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Oneness Blessing (deeksha)

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A thread for experiences of the phenomenon called Oneness Blessing.


I found a teacher who has recordings of the Oneness Blessing on youtube so you can experience it for yourself.



She has live blessings on livestream every week when she is in Sweden


Personally I feel the energy is different than other energies and I went deep into my heart the first time I had a live blessing.


At Oneness University you can go for longer duration courses to get your brain rewired into basic awakening

Edited by johndoe2012

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The question I have, is it fully yours after attaining it since it is an outside intervention to your system.

Does it really cultivate your own wisdom to be practically useful on your path, aside from experiencing some higher manifestations still bound in dimensions.

With all respect, I am just curious.

Edited by cihan

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The question I have, is it fully yours after attaining it since it is an outside intervention to your system.

Does it really cultivate your own wisdom to be practically useful on your path, aside from experiencing some higher manifestations still bound in dimensions.

With all respect, I am just curious.

Good question.


I just tried a few blessings so no expert.


From what I experienced then the Oneness blessing opens you up like so many other healing forms but it works slightly different.


The focus is more on the spiritual heart and physical brain and on shifting you from local self to boundless awareness.


Especially after the live blessing then I felt more childish joy - joy for no reason but of course it could also be just what I needed.


Also since it worked on my heart then issues fell away that prevented a feeling of connectedness with others.

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Just came back from a Oneness livestream and the energy was working intensely to quiet down my frontal lobes...almost done now  :wub:


Last week was lots of work in the heart area.


There is some strong juice in this energy, definitely recommended  :)

Edited by johndoe2012

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The Oneness Blessing is said to quiet the parietal lobes and enliven the frontal lobes.

Seekers have spent lifetime after lifetime trying to be permanently Awakened. Thanks to this unique energy/deeksha, anyone who goes on a 14 day course at Oneness University leaves the course at some level of Awakening. Unfortunately, one percent of the world's population cannot feel anything from this energy. I am a Oneness Blessing Giver who has been receiving this deeksha for the past 11 years and I have yet to feel even one iota of a sensation from it. But others report great experiences and sensations from it. 

Edited by tao stillness
to embelish
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