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Out of curiosity, I did a Google search for images on the phrase "military parade":


I didn't take the time to identify every country depicted but it is worthwhile, I think, to follow the link (or do your own search) and peruse the results. Which political ideologies seems more aligned with and enamored of military parades?

Being a veteran, I see nothing wrong with military parades. Aside from the annoyance of taking part in them.

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CNN today aired a segment on how Obama's people would retain power (at least temporarily, but they really didn't explore that aspect) IF both Trump and Pence should just happen to be assassinated or killed in a terrorist attack or whatever before Noon tomorrow.

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Being a veteran, I see nothing wrong with military parades. Aside from the annoyance of taking part in them.


Being a gay, I see nothing wrong with gay parades.  Aside from the annoyance of taking part in them.


(Couldn`t resist: sorry.)  :blush:

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Is this military versus gay?


Oh no.  I can see how it might sound that way, but no.  These days one can be both military and gay afterall.  They say that gay people are as fit for military service as their straight counterparts.  Please God, don`t let them start parading around though. Can you imagine anything more annoying than a gay military parade? 

Edited by liminal_luke
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Being a veteran, I see nothing wrong with military parades. Aside from the annoyance of taking part in them.

There are many vets that don't agree with your point of view.

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There are many vets that don't agree with your point of view.


I wouldn't say many (which would imply something even close to 50% of veterans)...but there are a number.

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Oh no. I can see how it might sound that way, but no. These days one can be both military and gay afterall. They say that gay people are as fit for military service as their straight counterparts. Please God, don`t let them start parading around though. Can you imagine anything more annoying than a gay military parade?

That's a Monty Python skit...
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I didn't post it because... Well...



It's not quite politically correct.


Yeah, not quite.  I thought about not posting it myself for the same reason.  If only it wasn`t also so artful and hilarious.  Life`s too short.  The moderators can suspend me for homophobia if they like; I need the break and would enjoy the irony.

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Yeah, not quite.  I thought about not posting it myself for the same reason.  If only it wasn`t also so artful and hilarious.  Life`s too short.  The moderators can suspend me for homophobia if they like; I need the break and would enjoy the irony.


Nah, you're good.  :)

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I totally accept that.  It is actually G. I. Joe.

The other, lesser known toy line, 'Jewish Infantry Jonah', made a brief splash with focus groups in New York in 1979, but was later retooled for a broader audience.



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CNN today aired a segment on how Obama's people would retain power (at least temporarily, but they really didn't explore that aspect) IF both Trump and Pence should just happen to be assassinated or killed in a terrorist attack or whatever before Noon tomorrow.


Do you see the psychology here?  CNN is actually promoting the thought of assassinating Trump and Pence.  This is what CNN has become.  A terrorist organization.

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BTW  If you are going to watch the ceremonies keep an eye open for when the Clinton activists get pepper sprayed by security.

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Can you believe how rude they are being to President Obama?



Oh, wait...










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How does it prove that? What has "the right" done that's comparable to such a thing?


You're now aware, I assume, that the whole thing was bull shit? I hope you and everyone else sees how silly it was to take it seriously. Comet Ping Pong? Really?


Aside from that, this holier-than-thou attitude of Trump supporters really doesn't work.


Not to mention the wave of racist and violent abuse throughout the country throughout Obama's presidency, beginning with his election.

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You're now aware, I assume, that the whole thing was bull shit? I hope you and everyone else sees how silly it was to take it seriously. Comet Ping Pong? Really?

Nothing serious happened. There was organized flag burning, window crashing, brick throwing, etc, but not something I'd consider to the point of serious terrorism.


I'm not sure there is any evidence that it was staged or fraudulent (such as the right pretending to be terrorist leftists, if that's what you're hinting at) just because it took place at Comet.


Perhaps some plots were foiled by various agencies, too? Happens often...although perhaps we'd have heard about it in this case.

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