might surprise me and start pulling our support out.  Our support for the Rebels in Syria by Obama was because he knew Syria is a Russian ally and Obama just wanted to worsen our relations with Russia.


But then he kisses Iran's ass.  Yes, Iran, the people who still have not apologized for taking our embassy people hostage.

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Yeah, it really is a difficult situation to talk peacefully about. We can talk all we want but until they start seriously talking with each other not much is going to change.


Trump is going to have to repair the peace that has been broken between the USA and many of the Middle Eastern countries.


I haven't heard anything from him regarding our being in the Middle East. I really don't expect any significant changes but he might surprise me and start pulling our support out. Our support for the Rebels in Syria by Obama was because he knew Syria is a Russian ally and Obama just wanted to worsen our relations with Russia.


But then he kisses Iran's ass. Yes, Iran, the people who still have not apologized for taking our embassy people hostage.

I suspect part of Obama's animosity towards Russia traces back to that Pravda article which said he was a “Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so.” Or maybe it was the one the next month in which they warned the American people not to let Obama take away their right to keep and bear arms like the Soviets did right after the October Revolution? Hard to say, I guess -- but the whole "the 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back" rhetoric certainly proved short-lived, didn't it? Now they are the boogyman. Edited by Brian
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Let us not forget that walls not only keep people out but they also keep people in.


During my twenty years in the Army I visited many, many countries.  I never needed a passport.  I come back to the States and retire and find I need a passport to go visit my next door neighbor.

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Let us not forget that walls not only keep people out but they also keep people in.


During my twenty years in the Army I visited many, many countries.  I never needed a passport.  I come back to the States and retire and find I need a passport to go visit my next door neighbor.


Most countries these days you need a passport to visit. 

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This statement always baffles me. Trump said the media is corrupt, so that is playing on people's fears?


Meanwhile, the democratic side's entire campaign pushes propaganda aimed at fears around racism and war. They make speeches about woman being abused under Trump, even though Bill Clinton rapes woman. 


Trumps entire campaign was economy based: fixing insane trade deficits, lowering taxes to attract business, securing borders, and limiting government spending. He is extremely fit for the job.


Hillary Clinton offered zero change, after following a presidency that doubled national debt. Hillary's entire campaign was based around exploiting Trump by pushing fears of racism and Trumps locker room insults towards woman. That is why she didn't win. 


It is all incredibly hypocritical, and to actually buy into the statement quoted is insane. 


Normally, I try to stay away from political topics.  After coming here and reading, I can't resist but post.


What you have stated are facts.  I am baffled that many can't see this.  It's not about who is holy and who is a sinner, as this poll turned out to be.  It was about the message.  Trump did talk about economy, that's something.  Whereas the main focus of Hilary's campaign was attacking and ridiculing Trump, no substance of their own.  It's funny they are surprised by the outcome.

Edited by Cauvery
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And pissed off a lot of Jews and got himself killed.  Not a good plan, IMO.


I heard that Hillary considered painting herself black and pretending she was Obama running for a third term.


I laugh and have lot of fun when I read your posts -- including some welcome posts.  :lol:


Many thanks for the humor -- packed with the message that you want to coney.   Wise way to communicate -- I am learning. 


If I feel down, I guess just reading some of your posts will cheer me up. :)

Edited by Cauvery
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Obama is making a good speech right now, but it is hard to ignore the discrepancies.

An truly excellent speech, despite being liberally sprinkled with divisive propaganda and polarizing assertions. The democracy:republic ratio was striking. He deserves credit for his emphasis on the importance of remembering that those Americans who disagree with you are still Americans. He spoke more in that hour about rule of law and the importance of the Constitution than in the entirety of the preceding eight years, I think.


He's making it clear, also, (in this speech as well as in other recent statements) that he doesn't intend to honor the tradition of stepping aside to allow his successor to run his administration without the interference of the outgoing chief executive. Not surprising, really, but disappointing nonetheless. He had an opportunity to take the high road and he chose, instead, to signal that his campaign continues.

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Obama is making a good speech right now, but it is hard to ignore the discrepancies. 


I stopped listening to him a long time ago during his first tour.

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