voidisyinyang Posted June 18, 2017 http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com/2017/06/why-lonemanpai-is-just-another-fake.html people were reading my blog, then posting about me on the lonemanpai forum - without any direct feedback from me. Pretty sneaking and weak. haha. So then I deleted my blog and switched over to my other blog. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted June 19, 2017 Hilarious - all the lurkers from Lonemanpai read thetaobums and then go over to my blog and it was the same people who were reading my blog before, then posting b.s. about me on lonemanpai. That is not open discussion my friends. I have a master's degree. I know what open debate is. I know how to present evidence, argue it successfully, learn from discussion, etc. So that's fine if people want to "hide out" on lonemanpai. I'm just pointing out what was going on my blog - people claiming to have secret masters, etc. haha. Hilarious. The Lonemanpai dude says he has special abilities that he doesn't need to demonstrate but he posted his videos and photos so he could collect people onto his "private" study forum. The thing is that the photos and videos are nothing very convincing - unless you think red marks and "aura" lights from bright flashes in mirrors and computer graphics, etc. is convincing. haha. Hilarious. But I think most people practicing qigong (insert fancy marketing term here) are really looking for some kind of Chimpanzee pack to join - so they can circle the wagons against the fear of death, etc. But I personally experienced the qigong master who befriended me access the right side of my heart - the deep formless awareness origin - he said left his body since he didn't want to listen to me rant about politics. And then he said he wanted to see from where I was speaking - if I was speaking from my heart. He said yes I was speaking from my heart. So I was very glad to have that real enlightenment experience. There are real "masters" out there - and the teacher I'm talking about did participate in a "randomized controlled" gold standard peer-reviewed studying proving his "external qi" healing was effective against chronic pain. As I pointed out on my blog - these results have been lied about consistently on the interwebs. So let me just clarify these results right here and right now - in contrast to New Age computer graphic photos - this is real hard science - despite the skeptics whining in denial about the results. haha. On a kungfu forum in 2012 someone dares to post the Mayo Clinic, University of Minnesota gold-standard (randomized controlled) external qi results. The next person responds: Quote At least read the abstract to the study BEFORE you post it man. At week 8, these differences in overall decreased pain intensity persisted but were not statistically significant. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20626055) I won't assume you know what that means - it means by 8 weeks the people with the Qigong treatment didn't even PERCEIVE their treatment as really being any more effective than the people without it. Just because the qigong company cherry-picks quotes doesn't mean the Mayo Clinic actually got the results they hoped for. O.K. so the person who posted the results feels like they've been "put in their place" but have they? The skeptic may have read the "abstract" and felt proud about that but the skeptic did not read the actual study!! So sorry, better luck next time. That's the "final" word of the skeptic. And the person who posted the research responds as if they learned their lesson: Quote Thanks for explaining this in more detail, I understand better now what you were stating. But the pdf link clearly explains what the skeptic misunderstood from the abstract. The external qigong treatments were only for 4 weeks! After each treatment, the treated people felt significantly improved of chronic pain or to quote the study: immediate reductions in pain intensity in persons with chronic pain, after the 2nd, 3rd and 4th EQT sessions. This finding is especially impressive given the long duration of pain (>5 years), in most of the participants. (my emphasis) So then to clarify the control group got "delayed treatment" with no follow up on their pain reduction. So the first 4 weeks the group receiving external qi was tested for pain reduction, then 4 weeks later the "delayed treatment" was received for the control group that was not tested for pain reduction. Then at 8 weeks the first group had not been receiving any qigong healing for 4 weeks and after 4 weeks of no healing they reported no difference any more. What the study clearly showed is that as long as they got the external qi healing then the pain reduction they experienced was much better than what Western medicine had been able to provide. Drs. Ann Vincent, Jamia Hill, Kelly M. Kruk and Brent A. Bauer then finish the report saying that length of treatment and frequency of treatment would then better optimize the results in the future. O.K. now so I just posted a martial arts kungfu forum bashing a person mentally in to submission of a lie!! That's exactly what I'm talking about - fake Western martial arts bashing people into submission. This is also what the materialistic "skeptics" scene does - so again the same study I just explained - the so-called "skeptics" totally twisted the results - and these "so-called" experts were undergraduate students! But since they are sycophants kissing up to materialistic Western science - so they can pay off their student loans and hopefully get a nice career, etc. - so they just post a bunch of soft-headed b.s. lies. https://warmlittlepond.wordpress.com/2011/10/29/spring-forest-qigong-study-debunked/ So the qigong masters I studied with stepped up to the plate! They did real hard science to prove their abilities!! I don't even post their website links - because I don't want anyone to have any excuse that I am trying to "sell" or "promote" or that I "work" for anyone. haha. I ate out of dumpsters for ten years while riding an old 3 speed bicycle and working at an environmental nonprofit - but I read one scholarly book a day while in full lotus. So check out this other forum - I post the above science research on a "Paranormal" forum - and they try to claim that I'm just selling something!! https://www.theparacast.com/forum/threads/external-qi-energy-transmission-proven-by-mayo-clinic-and-its-ancient-lineage.8606/ Right - so this problem has been going on for 2000 years in the West. I posted the Eddie Oshins research that proves that my analysis was correct - the wrong math is a structural error of Western science. So trying to assimilate Western "magick" into Taoist alchemy training is not correct. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phil Posted June 19, 2017 (edited) I think neither Spring Forest nor LonemanPai, nor Drew, Chunyi or Satoga is fake. I learnt many things from all of you since I am on daobums (and kind of a lmp-lurker from time to time) and respect you for your effort and the things you share. Edited June 19, 2017 by phil48 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marblehead Posted June 19, 2017 Nicely said phil48. I don't talk about practices because I want to remain open for anything that might be useful for me. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted June 19, 2017 (edited) 3 hours ago, phil48 said: I think neither Spring Forest nor LonemanPai, nor Drew, Chunyi or Satoga is fake. I learnt many things from all of you since I am on daobums (and kind of a lmp-lurker from time to time) and respect you for your effort and the things you share. That's nice of you to say. But the person you claim is not fake blatantly states that Chunyi is a thief. That's libel. The lawyer of Spring Forest Qigong was coming after me because I posted a blog called "Spring Forest Qigong Healing" and I was then posting the assistant of Chunyi's healing on that blog - while he was at Spring Forest qigong. I was just trying to help him out - as he healed people of club foot. Their club foot literally had the bone bend back into place. I met a person in 2013 who was healed by Jim Nance of his club foot - he gave his testimonial to the whole class in 2013 at the Level 3 class. He also gave a video testimonial but Spring Forest Qigong never posted it online (for some strange reason). I'm talking about http://guidingqi.com - he said that Chunyi was protecting him - because the qigong masters need to protect their energy from other people trying to take it from too much self promotion I think or jealousy. Traditionally the qigong masters were not supposed to advertise - the healing speaks for itself. So I immediately deleted my "Spring Forest Qigong Healing" blog - since my dad was a lawyer and so I know a bit about the law. haha. Jim did not want me to delete it but I told him - since he was an employee of SFQ they basically own him. So then when I reordered the 1 hour small universe meditation c.d. I asked for any local guild contacts for a practice group as I also joined the international guild of SFQ. I was given a local contact and the lady said her daughter practiced SFQ. So they are the closest practice group but actually it's just her daughter. I felt strange since I am an older male and her mom invites me to practice with her daughter. haha. So then I looked her daughter up and guess what? She took over my old blog that i had deleted! haha. http://springforestqigonghealing.blogspot.com/2015/09/my-introduction-to-spring-forest-qigong.html Is that too funny or what? Because her mom is the lawyer for SFQ I think (99% sure). So do you want me to tell the SFQ lawyer that your "non-fake" leader is practicing libel? If not I suggest he takes down his repeated claim that Chunyi Lin is a thief. That is libel and it is wrong to make that claim. Edited June 19, 2017 by voidisyinyang Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taoguy Posted June 20, 2017 Oh Chunyi is real alright. I know Drew has an opinion on the cruise thing he does annually, but frankly when he does the world-healing, you can really feel the energy just radiating from the masters blessing the waters. Someone so full of love and compassion shouldn't be slandered in that way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted June 20, 2017 According to the reading I did last night - it was Paul Dong on Yan Xin - https://issuu.com/exopolitics/docs/china_s_super_psychics_by_paul_dong Both chunyi lin and Jim Nance have achieved the amazing level of the "Divine Eye" - this is a very rare ability level of healing. In fact someone was reading my posts online - and they came from a family who has an Indian dad who was in Hare Krishna - and so this person literally traveled throughout India and China looking for energy masters. He even met Master Jiang and saw Jiang doing the amazing fire pyrokinesis ability. But he said Jiang did not do the same type of love shen healing that Chunyi did. So the person returned back to the U.S. and drove up from Kansas to Minnesota to the qigong center. It was then that Jim Nance called me and said I "knew this person." haha. No - they only read me online! But since Jim Nance o.k.'d the person I said sure they can come visit me. So the person stayed a couple nights at my house - and I made vegetarian food - like just mix wheat and oil in a pie pan for crust - and then I think I had lots of fruit from the organic fruit warehouse job - or maybe it was garden vegetables. Then organic black beans and organic brown rice. But I made sure to have small meals with also vinegar to counteract any sugar. Also I made him drink mushroom tea. haha. He was nice to do that - it was shelf mushroom tea. So it is very medicinal - Artist Conk tea - but bitter tasting. Anyway so then I was sitting in full lotus on the sofa next to him and suddenly he exclaimed - "your eyes are pulsating!" So I knew my eyes were pulsating but I didn't think anyone could notice since my family tries to ignore what I do - or whatever. So I explained to him - that was the yin qi and shen going out of the eyes - from the pineal gland. So as Jim Nance said, "I fell out of enlightenment" and the magnetic bliss I feel in the center of my brain is a "brain blockage." haha. Jim Nance meditated nonstop 12 hours a day for many years to get to his level and he was the personal assistant of Chunyi since Chunyi said Jim had the best aura of any student he had met. So for a Westerner to train to this ability is very rare - but also he is African-American with some Native indigenous heritage also. So the "lonemanpai" dude says he has the ability to see inside people's bodies at a distance. I don't believe him. If he could do that then his third eye would be fully open and like Jim Nance and chunyi lin - then the lonemanpai dude should be able to submit to peer-reviewed randomized controlled testing of "external qi" healing. The lonemanpai dude says he wants a coterie of scientists to follow him around like John Chang. That is very easy - look at what Wim Hof did. Lonemanpai can simply set up public demonstrations of his ability - just as Effie P. Chow did for me in 1995 - when she blew the fuse in the room behind her at St. Mary's University. haha. Effie P. Chow also declared that "Adam the Dream Healer" has his third eye fully open - because of his native indigenous heritage, he was born that way. Adam the Dream Healer also does public demonstrations of his qi-shen healing. So Lonemanpai doesn't need to hide on his forum - where he insists that people will be deleted for lurking on his site if they register on the site without posting their private practice details on his site. haha. That is why I declared him to be the "leader" of the person who says they like to read his site. Maybe they just lurk on his site without registering. But if you login then the lonemanpai "extracts" private information from you. That is very culty. He claims its for free but extracting private information is not free. It's what scientology does to black mail people. Hilarious. The real alchemy training is not based on the ego as God - but rather on the Emptiness as Impersonal Awareness - formless awareness. So the more a person becomes a God or immortal - the less of an individual ego the person has. But Lonemanpai is all about his ego. The God as Ego is the Siddhi ability - this is a lower ability. Even Jim Nance told me that at first he was using his mind to do healing and he realized this was very limiting. So then he learned to let the Emptiness or God do the healing for him. This is the real secret of the Cosmic Qi healing ability that also Yan Xin and Effie P. Chow and Chunyi Lin uses. So for Lonemanpai to repeatedly state that Chunyi is a thief - this is like calling someone a murderer - it is a formal label of someone convicted of a crime. Sure a person can make the claim - like the cop who killed the innocent black man in the Twin Cities and then the cop got off free of conviction. The mom of the black man killed calls the cop a murderer. That has some justification. Or if I have a coworker tell me that he is going to steal something or I have a family member steal something from my dad - then I am justified in calling them a Ladron! A thief (only the people are spanish speakers on those examples, haha). But Lonemanpai claims - when someone is told by Chunyi they should practice qigong 3 hours a day and get six healings that then Chunyi is a thief - when in fact there is a law in Minnesota for spiritual healing. So Chunyi has learned from experience due to the death of his wife - that if someone has serious blockages they need to practice more than 2 hours a day - if it is very serious they should practice 4 hours a day. That person had contacted me on my blog about Chunyi asking him to get six healings. I said just keep practicing and you can space the healings out over time. I know Chunyi says for his normal clients he recommends getting a healing once a year as a kind of check up. So that is his right as a healer - he is not doing any medical diagnosis or even medical treatment and Chunyi recommends people go to doctors and even his own son is in medical school, training to be a doctor. So Lonemanpai - his wife is a medical doctor - and so Lonemanpai should respect the right of spiritual healers also to be professional in their treatments and fees, etc. Legally Chunyi is not a thief - he is not using force to take money or property from someone else. So to repeatedly call Chunyi a thief is not proper. As I have stated Chunyi - in contrast to the "lonemanpai" dude - has publicly had his skill tested in a randomized controlled medical testing of external qi healing published in a peer reviewed journal. He also co-authored a medical qigong chapter for the Mayo Clinic textbook on complementary healing in 2006 - with Dr. Nisha Manek. So Chunyi works a lot with medical doctors - Bill Manahan, Nisha Manek, Ann Vincent, and there have been several other medical doctors. The "skeptics" claim that all these medical doctors have been duped by the placebo effect! Hilarious. Also when the Dalai Lama goes to the Mayo Clinic for his check ups then his entourage of monks stays at Chunyi's house and Chunyi does healings on the Dalai Lama and his monks. haha. The Spring Forest Qigong center regularly offers "free" sample healings and also has "master healers" who do free healings for homeless people, and other disadvantaged sectors of the population. I myself have been arrested 8 times protesting against imperialistic genocide and structural injustice. I ate out of dumpsters for 10 years because the U.S. wastes so much good food and I rode around on an old 3 speed bicycle even in the winter time in the U.S. I plan to live out my final years in a tent off a highway - in a forest area on land I bought. haha. When I say final years - I mean global ecological apocalypse from global warming - https://guymcpherson.com/2017/02/faster-than-expected/ Like in the next few years at most. Sure I did a lot of free healing that used up my jing energy by having the energy wrongly go up the front of my body and out of my skull. haha. I have no regrets - it was fun to have inner city strangers thank me or get a bit freaked out about me or try to stalk me or go into lewd female display behavior in front of me. haha. I was doing "evil fire" qi healing as the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality explains - it is the most common error of the alchemy training. I overused my psychic energy. Live and learn my friends. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/04/10/idiot-s-guide-to-taoist-alchemy/ So when lonemanpai attacks so many other qigong teachers like Michael Lomax and K.A.P. and Chunyi - and so forth - this is just like what Opendao did. Males, as chimps, are drawn towards power that is sadistic - they want the strong man to "lead" them, etc. - this is nothing new. Lonemanpai claims that I am misogynist - on the contrary I freely gave my energy to females - too much so. haha. So Lonemanpai even misunderstood what I was saying - when I make the claim that females shaking their legs are sucking off energy or some such. My pdf goes into the details more of how to fix these errors. You don't need some special download program to "unzip" the files as Lonemanpai requires of his followers. haha. Sure keep hiding out on the lonemanpai forum with your leader wearing a mask or whatever claiming he is a God by attacking everyone behind their backs - hilarious. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nungali Posted June 20, 2017 You ' know how to present evidence and argue it successfully, ' ..... not really . Why bring your long and boring argument here? . . . . the 'world of the internet ' ... sigh .... I realise it is the year of the rooster ... cant you find some other barn to crow from the roof of ? 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fa Xin Posted June 20, 2017 Hey Drew! Hope all is well. I really enjoy your posts, I find the stories about chunyi and Jim very interesting. My question to you is, if you were to show this thread to chunyi, how do you think he would react? you know chunyi is a powerful healer, and has helped you immensely. What benefit is it to make this thread? About a comment that was said in passing on a private forum? Let people have their opinions, emptiness doesn't care. Om mani padme hum. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted June 21, 2017 People approach the internet looking for things to consume. Sorry if you don't find someone breaking the law "interesting" - you want to blame me as making some personal grudge. That's not justice. Justice is impersonal. So people in the U.S. don't have to care that we have over 800 military bases in other "nations" based on stealing the resources of the planet and sucking them up into Mall slave sweatshop products, etc. People don't "want" to hear about such things. Boring - please move this thread to the dump so we don't have to look at it. What an eye sore! Hilarious. You said something was said in "passing on a private forum?" that is your claim right. Quote About a comment that was said in passing on a private forum? So what is your evidence for this claim? You present absolutely no evidence what so ever. Oh the oppression you must have felt that I did not want to read something mentioned 'In passing on a private forum"? What a waste of time that you had to read about it! haha. Again it was not "in passing on a private forum" - you present no evidence for this and your claim is not true. Secondly it is not an "opinion" as I stated. For example if the person had stated - that they thought Chunyi was committing thievery - that is an opinion of a specific action. Maybe the opinion is that Chunyi didn't intentional commit thievery and therefore Chunyi is not a thief. You see the difference don't you? Manslaughter versus Murderer for example. Or Negligence versus criminal negligence. Quote Again....I created THIS FORUM and volunteer my time FOR FREE to negate and nullify maybe even erradicate ALL THE BULLSH!T THESE THIEVES AND CHARLATANS pass around forums blogs spam videos etc. So Lonemanpai has put Chunyi into this "category" as the specific reason Lonemanpai created his forum. Do you really think Chunyi is in that category? Did I not post the specifics of Chunyi and Jim Nance having their external qi energy tested and proven as "especially impressive" in peer-reviewed randomized controlled medical research? Quote May 19, 2015 17:02:02 GMT -5 SonOfTheGods said: Chunyi Lin is a THIEF if this is what happened ALL BEGINNERS HAVE BLOCKAGES Start a Practice log anywhere you want- I WILL HELP YOU FOR FREE Read more: lonemanpai.com/thread/527/hello-everybody#ixzz3acqeFXTr Read more: http://lonemanpai.com/thread/14/force-field-photograph-video-proof#ixzz4kawutr1Z So what this person is saying is that Chunyi's energy reading was wrong and that Chunyi's intention was to take the money - and if the person who had called Chunyi - instead registers and posts his personal training information then he will be "helped" for free. Is that really for free? haha. So what did you say again? I forgot. Quote About a comment that was said in passing on a private forum? Oh yeah and what was your evidence for that? So I googled "Chunyi lin" thief. I got this: Quote Chunyi Lin // Hello everybody | The LoneMan Pai™ - Temple Of ... lonemanpai.com › General Community May 19, 2015 - A month ago I bought a distance healing from master Chunyi Lin and he told me that I have .... Chunyi Lin is a THIEF if this is what happened Now - notice that is not the same thread as the first quote I gave. So that disproves your "said in passing on a private forum" claim. You are now proven wrong. Sorry. So now let's play a game on this "private" forum. Let's use the search engine. Quote Feb 4, 2016 at 11:30am Quote Post by SonOfTheGods on Feb 4, 2016 at 11:30am -We have members sign up and discuss their previous paths Most are tolerable, because they aren't dangerous However....One member started a thread like the OP did, and spoke about Chunyi Lin- of Spring Forest QiGong SFQG He also said how Lin charged him 150 dollars to 'fix blockages' and this new member said Lin told him he had '6 blockages'--- over the phone We all have blockages- they come and go This kid got suckered, and was still defending Lin Even though he already spent 150 dollars to get the first 'blockage removed' His mind was in stalemate mode, as was his progress- because he felt nothing could be done until Lin 'fixed him' I promptly changed the original Op post from "Introduction" to Introduction/Chunyi Lin Why did I do that? Because people need to know We also had a female member confirm the cult fan base Lin has and how they spend huge amounts of money just to be in Lin's presence for healing Read more: http://lonemanpai.com/thread/1314/introduction?page=2#ixzz4kazc4oyn Because People need to know. Yep that's real private there. Quote Indeed, and energy transmissions to "fix blockages" are also only temporary, too Chunyi Lin // Hello everybodylonemanpai.com/thread/527/chunyi-lin-hello-everybody Read more: http://lonemanpai.com/thread/568/yongquan-heel-meridian-blow-photos#ixzz4kazyPHL6 Are they "only temporary"? Maybe and maybe not. And Chunyi has stated he doesn't give "transmissions." I was the one who called them "transmissions" but I didn't realize that the term "transmissions" has negative political implications in China - Quote May 22 2015: captainmcr came to LoneMan Pai™ about 4 or 5 months ago as a beginner.Read this man's practice logs, and the quality of the info he posts regularly I would compare his progress against any 2-3 year student of longmenpai, stillness movement, western mopai, chunyi lin, or any other random daoist temple popping up on internet forums world wide He would surpass all of them - and, he never paid one cent either Also, it should be noted- he didn't have his Lower Tan Tien artificially installed via sorcery either(as most lineages do) Read more: http://lonemanpai.com/thread/49/captainmcrs-practice-log?page=7#ixzz4kb0YWeHz Yeah I read it - as I said - he increased his yin qi energy - and that is not anything near what I did in 6 months of SFQ training. haha. Hilarious!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelerner Posted June 21, 2017 If those messages are a year and half and two years ago, it's probably time to let it go. You're probably bringing ten times the attention to them then they'd ever get. Seems to me posting positive things about SFQ helps, and digging up and reprinting very old negative messages hurts. Also bringing manslaughter, murder and military bases into the 'argument' seems like moving in a less focused direction. 8 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted June 21, 2017 (edited) 27 minutes ago, thelerner said: If those messages are a year and half and two years ago, it probably is time to let it go. You're probably bringing ten times the attention to them then they'd ever get. Seems to me posting positive things about SFQ helps, and digging up and reprinting very old negative messages hurts. Also bringing up manslaughter, murder and military bases into the 'argument' seems gahhhhh.. moving in a less.. gahhhhhh.. productive direction. So you are on the "popularity" side of the argument. You don't understand what I'm stating. Also I realize you think nuclear power is great and blah blah so if I post something "political" - that goes against the "common sense" views of corporate mass mind controlled reality - then oh - you really got to put me back into my place. haha. Hilarious. Why not share about the great "Feng shui" of Chicago again? I had someone ask me what would be good Feng Shui for Manhattan - someone of Chinese ethnicity. I just said - sorry I don't think it's possible. Manhattan was virgin forest before the Europeans turned into it a good site for Feng Shui. Similarly now in the Twin cities there is someone doing "consulting" for Feng Shui - oh it's the big think in architecture now we are told in the newspapers. Hilarious. The purpose of Lonemanpai is someone anonymous who likes to disparage all the other qigong groups - on his forum. It's like Opendao does on this forum - he promotes himself by attacking everyone else. So that is the modus operandi of Lonemanpai - regardless of whether it was 10 minutes ago when you first discovered that fact - or 5 years ago when it was first written, etc. Libel law is still libel law - regardless of when the posts were made or when you read them. They're not deleted yet. My point is this: Lonemanpai claims he is a God and he can therefore train others to be Gods. He has a materialist view of alchemy and this is not accurate. To prop up his view he then depends on disparaging other qigong teachers. One of those teachers is someone I personally know. He didn't mention it in "passing" - he, as owner of the website, hacked into the person's thread title and re-titled the thread to put Chunyi's name in it and then said: people need to know. O.k. I say - fine - is he lying and committing libel? Let people know then. Bring it on. He wants to hide on his forum and have people post their private training to him and so he can be God. haha. He doesn't want to show his skills in public except posting some photos of red marks and photos of bright flashes that are supposed to be auras. Then he says someone who has done peer reviewed randomized controlled "gold standard" science proving his "external qi" ability is a thief. Sorry that is not correct. He calls someone a thief but he doesn't have the evidence at all. That is factually libel - it has nothing to do with me. I am presenting evidence and instead you want to focus on me instead of engaging with the evidence. Sorry I'm not falling for that game. Either deal with the subject of the thread - or don't post ad hominems about me. Sorry if you think the U.S. military empire is all hunky-dory - but real Taoism actually is based on a traditional philosophy that is totally against the U.S. empire. Most people don't notice that fact. haha. You seem to be one of them with your pro-nuclear views. So you want to talk politics. Go for it. The u.s. empire is nothing - this problem goes back to Plato and around 10,000 BCE. Real Taoist philosophy is based on nonwestern music theory and biology of modern humans from 100,000 years ago. Is that a problem for you? haha. Hilarious. Anyone else want to claim I'm just whining and I have some personal problem and therefore the evidence I presented is not worth discussing? Go one - present yourselves. I'll deal with you one by one. Quote a three-year statute of limitation applies to libel actions. Next. Quote within six weeks after discovering a claim Quote within six weeks after the alleged libel has come to the plaintiff’s knowledge, given to the defendant notice in writing, specifying the matter complained of, which shall be served in the same manner as a statement of claim Quote Unless this Act provides otherwise, a proceeding shall not be commenced in respect of a claim after the second anniversary of the day on which the claim was discovered. 2002, c. 24, Sched. B, s. 4. So the time limitation is after the libel is discovered - not based on when the libel is posted. Edited June 21, 2017 by voidisyinyang Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted June 21, 2017 28 minutes ago, Fa Xin said: You say you're not too familiar with SFQ - you say your background is martial arts and then t'ai chi and you're vegetarian. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SonOfTheGods Posted June 25, 2017 There's quite a few, new people, signing up on my forum, mentioning this thread. Here is the (now perm-pinned) 2 year old thread in question- examine it and draw your own conclusions. http://lonemanpai.com/thread/527/chunyi-lin-hello-everybody Drew, I have- Personally- invited you, Twice, to my forum, over the past 3 years. It is a Forum, like TaoBums- with rules and Admin- there is no collecting of private information.. everything is for Free. Most sign up on proxies with fake throwaway emails. I do not participate with any banners/click for dollars, such as Google Adsense, Amazon etc I do desire member participation, so if someone signs up- I want them to pull their weight since I am taking my personal time to help them, for Free. This is also told to new members via email confirmation upon approval. There are scores of member logs to confirm what I said, repeatedly, for the last 3+ years. Thank you for your time, everyone 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
allinone Posted June 25, 2017 (edited) at the moment i think the sfq is on internal organ generated emotions level. the teacher or healer helps to find the synergy with the heart. Edited June 25, 2017 by allinone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelerner Posted June 25, 2017 One, I like Chunyi Lin and think SFQ is a good system. While not a practitioner I've listened to many of Master Chunyi's talks and liked what he's said. Still, reading the original post (over 2 years old) in the lonemanpai forum, if I didn't know it was Chunyi and it was Master XYZ who told a 22 year old practitioner who'd signed up for a distance healing, was told he had blockages in virtually all systems and would need 6 more healing sessions and needed to practice 3 hours a day. It would raise my suspicions. Same if it was a psychic, saying lots of entities you'll 6 more (expensive) sessions to get rid of them. We don't know the details. It could be perfectly legitimate and life saving. But such a 'prescription' is pretty much Con 101 in the psychic trade. I'll add SotG did use the word IF (that's really what happened) then there is thievery. Wise because in internet land we don't know if the kid is real, what's he's printing is real, there's no details or proof given.. again internet reality. I can understand why yinyangvoid is concerned about slights to his well respected teacher, but if the story hadn't been about Chunyi and had Master fufu, I assume he'd also have suspicions raised. I will say this. If people are getting long distance healing from Chunyi or anybody and consistently told they'll need a -half dozen more.. then something doesn't smell right to me. Flags are raised, 6 or 7 healings probably add up to thousand of dollars. That's alot. I'll add in the same thread people wrote '..If you are satisfied by the system (SFQ) better not mix techniques because no one will know who helped you'. So, not totally against SFQ on the whole. Most of the advice given on the lonemanpai seemed good to me, probably similar to what he'd get here. I'm sorry that SFQ was dragged in but I wonder how many people getting a single session of healing are told they need 6 more? Great if needed, expensive con, if not. As always in the eclectic energy arts are caveat emptor. if your on the internet there will always be critics, some deserved, many not. The best answer is simply having a good reputation that speaks for itself and by and large Chunyi Lin does. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted June 26, 2017 2 hours ago, thelerner said: One, I like Chunyi Lin and think SFQ is a good system. While not a practitioner I've listened to many of Master Chunyi's talks and liked what he's said. Still, reading the original post (over 2 years old) in the lonemanpai forum, if I didn't know it was Chunyi and it was Master XYZ who told a 22 year old practitioner who'd signed up for a distance healing, was told he had blockages in virtually all systems and would need 6 more healing sessions and needed to practice 3 hours a day. It would raise my suspicions. Same if it was a psychic, saying lots of entities you'll 6 more (expensive) sessions to get rid of them. We don't know the details. It could be perfectly legitimate and life saving. But such a 'prescription' is pretty much Con 101 in the psychic trade. I'll add SotG did use the word IF (that's really what happened) then there is thievery. Wise because in internet land we don't know if the kid is real, what's he's printing is real, there's no details or proof given.. again internet reality. I can understand why yinyangvoid is concerned about slights to his well respected teacher, but if the story hadn't been about Chunyi and had Master fufu, I assume he'd also have suspicions raised. I will say this. If people are getting long distance healing from Chunyi or anybody and consistently told they'll need a -half dozen more.. then something doesn't smell right to me. Flags are raised, 6 or 7 healings probably add up to thousand of dollars. That's alot. I'll add in the same thread people wrote '..If you are satisfied by the system (SFQ) better not mix techniques because no one will know who helped you'. So, not totally against SFQ on the whole. Most of the advice given on the lonemanpai seemed good to me, probably similar to what he'd get here. I'm sorry that SFQ was dragged in but I wonder how many people getting a single session of healing are told they need 6 more? Great if needed, expensive con, if not. As always in the eclectic energy arts are caveat emptor. if your on the internet there will always be critics, some deserved, many not. The best answer is simply having a good reputation that speaks for itself and by and large Chunyi Lin does. Actually if you had a world famous teacher/healer tell you to practice 3 hours a day you should feel honored and be glad to take up the challenge. Instead you are complaining about it. As I said - 3 hours is to clear out more serious blockages. But let's say he didn't really have those serious blockages and it was all a scam as you suspect - in that case then 3 hours a day would dramatically increase his energy. I doubt most people here practice anywhere close to 3 hours a day - for example the personal practice forum here is pretty much dead. haha. Nice try though - with your "after work" qigong training or whatever. Someone doing 3 hours is going to have to make a serious commitment. 3 hours a day means a life changing total commitment experience. That means you are a REAL student - and should be honored. Now if someone is willing to make that kind of time commitment - and let's say they happen to have a job. then consider this - they are not going to have the time to waste their money on the stupid stuff that normal people waste their money on - I don't know - going to sports games or bars or music events, etc. 3 hours a day, again, it's going to save you money. So then you spend that on a high level spiritual master who asked you to make a serious commitment. Finding real students is much harder than finding real teachers - and yet look at all the Westerners who can't even find a real teacher - they don't want to. Much more easier to practice just a "taste" of qigong after work, etc. with no real deep change. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted June 26, 2017 10 hours ago, SonOfTheGods said: There's quite a few, new people, signing up on my forum, mentioning this thread. Here is the (now perm-pinned) 2 year old thread in question- examine it and draw your own conclusions. http://lonemanpai.com/thread/527/chunyi-lin-hello-everybody Drew, I have- Personally- invited you, Twice, to my forum, over the past 3 years. It is a Forum, like TaoBums- with rules and Admin- there is no collecting of private information.. everything is for Free. Most sign up on proxies with fake throwaway emails. I do not participate with any banners/click for dollars, such as Google Adsense, Amazon etc I do desire member participation, so if someone signs up- I want them to pull their weight since I am taking my personal time to help them, for Free. This is also told to new members via email confirmation upon approval. There are scores of member logs to confirm what I said, repeatedly, for the last 3+ years. Thank you for your time, everyone umm - can you show me this? Quote Drew, I have- Personally- invited you, Twice, to my forum, over the past 3 years. Yeah - I remember you making broad invites on this forum to your forum - like this forum sucks, come join my forum. I don't remember any "personal" aspect to those invites. You may have mentioned MY name but again I don't know your name - so how could that be "personal?" Like I said - you claim to see long distance, so your third eye is fully open. If that is true you should be able to create yuan qi energy at will - and therefore should be able to demonstrate your external qi energy under scientific conditions. You ask for a group of scientists to follow you around. I don't think that's how Wim Hof did it - he went out and demonstrated his skill. Chunyi - he was here as an exchange teacher - and teaching Chinese culture and he started out with 5 students but half the class was there on accident or not by their own choice. haha. But it turns out one of the ladies there had a serious illness that the Mayo Clinic said required a lung transplant. Her son made her go to "Chinese Breathing" - as part of the Latino culture - she agreed to go, on the basis of her son's demand. That person is Esther Trejo. Now you say that these "transmissions" (that was my term, as I said, Chunyi does not agree to that term) - but his phone healings are not "permanent." O.K. so Esther Trejo had her lung scars vanish - this was documented by the Mayo Clinic. She had the scars vanish after 8 weeks of taking the qigong class and practicing at home. Now - it is true that chunyi said he would go "check up" on her - to make sure she stayed healthy, etc. But as I said he also recommends people get a once a year check up. I think that is reasonable. And - Esther - states - how - well Chunyi said Esther adopted him as her mom and in Chinese culture that is considered a sign of close friendship to be "adopted" as part of the family. I am reading the memoir Wild Swans - which I highly recommend for a good detailed description of Chinese culture. Thanks for inviting me to your forum again. As you say you want people to post a personal practice thread to be part of your forum or else their account will get deleted. I don't agree with Western "magick" (tm!) - or sigils or whatever Harry Potter terms you use - Grimoires or? what was it - new to me - Egermoires? haha. I'm sure that stuff all works just like NLP works. I had this relative - not blood related - try to do NLP me - her qi - like most females - was still stuck on the lower body - and so she kept making this blatant Freudian reference to me to try to suck of my energy. I just ignored her - but she really thought she could mind control me with some kind of NLP trick. haha. I felt bad for her - but oh well. You say you get more followers from my thread. That is great - people blame me here for advertising your forum. I am not interested in "popularity" - one way or the other. I am interested in the truth and open discussion. I realize people need secrecy to protect their energy, etc. But I don't think that necessitates going out of the way to attack other practices. For example Michael Lomax just shared recently on this forum an amazing healing experience he had - after finding an old woman who had hit her head on the concrete. So it is a blessing that we have qigong masters here sharing on this forum - and he is a leading member of the National Qigong Association - so he very openly shares his training and skills, etc. So there is no need to attack his training methods. Sure lots of students are not going to be "successful" in this training. I am openly one of them - it is difficult to control the energy. I did a lot of free healing - it was fun - but also tragic-comedy. haha. So for example there was a young male who posted a video testimonial of how a SFQ master healed him of epilepsy. He has severe epilepsy and was on some 40 medications again via the Mayo Clinic - and he was basically stuck to his sofa all day long. So the qigong master who healed him was a student of Chunyi and the young male was from the town I live in. So then I happened to meet his mom at the Dennis mcKenna book talk in our town, as Dennis McKenna also lives in our town. The young male, now healed, trained at Naropa College in Colorado and then teaches qigong meditation at an assisted living home, along with being their cook for nutritional meals, etc. So when he was healed - he worked on healing himself, as much as the qigong master healed him. And so for Chunyi to say a student should practice 3 hours a day - that is serious. I was told to do 2 hours of "moving of yin and yang" standing exercise a day to restore my jing energy. I have not done that. So I can easily see how doing 3 hours a day would be difficult for anyone to commit to. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abzu Posted March 18, 2019 You have that PDF about fixing the issue with energy leakage that causes women to shake their legs? I have come to my own conclusions and what not but On 6/20/2017 at 11:12 AM, voidisyinyang said: According to the reading I did last night - it was Paul Dong on Yan Xin - https://issuu.com/exopolitics/docs/china_s_super_psychics_by_paul_dong Both chunyi lin and Jim Nance have achieved the amazing level of the "Divine Eye" - this is a very rare ability level of healing. In fact someone was reading my posts online - and they came from a family who has an Indian dad who was in Hare Krishna - and so this person literally traveled throughout India and China looking for energy masters. He even met Master Jiang and saw Jiang doing the amazing fire pyrokinesis ability. But he said Jiang did not do the same type of love shen healing that Chunyi did. So the person returned back to the U.S. and drove up from Kansas to Minnesota to the qigong center. It was then that Jim Nance called me and said I "knew this person." haha. No - they only read me online! But since Jim Nance o.k.'d the person I said sure they can come visit me. So the person stayed a couple nights at my house - and I made vegetarian food - like just mix wheat and oil in a pie pan for crust - and then I think I had lots of fruit from the organic fruit warehouse job - or maybe it was garden vegetables. Then organic black beans and organic brown rice. But I made sure to have small meals with also vinegar to counteract any sugar. Also I made him drink mushroom tea. haha. He was nice to do that - it was shelf mushroom tea. So it is very medicinal - Artist Conk tea - but bitter tasting. Anyway so then I was sitting in full lotus on the sofa next to him and suddenly he exclaimed - "your eyes are pulsating!" So I knew my eyes were pulsating but I didn't think anyone could notice since my family tries to ignore what I do - or whatever. So I explained to him - that was the yin qi and shen going out of the eyes - from the pineal gland. So as Jim Nance said, "I fell out of enlightenment" and the magnetic bliss I feel in the center of my brain is a "brain blockage." haha. Jim Nance meditated nonstop 12 hours a day for many years to get to his level and he was the personal assistant of Chunyi since Chunyi said Jim had the best aura of any student he had met. So for a Westerner to train to this ability is very rare - but also he is African-American with some Native indigenous heritage also. So the "lonemanpai" dude says he has the ability to see inside people's bodies at a distance. I don't believe him. If he could do that then his third eye would be fully open and like Jim Nance and chunyi lin - then the lonemanpai dude should be able to submit to peer-reviewed randomized controlled testing of "external qi" healing. The lonemanpai dude says he wants a coterie of scientists to follow him around like John Chang. That is very easy - look at what Wim Hof did. Lonemanpai can simply set up public demonstrations of his ability - just as Effie P. Chow did for me in 1995 - when she blew the fuse in the room behind her at St. Mary's University. haha. Effie P. Chow also declared that "Adam the Dream Healer" has his third eye fully open - because of his native indigenous heritage, he was born that way. Adam the Dream Healer also does public demonstrations of his qi-shen healing. So Lonemanpai doesn't need to hide on his forum - where he insists that people will be deleted for lurking on his site if they register on the site without posting their private practice details on his site. haha. That is why I declared him to be the "leader" of the person who says they like to read his site. Maybe they just lurk on his site without registering. But if you login then the lonemanpai "extracts" private information from you. That is very culty. He claims its for free but extracting private information is not free. It's what scientology does to black mail people. Hilarious. The real alchemy training is not based on the ego as God - but rather on the Emptiness as Impersonal Awareness - formless awareness. So the more a person becomes a God or immortal - the less of an individual ego the person has. But Lonemanpai is all about his ego. The God as Ego is the Siddhi ability - this is a lower ability. Even Jim Nance told me that at first he was using his mind to do healing and he realized this was very limiting. So then he learned to let the Emptiness or God do the healing for him. This is the real secret of the Cosmic Qi healing ability that also Yan Xin and Effie P. Chow and Chunyi Lin uses. So for Lonemanpai to repeatedly state that Chunyi is a thief - this is like calling someone a murderer - it is a formal label of someone convicted of a crime. Sure a person can make the claim - like the cop who killed the innocent black man in the Twin Cities and then the cop got off free of conviction. The mom of the black man killed calls the cop a murderer. That has some justification. Or if I have a coworker tell me that he is going to steal something or I have a family member steal something from my dad - then I am justified in calling them a Ladron! A thief (only the people are spanish speakers on those examples, haha). But Lonemanpai claims - when someone is told by Chunyi they should practice qigong 3 hours a day and get six healings that then Chunyi is a thief - when in fact there is a law in Minnesota for spiritual healing. So Chunyi has learned from experience due to the death of his wife - that if someone has serious blockages they need to practice more than 2 hours a day - if it is very serious they should practice 4 hours a day. That person had contacted me on my blog about Chunyi asking him to get six healings. I said just keep practicing and you can space the healings out over time. I know Chunyi says for his normal clients he recommends getting a healing once a year as a kind of check up. So that is his right as a healer - he is not doing any medical diagnosis or even medical treatment and Chunyi recommends people go to doctors and even his own son is in medical school, training to be a doctor. So Lonemanpai - his wife is a medical doctor - and so Lonemanpai should respect the right of spiritual healers also to be professional in their treatments and fees, etc. Legally Chunyi is not a thief - he is not using force to take money or property from someone else. So to repeatedly call Chunyi a thief is not proper. As I have stated Chunyi - in contrast to the "lonemanpai" dude - has publicly had his skill tested in a randomized controlled medical testing of external qi healing published in a peer reviewed journal. He also co-authored a medical qigong chapter for the Mayo Clinic textbook on complementary healing in 2006 - with Dr. Nisha Manek. So Chunyi works a lot with medical doctors - Bill Manahan, Nisha Manek, Ann Vincent, and there have been several other medical doctors. The "skeptics" claim that all these medical doctors have been duped by the placebo effect! Hilarious. Also when the Dalai Lama goes to the Mayo Clinic for his check ups then his entourage of monks stays at Chunyi's house and Chunyi does healings on the Dalai Lama and his monks. haha. The Spring Forest Qigong center regularly offers "free" sample healings and also has "master healers" who do free healings for homeless people, and other disadvantaged sectors of the population. I myself have been arrested 8 times protesting against imperialistic genocide and structural injustice. I ate out of dumpsters for 10 years because the U.S. wastes so much good food and I rode around on an old 3 speed bicycle even in the winter time in the U.S. I plan to live out my final years in a tent off a highway - in a forest area on land I bought. haha. When I say final years - I mean global ecological apocalypse from global warming - https://guymcpherson.com/2017/02/faster-than-expected/ Like in the next few years at most. Sure I did a lot of free healing that used up my jing energy by having the energy wrongly go up the front of my body and out of my skull. haha. I have no regrets - it was fun to have inner city strangers thank me or get a bit freaked out about me or try to stalk me or go into lewd female display behavior in front of me. haha. I was doing "evil fire" qi healing as the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality explains - it is the most common error of the alchemy training. I overused my psychic energy. Live and learn my friends. https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/04/10/idiot-s-guide-to-taoist-alchemy/ So when lonemanpai attacks so many other qigong teachers like Michael Lomax and K.A.P. and Chunyi - and so forth - this is just like what Opendao did. Males, as chimps, are drawn towards power that is sadistic - they want the strong man to "lead" them, etc. - this is nothing new. Lonemanpai claims that I am misogynist - on the contrary I freely gave my energy to females - too much so. haha. So Lonemanpai even misunderstood what I was saying - when I make the claim that females shaking their legs are sucking off energy or some such. My pdf goes into the details more of how to fix these errors. You don't need some special download program to "unzip" the files as Lonemanpai requires of his followers. haha. Sure keep hiding out on the lonemanpai forum with your leader wearing a mask or whatever claiming he is a God by attacking everyone behind their backs - I would appreciate a link to how to fix giving too much energy out. I have experienced a lot of the "women shaking their legs" thing and i slowed down my practice because of it. I used LMP for some time and found it effective, but there was no actual solution for this phenomena outside of "focus more," which actually did not help 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nungali Posted March 18, 2019 3 hours ago, Abzu said: ... I have experienced a lot of the "women shaking their legs" thing ..... Well, if you don;t like it, stop going to that club 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abzu Posted March 18, 2019 6 hours ago, Nungali said: Well, if you don;t like it, stop going to that club tou·ché Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted March 18, 2019 16 hours ago, Abzu said: You have that PDF about fixing the issue with energy leakage that causes women to shake their legs? I have come to my own conclusions and what not but I would appreciate a link to how to fix giving too much energy out. I have experienced a lot of the "women shaking their legs" thing and i slowed down my practice because of it. I used LMP for some time and found it effective, but there was no actual solution for this phenomena outside of "focus more," which actually did not help yes the pdf link was in the quote you responded to. But there are different formats so I'll just post the direct quote.... http://perceivebelieve.tumblr.com/post/159904989496/the-idiots-guide-to-taoist-alchemy-qigong So for example as Master Nan, Huai-chin states at this level the nerves are very sensitive and lust easily overtakes the mind. Also the healer gets heroic over-exuberance and so the energy gets overused easily. So then when I studied 1) Mantak Chia I discovered the secret - the diaphragm has to be flexed down at the same time that the perineum is flexed up. 2) Check out this “secret” video by Dr. Newman K. Lin on “anal breathing” as the secret of vagus nerve stimulation. There are two main areas you will always use. Pull up the perineum and press down the diaphragm. This will reduce the space in the Tan Tien and condense the Chi in the Tan Tien. Mantak Chia, p. 69 The two biggest muscles in the body are the glutes and the diaphragm. 3) The Power of Ki! Dr. Joo Bang Lee March 1988 Black Belt Magazine While one is breathing the Dan Jun (diaphragm) and anus must be held tight. This secret keeps the small universe flowing in the proper direction and prevents the yin qi energy from going up the front of the body and out of the eyes with the shen. 4) Neidan qigong, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming At this time you should start to coordinate your breathing and abdominal movement with the movement of your huiyin (Co-1) (literally “meet the yin”) cavity and perineum to lead the qi to the tailbone (weilu cavity)….The trick of holding up and loosening the huiyin and perineum is extremely important in nei dan qigong. In his Small Circulation Heavenly Orbit book Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming emphasizes the secret of the perineum again: Huiyin is the Pump and the Abdomen is the Bellows The Huiyin cavity [perineum] is the crucial valve controlling Qi in the four yin vessels. When it [perineum] is pushed out, the stored Qi is released, and when it is held up, the valve is closed, holding Qi in and conserving it. So the Huiyin pumps Internal Qi (Nei Qi) and governs the manifestation and preservation of the body’s Qi. Controlling Huiyin [perineum] in your practice makes a significant difference. Traditionally this was one tricky place which the master would keep secret until the student was trustworthy. So that is the main secret of how to store up the energy along with continued practice of “Moving of yin and yang” to reverse blockages and convert the jing back to qi energy. 5) Chinese Medical Qigong textbook googlebook link - Anus-lifting breathing refers to the respiratory method that contracts the muscle of the perineum while inhaling and relaxes the perineum while exhaling. Generally speaking when one practices Xiao Zhou Tian (Small Heavenly Circulation Form), anus-lifting breathing is mandatory to coordinate the Qi. Flex the Diaphragm down and the perineum up at the same time - secret of storing up qi energy! 6) Bagwa master Sun Luc-Tang lists as one of his eight essentials of Baguazhang: 3: The rectum is lifted internally and the tongue touches the hard palate just above the top tooth line on the hard ridge, so as to join the Du Mei with the Ren Mei. p. 76, Eric Montaigue internal Gong-fu pdf So seven different sources (see below for the seventh source from kriya yoga) emphasizing the same essential secret to storing up and condensing the qi in the lower tan tien! Now the final secret is that Master Nan, Huai-chin teaches it’s crucial to hold the breath only after exhale. So then we find Wim Hof teaching the same secret of holding the breath, only after exhale and, only after first charging up the body doing the Quick Fire breathing. Dr. Shin Lin at UC-Irvine, documented, using transcranial Photon Migration Spectroscopy, a great increase in brain oxygen from holding the breath after exhale and after the Quick Fire charge up breathing. So then we discover from science that holding the breath after exhale activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Marc Seifer described the results: “During normal breathing, the reverberations in the aorta arc out of phase with the heartbeat and the system is inharmonious. However, during meditation and when the breath is held, the echo off the bifurcation of the aorta (where the aorta forks at the pelvis to go into each leg) is in resonance with the heartbeat and the system becomes synchronized, thus utilizing a minimum amount of energy. This resonant beat is approximately seven cycles per second, which corresponds not only to the alpha rhythm of the brain but also to the low-level magnetic pulsations of the Earth.” p.49, Transcending the Speed of Light. And 7) from the Kriya Yoga tradition: The vajroli mudra [contracting the lecithin semen] has to be [7] practiced together with the moola bandha (flexing the perineum up) and uddiyana bandha [flexing the diaphragm down] in kumbhaka. Practice of kumbhaka [breath retention after exhale] is necessary while the ejaculation is being held. Retention of the breath and the bindu [amrita kundalini] go hand in hand. Loss of kumbhaka is loss of bindu, and loss of bindu is loss of kumbhaka. “Kundalini Tantra” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati (google pdf link, more on the bindu chakra below). Kriya Yoga is older than Hindu religion, according to Satyananda Saraswati and the secret is that the Lunar Amrita normally flows down from the top of the brain to be “used up by the sun” as ejaculation, and instead the lunar and solar energy need to be united by retaining the lunar energy and purifying it. This is the same secret as Taoist yoga alchemy. Kriya yoga states that, at first the anal sphincter flexing is the key since a normal person can not “flex” their perineum on their own. But as the qi energy increases then you can isolate the perineum to stop loss of qi or prana energy out of the perineum. Swami Satyananda Saraswati states that most people operate with just their Moola or perineum chakra open (the Number 1 person as per Gurdjieff) and so this is the main vibration that can be “listened to” with the Yi or I as intention - to build up the qi energy, to activate the kundalini. So the key to putting the intention in the lower tan tien is by flexing the two largest muscles - the glutes up and diaphragm down, you begin to listen to or feel the vibration of the qi at the perineum to stop its loss, and to sublimate the jing energy up the spine, to the Bindu chakra (more on this below). So in Pranayama training first you train so that the exhale is twice as long as the inhale - so exhale can be up to 60 seconds and then you train in the retention after exhale : the breath is held for several seconds after the exhalation is complete. More on this Bindu Chakra secret below as the “Water Path” as proper intention of the pancreas - the source of worry or too much thinking. breath retraining: When stressed or worried, we tend to tense the muscles of the neck, throat, chest and abdomen. Especially when we tighten the abdominal muscles, we begin to breathe with rapid, shallow breaths primarily in the upper chest region. As the drop in CO2 causes distressing symptoms, we become afraid of the symptoms. Arousal remains high and a vicious cycle of worry and arousal occurs. So the tummo method of Wim Hof as the Quick Fire method of alchemy is to first do very deep reverse breathing which increases the carbon dioxide in the brain, the opposite of hyperventilation, or shallow overbreathing that lowers carbon dioxide levels. Or as another breathing expert explains: But my research leads me to believe that a significant issue or way this is influenced is more about the way and depth the nervous system is stimulated, ie., whether parasympathic/abdominal, breathing, or sympathetic, high chest dominant (over approximately 45%) breathing is engaged. I have observed people breathing intensely for hours without any signs of distress, but rather with signs of bliss and joy. The key to “over-breathing” is more about balance between the high chest and abdominal breathing pattern….. Optimal oxygen uptake is not possible without proper CO2 presence. Alkaline forming nutrition is also relevant…. I have observed -with the help of a pulse oxymeter, that quick [fire]-deep or quick[fire]-shallow breathing, if dominated by belly, back and side breathing, most often increases the level of oxygen in our blood. By gas exchange standards, this would seem to reduce the CO2 ratios, invite constriction and inhibit O2 transfer into the cells but this MAY or MAY NOT not occur depending upon how well the breather is able to relax and stay dominant parasympathetic. Key factors are how well they adapt, tolerate or become accustomed to the increase in physical energy (chi, prana, Qi, pneuma etc). The increased carbon dioxide from the deep strong reverse breathing, along with increased adrenaline, then enables the holding of breath after exhale for a longer time period, as it is the pH balance in the brain that triggers the breath reflex. 2014 study of tumo “heart-yoga” heat: Tumo was associated with a hyperdynamic vasodilated state with increased biventricular performance. We postulate that tumo results in a massive increase in sympathetic activity with activation of brown adipose tissue and marked heat production. The increased heat production may explain the paradoxical vasodilatation in tumo practitioners exposed to subzero temperatures. So then as the breath is held after exhale you get the parasympathetic rebound which then increases the oxygen levels in the brain and stores up the qi or prana energy. As this technique of continued, with 30 deep breaths followed by breath retention after exhale, then with each cycle the oxygen in the brain increases and the parasympathetic nervous system stores up more energy as increased prana or qi, along with sublimating the lecithin that stores up the qi. As the brain qi energy increases it is the brain that controls breathing and body temperature and so as Wim Hof details, he can just use his brain to increase his body heat, as the Tibetan tummo monks also do, through deep relaxation and very slow breathing. Science tells us it is the right side vagus nerve that is the dorsal or back of the rear body as this “reptilian freeze” trance or samadhi energy which then goes up to the right side of the brain and then down to the right side of the heart. Right side Vagus or Wanderer Nerve is secret of Kundalini - heart-right brain-reproductive connection Taoist Alchemy tells us that “Yuan qi” originates from the right side of the heart and Advaita Vedanta tells us, via Ramana Maharshi, that the right side of the heart is the secret pinhole to the formless awareness of the Universe. As the pdf explains, All Disease Comes from the Heart in fact in the earlier Chinese dictionary, from 200 AD, the heart is the Earth organ, after it is able to contain the fire energy. This remarkable 2nd century statement makes reference to a little known fact: in the early stages of Chinese medicine the heart was alternately classified as the earth organ, not the fire organ that it is exclusively described as today. Prof. Heiner Fruehauf The Advaita nondualists will try to claim this is not accurate since Ramana Maharshi explained: “It must be the heart at the right side of the chest since every man, of whatever race and religion and in whatever language he may be saying 'I’, points to the right side of the chest to indicate himself. This is so all over the world, so that must be the place. And by keenly watching the daily emergence of the 'I’ thought on waking and its subsiding in sleep, one can see that it is in the heart on the right side.” In fact what Ramana Maharshi is referring to is that humans are right hand dominant and in actuality this is indicative of the inherent complementary opposites of evolution! Only in Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality pdf link do we find this secret confirmed - the right side of the heart is the origin of "yuan qi.” Even acupuncture gives the hint (pdf): The first cry activates Qi-Ke – mouth of qi – to circulate Qi and Blood – This is reflected by the pulses at Lu-9 and St-9 – Breathing into the Lungs (for the first time) sets the Heart-Blood in motion – This also creates a pressure in the left atrium, which is greater than that of the right atrium, thereby creating the “Heart barrier,” or Pericardium The qigong master who befriended me actually demonstrated this truth to me - when he left his body and then activated the deep qi on the right side of my heart. He wanted to find out if I was speaking truly from my heart and he said that I was. Of course when I experienced this source of my spirit I stopped speaking as that was also the source of the truth and the end of the need for words. haha. And so as the San Bushmen describe their hearts really do stop when in deep meditation. Harvard Professor Dr. Richard Katz, Boiling Energy: Community Healing among the Kalahari Kung Richard Katz questioned Kau Dwa further on this topic: KATZ: Kow Dwa, you have told me that in kia you must die. Does that mean really die? KAU DWA: Yes. KATZ: I mean really die? KAU DWA: Yes. KATZ: You mean die like when you are buried beneath the ground? KAU DWA: [With enthusiasm]: Yes. Yes, just like that! KATZ: They are the same? KAU DWA: Yes, the same. It is death I speak of. KATZ: No difference? KAU DWA: [Firm but soft]: It is death. KATZ: The death where you never come back? KAU DWA: Yes, it is that bad. It is the death that kills us all. KATZ: But the healers get up, and a dead person doesn’t…? KAU DWA: That is true; healers may come alive again. In 2012 the original qigong master described his experience as well: My heart, the heart rate beating, shooting up so fast. I just couldn’t count how fast it beat. Then to a point it completely stopped, the beating. I don’t feel the pausing with my hand on the heart, and I’m still functioning well. For a second I was worried, what is going on? So I tried to breathe. Wow I feel more room in my lungs to breathe….. I continued to teach…For quite a while I feel nothing in my heart. Then I drove back to the center….May was there, saying hi, how’s it going? Yeah it’s going fine. But I still have no heart beat. I sit down. I look inside. I didn’t call 9/11. To me, this is only my experience. When you get something like that, call 9/11 right away and go to the hospital. I sit down. Why I get this? I didn’t get anything even in meditation. Gradually in 20 minutes. So for a good 2 hours I didn’t feel anything in my heart. So gradually my heart beat slowly comes back…..Then after a few days I ask why I have this? Just a way to open your heart. I say…well this is not a good way! haha. But I experience that and I check myself and I read myself inside and I check out my organs. Everything looks pretty good. There’s no damage or anything. Of course this is a very extreme situation. But I’m telling you everything has a reason. You go into your heart to find the answer and that will tell you on a bigger level…. No fear. In my life I experience so many — people call it bizarre things. People say – well that’s a story, not necessarily real. I don’t care. This is what I experienced. My life. And this is the way I get my heart more and more open and look at things from a different perspective. Taoist Yoga , p. 41 ( “The sun stands for the heart and the moon for the lower tan t'ien cavity (under the navel), respectively symbolized by the dragon (female or negative vitality) [yin qi] and the tiger (the male or positive vitality) [Yuan Qi].” Taoist Yoga , p. 67 “Therefore the secret lies in the prenatal positive vitality [Yuan Qi] that existed before heaven, earth, and all things came into being.” Taoist Yoga , p. 75 “The channel carrying blood and vitality from the right ventricle of the heart is a vein which is linked with the duct of the testicles and the restraining nerve; hence the centre of the right palm is the tiger cavity.” Taoist Yoga , p. 110. As I posted above we now from science that is the parasympathetic nervous system that connects to the testicles and it is the right side vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system that can stop the heart and restart it. By putting the Yi or intention in the lower tan tien, we “listen” or feel the vibration of the perineum that connects to the pineal gland. “The tiger’s roar heard in the left ear reveals the fullness of vitality.” p. 116 This deep Tai Chi Emptiness is called “breathless ecstasy” by Sri Yukteswar, the nirvikalpi samadhi of the energy meridians fully charged up via the deep reptilian “freeze” or “playing dead” vagus nerve activation, connecting the reproductive organs to the heart. Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences by Dr. Peter A. Levine gives the secret of this right side vagus nerve: I used to think the paralysis that occurs during extreme events was due to overloading of the sensorymotor cortex with kundalini energy. This may play a part in it, but now I think the paralysis is due to the brainstem stimulating an extreme parasympathetic response to meet the extreme sympathetic activity that is occurring…thus both on and off switches are at full bore. To prevent any further escalation of this duel between the on and off systems the body turns on a massive freeze response [samadhi trance] via the dorsal vagal complex. The dorsal vagus complex (DVC) is a cluster of connected neurons in the brainstem medulla that slows down the energy-expending processes. It is the primative unmyelinated vagus related to the conservation of metabolic resources. Similarly in the alchemy training we get this paradox of a strong sympathetic stress input creating a strong parasympathetic “freeze” reaction - in other words meditation trains us to suppress the sympathetic when normal people trigger the sympathetic.: These behaviors increase, further inhibiting the other system through tuning, and counter-intuitively not only is the opposite system fully suppressed, but stimuli that would normally evoke the opposite system (non-sensitized system) instead evoke a response in the sensitized system (termed reversal phenomena)..It is important to emphasize here, that under normal circumstances the nervous system cannot function this way; SNS and PNS are by nature alternating systems. Strange Bedfellows: Meditations on the Indispensable Virtues of Confusion, Mindfulness and Humor in the Neuroscientific and Cognitive Study of Esoteric and Contemplative Traditions Sept. 2016 pdf So the left ear is right brain dominant and so by emptying out the conceptual word left brain and developing Ting Jing (internal listening in Tai Chi) we build up the White Tiger yuan qi energy. The inner ear connects to the vagus nerve and cerebellum to sublimate the right side vagus jing energy and increase the pineal gland power. As Ramana Maharshi states with his shen (right brain spirit visualization) focused on the right side of his heart then after 15 minutes he felt a strong shock as the qi of the right side of the heart re-started his stopped heart and reactivated his shen as his spiritual self-awareness. Before that he was in a state of pure yuan qi as formless awareness - like a black hole of bliss through the right side of the heart. This shows again how the individual jing is tied to the shen and qi and explains the mystery of how Ramana Maharshi could insist he maintained his individual self even while he was submerged in the impersonal Self of the universe. Ramana Maharshi emphasizes to focus on the conceptual logicial inference of the source of the I-thought in order to ground the energy. We find the same discovery from Gopi Krishna - The focus on the left-side vagus nerve is the myelinated emotional energy to the heart. This is the focus on the “water path,” see below. When a qigong master is able to go into the post-death samadhi state, called nirvikalpa samadhi or “breathless ecstasy” (Sri Yukteswar), then that means the spiritual ego is emptied out, the 7th level of awareness in Mahayana Buddhism, and true enlightenment is achieved. That is the sign of a real spiritual master. As the qigong master who befriended me explained: You can be a qigong master but not necessarily enlightened. That is what he was referring to. For example a qigong master can see out of the head in four directions at the same time! But that doesn’t necessarily mean they are enlightened through a deep heart awakening. The shen as spirit moves in one direction while the qi moves in the other - and the body transcends its physical limitations as it merges with the qi-shen as the quantum formless awareness origin of time-frequency of the Universe. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abzu Posted March 18, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, voidisyinyang said: yes the pdf link was in the quote you responded to. But there are different formats so I'll just post the direct quote.... http://perceivebelieve.tumblr.com/post/159904989496/the-idiots-guide-to-taoist-alchemy-qigong So for example as Master Nan, Huai-chin states at this level the nerves are very sensitive and lust easily overtakes the mind. Also the healer gets heroic over-exuberance and so the energy gets overused easily. So then when I studied 1) Mantak Chia I discovered the secret - the diaphragm has to be flexed down at the same time that the perineum is flexed up. 2) Check out this “secret” video by Dr. Newman K. Lin on “anal breathing” as the secret of vagus nerve stimulation. There are two main areas you will always use. Pull up the perineum and press down the diaphragm. This will reduce the space in the Tan Tien and condense the Chi in the Tan Tien. Mantak Chia, p. 69 The two biggest muscles in the body are the glutes and the diaphragm. 3) The Power of Ki! Dr. Joo Bang Lee March 1988 Black Belt Magazine While one is breathing the Dan Jun (diaphragm) and anus must be held tight. This secret keeps the small universe flowing in the proper direction and prevents the yin qi energy from going up the front of the body and out of the eyes with the shen. 4) Neidan qigong, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming At this time you should start to coordinate your breathing and abdominal movement with the movement of your huiyin (Co-1) (literally “meet the yin”) cavity and perineum to lead the qi to the tailbone (weilu cavity)….The trick of holding up and loosening the huiyin and perineum is extremely important in nei dan qigong. In his Small Circulation Heavenly Orbit book Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming emphasizes the secret of the perineum again: Huiyin is the Pump and the Abdomen is the Bellows The Huiyin cavity [perineum] is the crucial valve controlling Qi in the four yin vessels. When it [perineum] is pushed out, the stored Qi is released, and when it is held up, the valve is closed, holding Qi in and conserving it. So the Huiyin pumps Internal Qi (Nei Qi) and governs the manifestation and preservation of the body’s Qi. Controlling Huiyin [perineum] in your practice makes a significant difference. Traditionally this was one tricky place which the master would keep secret until the student was trustworthy. So that is the main secret of how to store up the energy along with continued practice of “Moving of yin and yang” to reverse blockages and convert the jing back to qi energy. 5) Chinese Medical Qigong textbook googlebook link - Anus-lifting breathing refers to the respiratory method that contracts the muscle of the perineum while inhaling and relaxes the perineum while exhaling. Generally speaking when one practices Xiao Zhou Tian (Small Heavenly Circulation Form), anus-lifting breathing is mandatory to coordinate the Qi. Flex the Diaphragm down and the perineum up at the same time - secret of storing up qi energy! 6) Bagwa master Sun Luc-Tang lists as one of his eight essentials of Baguazhang: 3: The rectum is lifted internally and the tongue touches the hard palate just above the top tooth line on the hard ridge, so as to join the Du Mei with the Ren Mei. p. 76, Eric Montaigue internal Gong-fu pdf So seven different sources (see below for the seventh source from kriya yoga) emphasizing the same essential secret to storing up and condensing the qi in the lower tan tien! Now the final secret is that Master Nan, Huai-chin teaches it’s crucial to hold the breath only after exhale. So then we find Wim Hof teaching the same secret of holding the breath, only after exhale and, only after first charging up the body doing the Quick Fire breathing. Dr. Shin Lin at UC-Irvine, documented, using transcranial Photon Migration Spectroscopy, a great increase in brain oxygen from holding the breath after exhale and after the Quick Fire charge up breathing. So then we discover from science that holding the breath after exhale activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Marc Seifer described the results: “During normal breathing, the reverberations in the aorta arc out of phase with the heartbeat and the system is inharmonious. However, during meditation and when the breath is held, the echo off the bifurcation of the aorta (where the aorta forks at the pelvis to go into each leg) is in resonance with the heartbeat and the system becomes synchronized, thus utilizing a minimum amount of energy. This resonant beat is approximately seven cycles per second, which corresponds not only to the alpha rhythm of the brain but also to the low-level magnetic pulsations of the Earth.” p.49, Transcending the Speed of Light. And 7) from the Kriya Yoga tradition: The vajroli mudra [contracting the lecithin semen] has to be [7] practiced together with the moola bandha (flexing the perineum up) and uddiyana bandha [flexing the diaphragm down] in kumbhaka. Practice of kumbhaka [breath retention after exhale] is necessary while the ejaculation is being held. Retention of the breath and the bindu [amrita kundalini] go hand in hand. Loss of kumbhaka is loss of bindu, and loss of bindu is loss of kumbhaka. “Kundalini Tantra” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati (google pdf link, more on the bindu chakra below). Kriya Yoga is older than Hindu religion, according to Satyananda Saraswati and the secret is that the Lunar Amrita normally flows down from the top of the brain to be “used up by the sun” as ejaculation, and instead the lunar and solar energy need to be united by retaining the lunar energy and purifying it. This is the same secret as Taoist yoga alchemy. Kriya yoga states that, at first the anal sphincter flexing is the key since a normal person can not “flex” their perineum on their own. But as the qi energy increases then you can isolate the perineum to stop loss of qi or prana energy out of the perineum. Swami Satyananda Saraswati states that most people operate with just their Moola or perineum chakra open (the Number 1 person as per Gurdjieff) and so this is the main vibration that can be “listened to” with the Yi or I as intention - to build up the qi energy, to activate the kundalini. So the key to putting the intention in the lower tan tien is by flexing the two largest muscles - the glutes up and diaphragm down, you begin to listen to or feel the vibration of the qi at the perineum to stop its loss, and to sublimate the jing energy up the spine, to the Bindu chakra (more on this below). So in Pranayama training first you train so that the exhale is twice as long as the inhale - so exhale can be up to 60 seconds and then you train in the retention after exhale : the breath is held for several seconds after the exhalation is complete. More on this Bindu Chakra secret below as the “Water Path” as proper intention of the pancreas - the source of worry or too much thinking. breath retraining: When stressed or worried, we tend to tense the muscles of the neck, throat, chest and abdomen. Especially when we tighten the abdominal muscles, we begin to breathe with rapid, shallow breaths primarily in the upper chest region. As the drop in CO2 causes distressing symptoms, we become afraid of the symptoms. Arousal remains high and a vicious cycle of worry and arousal occurs. So the tummo method of Wim Hof as the Quick Fire method of alchemy is to first do very deep reverse breathing which increases the carbon dioxide in the brain, the opposite of hyperventilation, or shallow overbreathing that lowers carbon dioxide levels. Or as another breathing expert explains: But my research leads me to believe that a significant issue or way this is influenced is more about the way and depth the nervous system is stimulated, ie., whether parasympathic/abdominal, breathing, or sympathetic, high chest dominant (over approximately 45%) breathing is engaged. I have observed people breathing intensely for hours without any signs of distress, but rather with signs of bliss and joy. The key to “over-breathing” is more about balance between the high chest and abdominal breathing pattern….. Optimal oxygen uptake is not possible without proper CO2 presence. Alkaline forming nutrition is also relevant…. I have observed -with the help of a pulse oxymeter, that quick [fire]-deep or quick[fire]-shallow breathing, if dominated by belly, back and side breathing, most often increases the level of oxygen in our blood. By gas exchange standards, this would seem to reduce the CO2 ratios, invite constriction and inhibit O2 transfer into the cells but this MAY or MAY NOT not occur depending upon how well the breather is able to relax and stay dominant parasympathetic. Key factors are how well they adapt, tolerate or become accustomed to the increase in physical energy (chi, prana, Qi, pneuma etc). The increased carbon dioxide from the deep strong reverse breathing, along with increased adrenaline, then enables the holding of breath after exhale for a longer time period, as it is the pH balance in the brain that triggers the breath reflex. 2014 study of tumo “heart-yoga” heat: Tumo was associated with a hyperdynamic vasodilated state with increased biventricular performance. We postulate that tumo results in a massive increase in sympathetic activity with activation of brown adipose tissue and marked heat production. The increased heat production may explain the paradoxical vasodilatation in tumo practitioners exposed to subzero temperatures. So then as the breath is held after exhale you get the parasympathetic rebound which then increases the oxygen levels in the brain and stores up the qi or prana energy. As this technique of continued, with 30 deep breaths followed by breath retention after exhale, then with each cycle the oxygen in the brain increases and the parasympathetic nervous system stores up more energy as increased prana or qi, along with sublimating the lecithin that stores up the qi. As the brain qi energy increases it is the brain that controls breathing and body temperature and so as Wim Hof details, he can just use his brain to increase his body heat, as the Tibetan tummo monks also do, through deep relaxation and very slow breathing. Science tells us it is the right side vagus nerve that is the dorsal or back of the rear body as this “reptilian freeze” trance or samadhi energy which then goes up to the right side of the brain and then down to the right side of the heart. Right side Vagus or Wanderer Nerve is secret of Kundalini - heart-right brain-reproductive connection Taoist Alchemy tells us that “Yuan qi” originates from the right side of the heart and Advaita Vedanta tells us, via Ramana Maharshi, that the right side of the heart is the secret pinhole to the formless awareness of the Universe. As the pdf explains, All Disease Comes from the Heart in fact in the earlier Chinese dictionary, from 200 AD, the heart is the Earth organ, after it is able to contain the fire energy. This remarkable 2nd century statement makes reference to a little known fact: in the early stages of Chinese medicine the heart was alternately classified as the earth organ, not the fire organ that it is exclusively described as today. Prof. Heiner Fruehauf The Advaita nondualists will try to claim this is not accurate since Ramana Maharshi explained: “It must be the heart at the right side of the chest since every man, of whatever race and religion and in whatever language he may be saying 'I’, points to the right side of the chest to indicate himself. This is so all over the world, so that must be the place. And by keenly watching the daily emergence of the 'I’ thought on waking and its subsiding in sleep, one can see that it is in the heart on the right side.” In fact what Ramana Maharshi is referring to is that humans are right hand dominant and in actuality this is indicative of the inherent complementary opposites of evolution! Only in Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality pdf link do we find this secret confirmed - the right side of the heart is the origin of "yuan qi.” Even acupuncture gives the hint (pdf): The first cry activates Qi-Ke – mouth of qi – to circulate Qi and Blood – This is reflected by the pulses at Lu-9 and St-9 – Breathing into the Lungs (for the first time) sets the Heart-Blood in motion – This also creates a pressure in the left atrium, which is greater than that of the right atrium, thereby creating the “Heart barrier,” or Pericardium The qigong master who befriended me actually demonstrated this truth to me - when he left his body and then activated the deep qi on the right side of my heart. He wanted to find out if I was speaking truly from my heart and he said that I was. Of course when I experienced this source of my spirit I stopped speaking as that was also the source of the truth and the end of the need for words. haha. And so as the San Bushmen describe their hearts really do stop when in deep meditation. Harvard Professor Dr. Richard Katz, Boiling Energy: Community Healing among the Kalahari Kung Richard Katz questioned Kau Dwa further on this topic: KATZ: Kow Dwa, you have told me that in kia you must die. Does that mean really die? KAU DWA: Yes. KATZ: I mean really die? KAU DWA: Yes. KATZ: You mean die like when you are buried beneath the ground? KAU DWA: [With enthusiasm]: Yes. Yes, just like that! KATZ: They are the same? KAU DWA: Yes, the same. It is death I speak of. KATZ: No difference? KAU DWA: [Firm but soft]: It is death. KATZ: The death where you never come back? KAU DWA: Yes, it is that bad. It is the death that kills us all. KATZ: But the healers get up, and a dead person doesn’t…? KAU DWA: That is true; healers may come alive again. In 2012 the original qigong master described his experience as well: My heart, the heart rate beating, shooting up so fast. I just couldn’t count how fast it beat. Then to a point it completely stopped, the beating. I don’t feel the pausing with my hand on the heart, and I’m still functioning well. For a second I was worried, what is going on? So I tried to breathe. Wow I feel more room in my lungs to breathe….. I continued to teach…For quite a while I feel nothing in my heart. Then I drove back to the center….May was there, saying hi, how’s it going? Yeah it’s going fine. But I still have no heart beat. I sit down. I look inside. I didn’t call 9/11. To me, this is only my experience. When you get something like that, call 9/11 right away and go to the hospital. I sit down. Why I get this? I didn’t get anything even in meditation. Gradually in 20 minutes. So for a good 2 hours I didn’t feel anything in my heart. So gradually my heart beat slowly comes back…..Then after a few days I ask why I have this? Just a way to open your heart. I say…well this is not a good way! haha. But I experience that and I check myself and I read myself inside and I check out my organs. Everything looks pretty good. There’s no damage or anything. Of course this is a very extreme situation. But I’m telling you everything has a reason. You go into your heart to find the answer and that will tell you on a bigger level…. No fear. In my life I experience so many — people call it bizarre things. People say – well that’s a story, not necessarily real. I don’t care. This is what I experienced. My life. And this is the way I get my heart more and more open and look at things from a different perspective. Taoist Yoga , p. 41 ( “The sun stands for the heart and the moon for the lower tan t'ien cavity (under the navel), respectively symbolized by the dragon (female or negative vitality) [yin qi] and the tiger (the male or positive vitality) [Yuan Qi].” Taoist Yoga , p. 67 “Therefore the secret lies in the prenatal positive vitality [Yuan Qi] that existed before heaven, earth, and all things came into being.” Taoist Yoga , p. 75 “The channel carrying blood and vitality from the right ventricle of the heart is a vein which is linked with the duct of the testicles and the restraining nerve; hence the centre of the right palm is the tiger cavity.” Taoist Yoga , p. 110. As I posted above we now from science that is the parasympathetic nervous system that connects to the testicles and it is the right side vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system that can stop the heart and restart it. By putting the Yi or intention in the lower tan tien, we “listen” or feel the vibration of the perineum that connects to the pineal gland. “The tiger’s roar heard in the left ear reveals the fullness of vitality.” p. 116 This deep Tai Chi Emptiness is called “breathless ecstasy” by Sri Yukteswar, the nirvikalpi samadhi of the energy meridians fully charged up via the deep reptilian “freeze” or “playing dead” vagus nerve activation, connecting the reproductive organs to the heart. Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences by Dr. Peter A. Levine gives the secret of this right side vagus nerve: I used to think the paralysis that occurs during extreme events was due to overloading of the sensorymotor cortex with kundalini energy. This may play a part in it, but now I think the paralysis is due to the brainstem stimulating an extreme parasympathetic response to meet the extreme sympathetic activity that is occurring…thus both on and off switches are at full bore. To prevent any further escalation of this duel between the on and off systems the body turns on a massive freeze response [samadhi trance] via the dorsal vagal complex. The dorsal vagus complex (DVC) is a cluster of connected neurons in the brainstem medulla that slows down the energy-expending processes. It is the primative unmyelinated vagus related to the conservation of metabolic resources. Similarly in the alchemy training we get this paradox of a strong sympathetic stress input creating a strong parasympathetic “freeze” reaction - in other words meditation trains us to suppress the sympathetic when normal people trigger the sympathetic.: These behaviors increase, further inhibiting the other system through tuning, and counter-intuitively not only is the opposite system fully suppressed, but stimuli that would normally evoke the opposite system (non-sensitized system) instead evoke a response in the sensitized system (termed reversal phenomena)..It is important to emphasize here, that under normal circumstances the nervous system cannot function this way; SNS and PNS are by nature alternating systems. Strange Bedfellows: Meditations on the Indispensable Virtues of Confusion, Mindfulness and Humor in the Neuroscientific and Cognitive Study of Esoteric and Contemplative Traditions Sept. 2016 pdf So the left ear is right brain dominant and so by emptying out the conceptual word left brain and developing Ting Jing (internal listening in Tai Chi) we build up the White Tiger yuan qi energy. The inner ear connects to the vagus nerve and cerebellum to sublimate the right side vagus jing energy and increase the pineal gland power. As Ramana Maharshi states with his shen (right brain spirit visualization) focused on the right side of his heart then after 15 minutes he felt a strong shock as the qi of the right side of the heart re-started his stopped heart and reactivated his shen as his spiritual self-awareness. Before that he was in a state of pure yuan qi as formless awareness - like a black hole of bliss through the right side of the heart. This shows again how the individual jing is tied to the shen and qi and explains the mystery of how Ramana Maharshi could insist he maintained his individual self even while he was submerged in the impersonal Self of the universe. Ramana Maharshi emphasizes to focus on the conceptual logicial inference of the source of the I-thought in order to ground the energy. We find the same discovery from Gopi Krishna - The focus on the left-side vagus nerve is the myelinated emotional energy to the heart. This is the focus on the “water path,” see below. When a qigong master is able to go into the post-death samadhi state, called nirvikalpa samadhi or “breathless ecstasy” (Sri Yukteswar), then that means the spiritual ego is emptied out, the 7th level of awareness in Mahayana Buddhism, and true enlightenment is achieved. That is the sign of a real spiritual master. As the qigong master who befriended me explained: You can be a qigong master but not necessarily enlightened. That is what he was referring to. For example a qigong master can see out of the head in four directions at the same time! But that doesn’t necessarily mean they are enlightened through a deep heart awakening. The shen as spirit moves in one direction while the qi moves in the other - and the body transcends its physical limitations as it merges with the qi-shen as the quantum formless awareness origin of time-frequency of the Universe. I only had to do 3 breaths utilizing this to fix a lot of issues from former practice(s). outstanding, thank you. I only got through a few paragraphs, but the added info did more than what I was looking for. getting my body very hot and my hands cool, and clearing the head. absolutely blowing my heels and legs up. amazing. You have no idea how much you have just helped me. Or you do, because you utilize this. either way Edited March 18, 2019 by Abzu 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voidisyinyang Posted March 19, 2019 20 hours ago, Abzu said: I only had to do 3 breaths utilizing this to fix a lot of issues from former practice(s). outstanding, thank you. I only got through a few paragraphs, but the added info did more than what I was looking for. getting my body very hot and my hands cool, and clearing the head. absolutely blowing my heels and legs up. amazing. You have no idea how much you have just helped me. Or you do, because you utilize this. either way Glad it helped! Yes I searched a lot to find a wide variety of references to corroborate this secret because it is very strange to practice! haha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites