
Yang Shen is fake teaching and True Teacher is fake too.

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All people who grasped Yang Shen concept I came to terms that is actually fake or misunderstood concept.


You will not attain immortal invisible body thru any of so called ming, xing, or anything like that practices. It's even make no sense.


What makes you immortal is wisdom. Only wisdom can become immortal.


Yang Shen = Immortal Wisdom, not body nor mind nor consciousness. (They are impermanent results of taji vel yin and yang workings)


That's why nobody from any tradition could really explain nature of yang shen as they have only imagination and concepts, like an ass following the carrot. Cultivating apparitions and illusions will not bring any yang shen. That why yang shen comes from emptiness as they are related to wisdom and results as wisdom.



when it comes to the true teacher - that's fake teaching too or at least misunderstood as the yang shen. True teacher is only one who knows nuts and bolts of this body and mind structure which means it can be you for yourself if you are willing to pay attention to those things. Do not get into idea that you can not know ming (as some schools says like Wu liu Pai). You can now ming as how do hell anybody would else know? How true teacher knows ming-xing or whatever which you would consider to be true is not by it's own nature, wisdom, practice etc. ? So true teacher is you and you willingness looking into your own nature by developing immortal wisdom (yang shen).


Relative true teacher can point you out, but the True-True teachers is yourself - rather then look for true teacher look on life itself, Dao is not hidden as long we are willing to put our attention into developing wisdom.


so here you have it, now go practice your immortal wisdom.

Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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A lot of systems combine meditation and wisdom. Wang Liping talks about entering the human realm and working. 

The Magus of Strovolos also talks about movement and relying on no one and no thing as an important basis for spiritual training. 


Many spiritual practices/religions associated with mysticism also adopt ideas of karma and doing good. Taoism/Buddism/Hinduism.


But this is all coming from the standpoint that true wisdom is promoting kindness and good deeds while at the same time working and providing for yourself and not relying on others as a way of life. 

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