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Understood the three treasures

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....I hope.


I've been practising Ba Duan jinn 3 years now almost. On a shallow level, it is for me a brilliant stretching system, although, in the beginning, I did hallucinate several times as the meditational side opened out to me very early on. 


I have always understood what Chi is, as I feel it running up my spine, and occasionally down my front. Now, Jing, I understand to be - shall we say - life essence. Now holding on to that as much as possible, leads to preserving your healing energy. 


It is by preserving this life energy - Jing - that the energy begins to shine out from within. I remember this experience very early on as I "played around" with the Eight Brocades. I can remember feeling unbelievably energetic like a light was shining from me outwards. Now my question is, is this Shen?


I have long read about what Chi, Jing and Shen were but never really got them in reality.


Have I understood at an experiential level what the three treasures are?

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Thank you. I did indeed spend time with her writings. She is fascinating. People from Asia have a way of thinking which is to us Westerners very light, as if "non doing", where this light touch is the Way.


I experienced this during a long stay in Saudi Arabia where many of my friends and colleagues were Eastern (Filipino, Arab, Indian). I'd argue that on some level the Islamic way (please not the cartoon Saudi nonsense inflicted on the West the last 16 years) relates to Taoism. When an Arab says "Insha'allah" he is submitting to the will of Allah, in some way parallel to a Taoist allowing nature to follow its own path. 


It is a way of thinking completely alien to the mainstream West. 

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