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Practicing Kunlun near an electrical outlet

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Since kunlun is magnetic, is there harm in practicing near an electircal outlet?

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Since kunlun is magnetic, is there harm in practicing near an electircal outlet?


I've heard that Max has strange experiences with electrical devices.


So.... is there a weird experience that led to this question :)

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I heard Max mention at a lecture that sometimes anything electrical will die out. Like cellphones, computers, car batteries. Batteries will drain in 10 - 15 minutes. One of his top students Mari, mentioned she had some problems with this type of phenomena happening.

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hmm...unless something is plugged in and there is a complete circuit running, why would there be any magnetic field to worry about? electricity only flows / magnetic fields are only created once there is complete circuit. has anyone done any measurement on the qualities of field in a small household setting?

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I haven't noticed anything electrical going out around me, but I accidently touched a metal chair that was next to me while I was doing kunlun. I felt a little spark yesterday when I was doing kunlun but didn't pay any attention, and I woke up and felt like I burnt a part of my hand. I took a hot shower and the pain subsided, but I found it pretty strange.



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I wouldn't worry about electrical outlets with any form of spiritual practice, unless it involves sticking objects into the outlet.


Theres no evidence to suggest anything spititual or any energy cultivation is associated with magnetism. I think the term is used metaphorically and isn't related to actual magnetism that you would find with a running current.


If you're getting shocks on metal objects its static electricity, happens to me all the time on metal railings at department stores. Happens on humans too, drag your feet on a synthetic carpet and touch your friend, you'll both get a shock.

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I remember when I was sungazing that sensitive electronics would often be disabled around me (like digital watches, electronic compasses and UV radiation detectors) but a battery powered analogue watch not so much and plug in electronics only very rarely.


Blessedly, Kunlun doesn't have anywhere near that sort of voltage and I haven't noticed any issues with electronics in my experience, at least.


You'd really have to be a powerhouse to blow out a regular, low tech table lamp. If you ever do, let us know!

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Personally I would practice any Qigong near anything that is unnatural. However as this is unpractical for most (including myself) try to minimize the harm; that is practice in an environment as quiet and as far as possible from any electromagnetic source.


If you guys have the chance to practice Qigong in the wilderness you will understand what I mean. For instance:



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