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Unplug from the Matrix

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To free our minds!   :)


That is an interesting point... but isn't our mind already free?   In the sense of a Zen idea: What binds the mind?


Maybe you mean like free to expand or surf the wave of thinking, etc.

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TWIM is original Buddhist meditation, the rest after is new age or hinduism. It's just have other name. I would call it "Original Buddhist Meditation" or "Buddhist Way to Meditate". You can be enlightenment in one moment (akaliko) as Buddha said if you put yourself and your mind in right condition.


The bs is here because how first need define matrix. The guy creating in your mind some kind of ideology because of your ignorance of self-defeatism. Like you know there is something wrong or something more and the people manipulate that feeling inside thru various ideologies. that god will save you, christ will come, you need to come out of matrix and other bs. It's all bs because it is bs and you treat it seriously because you do not know anything about cultivation. All you cultivation is idea, thoughts and thinking highly about yourself and your thoughts or emotions. Follow authenthic time tested tradition like original buddhism (suttavada not theravada or mahayana offshots) or original neidan schools to realize something meaningful in this life time.


Women are generally disease for men. In the sense in actual gynocentrism which is female oriented you are just object for use for their means. That's how yin nature works when becomes out of yang which is patriarchy. Now you are being used by women for women and you defend it not realizing that she will never love you as she see you as disposable for her biological means even if she call it LOVE or whatever nice - it's simple science, anthropology etc. If you think otherwise then you are just following the matrix. The samsara, truth is harsh. All the things we cherish and love are not the way we think they are - if you analyze them you will see them all the way they are. but there is exist from all this BS which is original buddhist teachings or original taoism teachings based on REAL results, experiences etc.



Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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That is an interesting point... but isn't our mind already free? In the sense of a Zen idea: What binds the mind?


Maybe you mean like free to expand or surf the wave of thinking, etc.

We do.


We wrap ourselves in a cocoon of assumptions and other baggage from which we then struggle to free ourselves (or to which we are oblivious) until we see the cocoon for what it is and laugh as it dissolves and drops away.

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Also most people here act like they are beyond their own limitations while it's just simple masking it up. Rather then realize anything meaningful you rather like to pose like beyond this and that. You talk how things should be beyond but yourself falling prey to those things. Making circles around and suffer again again still doing the same thing over and over again.


Most people here are just like that and it's clearly seen. To be truly beyond it's not easy task but not impossible but this way will only make things worse - the way your purpose. Liberating from matrix is liberating your mind from it's impurity and fetters. There is no other way then seeing independent origination. It's one way, one method. No other way around.

Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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Women are generally disease for men. In the sense in actual gynocentrism which is female oriented you are just object for use for their means. That's how yin nature works when becomes out of yang which is patriarchy. Now you are being used by women for women and you defend it not realizing that she will never love you as she see you as disposable for her biological means even if she call it LOVE or whatever nice - it's simple science, anthropology etc. If you think otherwise then you are just following the matrix. The samsara, truth is harsh. All the things we cherish and love are not the way we think they are - if you analyze them you will see them all the way they are. but there is exist from all this BS which is original buddhist teachings or original taoism teachings based on REAL results, experiences etc.




Any actual direct experience with women and their views/attitude?  Ever been married and had a daughter?  Seen her development and growth?  I have three (two in college, and one graduated & working).  My direct experience seems to be vastly different than yours.  Happy to share and discuss.




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I don't see people acting like they're beyond their own limitations here.  Quite the opposite.  Most here know that its a long haul; those touting or hoping for a quick fix are usually in for a few lectures.  


However, imo, one thing that distances us from 'liberation' is the judging mind.  The one always weighing and judging others is probably moving in the wrong direction.  The person pointing a thousand fingers, is probably growing more ego then independence. 

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Maybe you mean like free to expand or surf the wave of thinking, etc.


Exactly ... thank you ...  :)

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I knew this matrix stuff would end up in  deeper bullshit ....  


Women are  ......   <insert sexist unevolved comment here >   ....    and if you dont think that, then you are trapped in the Matrix . 


yes folks, read it right here on Daobums ! 


...Women are generally disease for men. In the sense in actual gynocentrism which is female oriented you are just object for use for their means. That's how yin nature works when becomes out of yang which is patriarchy. Now you are being used by women for women and you defend it not realizing that she will never love you as she see you as disposable for her biological means even if she call it LOVE or whatever nice - it's simple science, anthropology etc. If you think otherwise then you are just following the matrix. 




.....   and then they go on about being enlightened      ^_^

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Any actual direct experience with women and their views/attitude?  Ever been married and had a daughter?  Seen her development and growth?  I have three (two in college, and one graduated & working).  My direct experience seems to be vastly different than yours.  Happy to share and discuss.


Of course it will be different but it's does not mean that it's right. It's just illusion actually, true nature of women is ugly so their body are compensation for that. (not always)

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What we see in women is our own unintegrated interal turmoil (in the emotional body). They are clear mirrors and reflect back our own unintegrated issues. Once we integrate our inner condition they will not have to reflect it back to us and the "battle of the sexes" disolves into harmony.

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Of course it will be different but it's does not mean that it's right. It's just illusion actually, true nature of women is ugly so their body are compensation for that. (not always)


So your argument is then also an illusion, yes ?


And thus where such do coarse, value judgments come from ? 


Maybe you would also argue that the true nature of men is ugly... and animals?  Where would it stop?  (Rhetorical)




As soon as the world regards something as beautiful,

ugliness simultaneously becomes apparent.

As soon as the world regards something as good,

evil simultaneously becomes apparent.

In exactly the same manner,

existence and nonexistence give birth to each other.

Difficult and easy define each other.

Long and short form each other.

High and low make each other distinguishable.

Silence and sound make each other conspicuous.

Front and back connect each other.

Realizing this, one does not separate one's being from the subtle essence of the universe.

One holds no preconceptions, and does things without insisting on personal conditions.

One guides people by living in accord with the essence of life.

One brings good things about, but has no intention of possessing them.

One performs work, but has no intention to acquire personal power.

When one's task is accomplished,

one lets go of it and seeks no reward or recognition.

Because one does not claim credit for oneself,

one does not do any damage to oneself.


- Tr. Ni

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Men outside is ugly or coarse or brute because inside is fluffy puffy. Everybody knows ways of yin and yang knows this as it's basic.


You can not hoax women biology. For her you are disposable nothing more and you call it love or some other stories when you feel her poison. It's just nature and biological play of yin and yang, you can not do anything about that. You will never be loved the way you want to or your nature yearn for it as it's not possible for women to do that and it's not her role. As long as you are disposable for her and beneficial she will be giving you feeling of love as kind of addiction or poison/drug, then when you will be extracted from all yang (money, health, sperm etc.) then you will be dumped for another one. It's just the nature works - whatever you think otherwise it's just you story which will be crushed by reality as soon as you enter very close relationship with women.


Those who thinks otherwise are unattractive beta males who actually do not have opportunity to gather a lot of yin (and do not know how to do that) so they thinking highly of women. True nature of women is very low but it's actually very powerful in gynocentrism because men gave that power to women and becomes slaves to their false divinity which will make society to fall down.



Women are generally inferior (yin) to the superior (yang) but this is not misogyny etc. as many people feel or react with emotions (typical yin response) rather then rethink and understand this topic (typical yang response).


Inferior and superior must work together whatever it's spiritual matters of physical matters. In harmony or yin should be cut off for pure yang. As we do not have option yet to do that (technology will re-compensate yin in sci-fi way like yo have a children you do not need to have really any female parts but just sperm is enough which proves that yin and yang dynamics are real as many people still think that men need women to reproduce but it's actually otherwise etc.)


So we need to rethink as human population those dynamics or technology will make women useless in mens life.


Dawei you speak from absolute view (wuji) not relative (taji) view which makes not sense and it's not practical. When talking enlightenment we need to be enlightenment. When talking wuji you need to be in wuji if you are in taji and being affected by yin and yang you need to keep those dynamics as they are in relation to your experience rather then just going around and talking things which does not matter in our society.


Wuji is only for cultivators who left taji behind or they are still in taji but beyond in every of their step.

Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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Seems that you have been severely wounded on an emotional level by a woman and that is terribly unfortunate. I pray at some point in your life that you can move beyond your pain to love and be loved beyond illusion.

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Seems that you have been severely wounded on an emotional level by a woman and that is terribly unfortunate. I pray at some point in your life that you can move beyond your pain to love and be loved beyond illusion.



I wish it could happen but it will not happen as women have no biological function to love beyond their own biological responses.


Here is explanation of this.


also Hypergamy of women do not let love men really unless it's fits in her biology before she can love him.


There is also adaptation problem which nervous system is quickly to adopt into emotions like love, happiness and make them impermanent. That's why it's better to enter jhanas and meditation states as they are beyond five sense and happiness is true. It's happiness without any interests and love without any condition. That's why Buddha and other said leave women behind - it's clear for anybody who "been there and done that".


Even you response is just emotional without any argument to hide and silence the truth about true women nature which is inferior (but NOT BAD and which not means that you are bad person as person)

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I wish it could happen but it will not happen as women have no biological function to love beyond their own biological responses.


Here is explanation of this.



also Hypergamy of women do not let love men really unless it's fits in her biology before she can love him.


There is also adaptation problem which nervous system is quickly to adopt into emotions like love, happiness and make them impermanent. That's why it's better to enter jhanas and meditation states as they are beyond five sense and happiness is true. It's happiness without any interests and love without any condition. That's why Buddha and other said leave women behind - it's clear for anybody who "been there and done that".


Even you response is just emotional without any argument to hide and silence the truth about true women nature which is inferior (but NOT BAD and which not means that you are bad person as person)

Very well, you seem to favor the Buddhist tradition, so I will leave you with the following quote to ponder...


“Whether male or female, there is no great difference. But if a woman develops the mind of enlightenment, her potential is supreme.”


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yes. but she is no longer women then here is explanation. You seem to not understand nature of what it's said and point but attaching enlightenment mind with women which is misunderstanding (and so with men too).


Once the Buddha was seated under a tree in the meditation posture, his senses calmed, his mind quiet, and attained to supreme control and serenity. Then a Brahmin, Dona by name, approached the Buddha and asked:


"Sir, will you be a god, a deva?"

"No, brahmin."

"Sir, will you be a heavenly angel, a gandhabba?"

"No, brahmin."

"Sir, will you be a demon, a yakkha?"

"No, brahmin."

"Sir, will you be a human being, a manussa?"

"No, brahmin."

"Then, sir, what indeed will you be?"


"Brahmin, whatever defilements (âsavas) there be owing to the presence of which a person may be identified as a god or a heavenly angel or a demon or a human being, all these defilements in me are abandoned, cut off at the root, made like a palm-tree stump, done away with, and are no more subject to future arising.


"Just as, brahmin, a blue or red or white lotus born in water, grows in water and stands up above the water untouched by it, so too I, who was born in the world and grew up in the world, have transcended the world, and I live untouched by the world. Remember me as one who is enlightened (Buddhoti mam dhârehi brâhmana)."


I'm not in favor of buddhism or anything as it's got nothing to do with such vulgar way of expressing teachings. Favoring is based on ignorance. whatever truth there is whatever is explained by taoism or buddhism it does not matter as truth is not subjective matter but the things the way they are in reality and that's what genuine cultivator need to seek. Whatever truth be bold and harsh (like women will never love you etc.) we need to seek those things and see reality the way it is.

Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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I'm not in favor of buddhism or anything as it's got nothing to do with such vulgar way of expressing teachings. Favoring is based on ignorance. whatever truth there is whatever is explained by taoism or buddhism it does not matter as truth is not subjective matter but the things the way they are in reality and that's what genuine cultivator need to seek. Whatever truth be bold and harsh (like women will never love you etc.) we need to seek those things and see reality the way it is.


Do you think that seeing women in such a way is more showing your hurt, pain, obstructions and is far from seeing reality as it truly is but more from a clouded lens?


As a true seeker wouldn't such thoughts and emotions against others be a clue of what one needs to work on within themselves?

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It's not showing my hurt as I'm not hurting anybody by seeing things the way they are. You are unable to cope with the truth of woman nature so you logic is according to emotions not to the reality of women nature. It's like you wanna see your boss always beautiful good and not negative to not lose your position in his/her eyes.


The only thing I'm showing here is disappoint feelings, especially when women try to point out their equality, women power (lol, which is anyway lend by men) and how fake it is if you look closer at it matter.


That's up to you, but what you saying is not true it's just your opinion based on your confusion and your self explanatory failure. I'm fully okay with nature of women as I'm not expecting from pig to fly or from bull to make a milk curds.

Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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However, imo, one thing that distances us from 'liberation' is the judging mind.  The one always weighing and judging others is probably moving in the wrong direction.  The person pointing a thousand fingers, is probably growing more ego then independence. 


Well said ...  :)

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It's not showing my hurt as I'm not hurting anybody by seeing things the way they are. You are unable to cope with the truth of woman nature so you logic is according to emotions not to the reality of women nature. It's like you wanna see your boss always beautiful good and not negative to not lose your position in his/her eyes.


The only thing I'm showing here is disappoint feelings, especially when women try to point out their equality, women power (lol, which is anyway lend by men) and how fake it is if you look closer at it matter.


That's up to you, but what you saying is not true it's just your opinion based on your confusion and your self explanatory failure. I'm fully okay with nature of women as I'm not expecting from pig to fly or from bull to make a milk curds.


We all have the same true nature.


To see anything different is again to look through that colored lens I mentioned earlier. To talk about how women's power comes from men and can't come from within is seeing things from a slanted ego. You are not seeing them as they are but from a place of hurt or insecurity.


When people talk about the opposite sex and the power of that sex it almost always comes from a source of insecurity within themselves. Power is always ego related.

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No. Thinking that "the one thing that distances us from liberation is the judging mind" is the judging mind. It's make no sense and any practical thing. It's actually cycle (samsara). It's not pointing out to liberation. There is no distance in liberation as such. The only thing that there are between taji and wuji are fetters.


and no we do not have any true nature, and we not having the same thing. We are most divided species on the planet. Creating invisible and conceptual "true nature" which you can not prove of existence will only divide people more and more. Equality comes from diversity (and trying to equal you are actually dividing)


to talk about how women's power comes from men and can't come from within is seeing things from a slanted ego

Prove me wrong then. Saying that something is this and that you need to be proving beside stating opinion - otherwise it's just bs and fairytales.


Women have not power on it's own and will never have. Men (beta males) just allowed women to vote and anything like that. It's men choice to set what is for women to be as men are builders of civilization and everything - and this is how it is.


Prove me wrong if I'm not right in argumentative approach rather then speaking "political correctly" bs to flatter women.

Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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No. Thinking that "the one thing that distances us from liberation is the judging mind" is the judging mind. It's make no sense and any practical thing. It's actually cycle (samsara). It's not pointing out to liberation. There is no distance in liberation as such. The only thing that there are between taji and wuji are fetters.


and no we do not have any true nature, and we not having the same thing. We are most divided species on the planet. Creating invisible and conceptual "true nature" which you can not prove of existence will only divide people more and more. Equality comes from diversity (and trying to equal you are actually dividing)


Prove me wrong then. Saying that something is this and that you need to be proving beside stating opinion - otherwise it's just bs and fairytales.


Women have not power on it's own and will never have. Men (beta males) just allowed women to vote and anything like that. It's men choice to set what is for women to be as men are builders of civilization and everything - and this is how it is.


Prove me wrong if I'm not right in argumentative approach rather then speaking "political correctly" bs to flatter women.



For someone that likes to quote Buddhist and Taoist stuff you haven't learned that there is only essence? That the separation that you see is that of the local mind?


I could quote you tons of Buddhist and Hindu stuff to prove my point but I don't think it would matter to you.


How would you like me to prove to you that we all share the same true nature?


As far as women is concerned, you haven't proven your point, only stated a misguided opinion.


Power comes from ego, perceived or not.. it's all ego.

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Jonesboy around here we get our power from Baltimore Gas and Electric (mostly).

I hadn't heard of ego power, do they offer solar or wind options?

Thanks for your level headed assistance, this brief interlude of humor is now concluded....

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As men we are constantly bombarded with advertisements for body washes and shampoos that will make women want to rape us, cars that will instantly make even the lowliest of nerds as cool as Steve McQueen, expensive clothes that will make us resemble models regardless of our beer guts, and expensive bottle service at the hottest club in town that will get the most gorgeous women to flock to us. All of these things are a mere attempt to exploit our inner desire for hot women.


The problem with all these products is that they aim to bypass genuine self improvement in favor of a shortcut. Who doesn’t love a good shortcut right? The issue here is that shortcuts more times than not persuade us to spend money we don’t really have to look like something we’re really not. Ask yourself, who’s really winning here in the transaction? The guy who’s going to have to eat Ramen noodles for the next 2 weeks because he spent half his check on bottle service, or the old grey hair out of shape fart leaving the club in a Benz with three hot 24 year olds? It would’ve been much cheaper and rewarding to just buy Roosh’s game guides and develop a strict workout regime.  In due time we will be able to drop a couple grand on bottle service and purchase sports cars without looking at the price tag, but we have to delay gratification long enough to achieve our dreams and ambitions first.


If this is the end result of following Roosh's game guides, I think I'd rather spend the next two weeks eating Ramen noodles. :P


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