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Golden Dragon Shining

Secret (Intelligence) Agencies/Societies V The People

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) let slip a terrifying reality when it comes to the power of our nation’s president over “executive branch” agencies like the CIA. In an interview Tuesday with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Schumer said President-elect Donald Trump is “being really dumb” by taking on the intelligence community because if he does “they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”


Just let that soak in for a minute.


One of the most powerful senators just admitted that it is “stupid” for a president to oppose the intelligence community, which he is in charge of, because it will “[get] back at you.”


So we have intelligence agencies threatening an elected president?




I see these groups have been pulling the strings for awhile, they aren't happy about this, JFK warned about them


Hopefully Trump is going to finish what JFK started



The CIA have been involved in mind control programs and inducing mass psychosis in the population through varies means for decades + ?


Caught in drug and weapons trafficking? 


Now this blatant admission they believe themselves above government/ will of the people?





Edited by Sionnach
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I remember seeing that.  I thought the point was having an Intelligence agency with 1,000's of professionals, trained in essence to be private detectives with much more freedom, who are able to 'leak' information is not a bunch you want to insult.  No psychic abilities or threats needed.


Trump business M.O. tends to be promising the moon, getting the deal, and if needed betraying investors and partners to his own benefit; leaving with millions while companies were left in bankruptcy and dozens of investors left in ruins.  He has sued for tens of millions, people he convinced to lend him millions then stiffed.  He has done this repeatedly. 


Duping, betraying, underpaying then threatening with a league of lawyers is not uncommon.  Not all the time, he has legitimately had success, but far more then most, he's left financial corpses in his wake.   Many top business people will not deal with him.


He is the epitome of looking out for number one; when quite often, he is number 2. 

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An honest news media would point out that Obama said worse about the intelligence community than Trump did and he was heralded with messianic allusions.


Trump should worry about the entrenched establishmentarians rather than intelligence professionals.

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