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Is anybody familiar with the bindu chakra, or bindu visarga? Seems very hard to find information about that. Is it maybe a hidden secret? Is it the same as the 10th gate of the Siths? The hindus call it 'shivarandhra', what sounds like a kind of hint. Is it the gate to immortality? 


Just in case, I'm talking about what in the West is better known as posterior fontanelle, and in Chinese medicine I believe is acupoint GV 19. Looking to know if anybody has any experience related with the bindu chakra or knows any source of detailed information about.

Edited by VlasalV

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I'm more familiar with 'Bindu' referring to a center point, and more often than not the pearl of light seen in meditation usually showing up when you start to achieve some purification.


The posterior fontanelle is also called the Gate of Hecate, or Jade Pillow so you might find more information with those names.


Good luck.



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Thank you Phosphorose, I appreciate the hints.

I think that the Jade Pillow, or Mouth of God, is what I was really looking for. That's where the second birth, that of the second man, happens. Is that correct? What's the purpose of this life after?

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