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1 hour ago, Zork said:

Don't forget that he inserted the electrode up his anus!

Such self sacrifice!


120 or 220 volts? :lol: With plenty of amperage! :lol:

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17 hours ago, virtue said:

You are already very dedicated to force feeding your dogmatic opinions to everyone. Do you feel lonely, or why else are you wanting others to join you?


Are you really naive enough to think that the world would turn and gasp in awe upon discovering the supposed wonders of your little More Pie hobby? (Then there appears a monkey with diapers on in main news and everyone forgets about you anyway.)


Your dreaming of forcing others tells volumes of your ethical baseline. It's unadulterated black magic intent.


As for "Seeing the reality of it first hand". It must be a coded suggestion to see you wank in a live setting, as if your antics here weren't enough. No wonder you keep mentioning your hopes for stripping others in sealed laboratory environments, doing them total body searches, and filming it also. Creepy.


Imagine a society that doesn't believe in the existence of fire, and thinks claims of people rubbing sticks together to make fire are just tall tales of sorcerers and magick.


Now imagine you understand the truth, that anyone with enough dedication can build a fire by rubbing sticks together, and it isn't sorcery or magick, but rather just a technology.


This would change everything.


If we had the power to force people to see this for themselves, absolutely we would do so without question.

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17 hours ago, ralis said:

Why are you here? So far no one has converted to a very narrow ideology. 

To be quite honest you would make more progress with Barron’s work. Or, go and receive a shaktipat transmission!


Some people care, not many but some.

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16 hours ago, Zork said:

They are here to troll and spam.

Take a look at a Reddit post.


At some point one asks him "I suppose you refer to Mo Pai neigong. There are several users on thedaobums that are senior students or close friends of the late Jim.

Good luck on your search."

and the poor man responds

" I have met a few who but they are unwilling to help."


So they aren't here to show people anything because they only want to recruit clueless people and control them through the dissemination of the teachings. Thank god that they only have access to a worthless part of the system.

They are worse than vermin!


We have reached out to this individual.

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14 hours ago, virtue said:

WMPs never fail to emphasize how they indeed are true Mo Pai practitioners, but nevertheless they also eagerly add that they would like to learn better systems without hesitation.


Such confidence, fidelity, and respect for their precious teachings and the entire lineage.


Isn't it a small wonder why there aren't scores of benevolent and generous masters actively contacting WMPs and wanting to share their set of lifelong practice and dedication requiring arts, so that these WMP people could then

use these new teachings as another springboard system to their malcontent needs? No doubt WMPs would like to keep on hopping on the next juicy spiritual fad one after another without end if only they might appropriate these for their pseudo-scientific chest beating.


We practice what Jim and Kosta brought back from John.


If another system like Mo Pai became available to us then we would migrate to that to continue our training.

Edited by MegaMind

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9 hours ago, Wu Ming Jen said:

 "I wish more than anything we could force others to see for themselves".


mega mind you will need lots of money with an army and political / religious support for this effort.


Reinventing the wheel will not be necessary just some historical research on how forcing others to join groups like more pie or die works.


Most people use their post heaven mind which is easy to lead. Mis-information and confusion with a pinch of loss like death will persuade large groups of people but you will need money and some fire power to back you up


Good luck with your new business endeavor.


This is something that has to be directly observed first hand to truly understand.


This is something real, and anyone willing to devote the time and effort can see for themselves.


If we had the ability to force people to see for themselves, we would.

Edited by MegaMind

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43 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


This is something that has to be directly observed first hand to truly understand.


This is something real, and anyone willing to devote the time and effort can see for themselves.


If we had the ability to force people to see for themselves, we would.

Spoken like an authoritarian wannabe! 

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3 hours ago, MegaMind said:


We practice what Jim and Kosta brought back from John.


If another system like Mo Pai became available to us then we would migrate to that to continue our training.

Jim died young, Kosta stopped practicing. If you mean it about migrating, in his TB interview Kosta was asked what other art was a worthy substitute.


He named a couple. But that not relevant to you cause is a set 'bot' point. You were taught to repeat it, alot. And you do. Seems like its not true or you don't trust Kosta. 


Similarly you'll mention Wim Hof as the only other authenticated art. Do any you practice it?  We have giys here who've made it thru the 10 week course and beyond. 


Other then dissing other arts you rarely join in any discussion of cultivation. Is such speech is forbidden to you?  


Lastly, you practice an old Indonesian art. Do you ever feel a twinge of guilt that by posting 100s or 1000 of inane posts that generate a mountain of negative posts. That you've covered up and disgraced the native art. 


If you pretended to be an actual Indonesian student and found the first dozen search pages of your art was the Tao Bums moronic repetitive posts kept alive by WMP.


You realize you have like 4 posts you continually repeat to keep MOPai a continual target. Either you want the negativity or.. Thats the only reason I can think of. And damn unfair to people who study it natively. You've created 1000s of pages of Mo Pai spam. And show no signs of slowing down. Or self reflection. 


Do you why they'd see you as a bit discrediting there art?  We've had an Indonesian student come on the bums and say that, then leave cause they weren't here for attention.  Just to set the facts straight. 


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4 hours ago, MegaMind said:


Imagine a society that doesn't believe in the existence of fire, and thinks claims of people rubbing sticks together to make fire are just tall tales of sorcerers and magick.


Now imagine you understand the truth, that anyone with enough dedication can build a fire by rubbing sticks together, and it isn't sorcery or magick, but rather just a technology.


This would change everything.


If we had the power to force people to see this for themselves, absolutely we would do so without question.


4 hours ago, MegaMind said:


Some people care, not many but some.


4 hours ago, MegaMind said:


We have reached out to this individual.


3 hours ago, MegaMind said:


We practice what Jim and Kosta brought back from John.


If another system like Mo Pai became available to us then we would migrate to that to continue our training.


3 hours ago, MegaMind said:


This is something that has to be directly observed first hand to truly understand.


This is something real, and anyone willing to devote the time and effort can see for themselves.


If we had the ability to force people to see for themselves, we would.

If you say so.

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4 hours ago, thelerner said:

Jim died young, Kosta stopped practicing. If you mean it about migrating, in his TB interview Kosta was asked what other art was a worthy substitute.


He named a couple. But that not relevant to you cause is a set 'bot' point. You were taught to repeat it, alot. And you do. Seems like its not true or you don't trust Kosta. 


Similarly you'll mention Wim Hof as the only other authenticated art. Do any you practice it?  We have giys here who've made it thru the 10 week course and beyond. 


Other then dissing other arts you rarely join in any discussion of cultivation. Is such speech is forbidden to you?  


Lastly, you practice an old Indonesian art. Do you ever feel a twinge of guilt that by posting 100s or 1000 of inane posts that generate a mountain of negative posts. That you've covered up and disgraced the native art. 


If you pretended to be an actual Indonesian student and found the first dozen search pages of your art was the Tao Bums moronic repetitive posts kept alive by WMP.


You realize you have like 4 posts you continually repeat to keep MOPai a continual target. Either you want the negativity or.. Thats the only reason I can think of. And damn unfair to people who study it natively. You've created 1000s of pages of Mo Pai spam. And show no signs of slowing down. Or self reflection. 


Do you why they'd see you as a bit discrediting there art?  We've had an Indonesian student come on the bums and say that, then leave cause they weren't here for attention.  Just to set the facts straight. 



Jim was exposed to agent orange and developed an aggressive form of cancer directly linked to that exposure.


I know another person who was exposed and lost their kidney due to it, yet they never practised Mo Pai.


Tummo is the only other art we are aware of with any good objective evidence behind it, with scientists and medical doctors present to rule out fraud.


Kosta has recommended some things, but we at this point have seen no other paths with such evidence backing them.


If it were within our power to buy this forum from Sean, we would and we would place a moratorium on all Mo Pai discussion.


Mostly we are here just to defend ourselves, our teachers and our practice.


It is not our intention to "dis other arts".

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26 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

Jim was exposed to agent orange and developed an aggressive form of cancer directly linked to that exposure.

As proven repeatedly by the sources provided in the past, there is no established link between agent orange and prostate cancer. The links you provided state this clearly.

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28 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


Jim was exposed to agent orange and developed an aggressive form of cancer directly linked to that exposure.


I know another person who was exposed and lost their kidney due to it, yet they never practised Mo Pai.


Tummo is the only other art we are aware of with any good objective evidence behind it, with scientists and medical doctors present to rule out fraud.


Kosta has recommended some things, but we at this point have seen no other paths with such evidence backing them.


If it were within our power to buy this forum from Sean, we would and we would place a moratorium on all Mo Pai discussion.


Mostly we are here just to defend ourselves, our teachers and our practice.


It is not our intention to "dis other arts".


If you say so. 

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2 minutes ago, Zork said:

As proven repeatedly by the sources provided in the past, there is no established link between agent orange and prostate cancer. The links you provided state this clearly.

"A 2013 study conducted at the Portland VA Medical Center and Oregon Health and Science University found that Veterans exposed to Agent Orange are not only at higher risk for prostate cancer, but they are more likely to have aggressive forms of the disease. Read the abstract for the publication, Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer."

A study of 1,495 veterans who underwent radical prostatectomy to remove their cancerous prostates showed that the 206 exposed to Agent Orange had nearly a 50 percent increased risk of their cancer recurring despite the fact that their cancer seemed relatively nonaggressive at the time of surgery.

Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer.

52% increase in overall risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Worse, “the men who were exposed to Agent Orange and other battlefield chemicals often present with more aggressive prostate cancer,” says Jeffrey Jones, M.D., Chief of Urology at the Michael E. DeBakey Veteran Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC).

Agent Orange tied to aggressive prostate cancer risk

Agent Orange exposure increases veterans' risk of aggressive recurrence of prostate cancer


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3 minutes ago, Zork said:

As proven repeatedly by the sources provided in the past, there is no established link between agent orange and prostate cancer. The links you provided state this clearly.


So MegaMind, who originally came as MildMouse23, wanted to change his name to something else, but ended up with MegaMind. 


I believe the best name, in light of his hypocrisy (for talking about loving kindness but doing the exact opposite with his refusal to apologize to me for the initial transgression) and irritating behavior, should be renamed to "Rat Bastard". 


Or, with how often he cherrypicks information from his links--Lying Rat Bastard. 

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5 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

"A 2013 study conducted at the Portland VA Medical Center and Oregon Health and Science University found that Veterans exposed to Agent Orange are not only at higher risk for prostate cancer, but they are more likely to have aggressive forms of the disease. Read the abstract for the publication, Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer."

A study of 1,495 veterans who underwent radical prostatectomy to remove their cancerous prostates showed that the 206 exposed to Agent Orange had nearly a 50 percent increased risk of their cancer recurring despite the fact that their cancer seemed relatively nonaggressive at the time of surgery.

Agent Orange as a risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer.

52% increase in overall risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Worse, “the men who were exposed to Agent Orange and other battlefield chemicals often present with more aggressive prostate cancer,” says Jeffrey Jones, M.D., Chief of Urology at the Michael E. DeBakey Veteran Affairs Medical Center (MEDVAMC).

Agent Orange tied to aggressive prostate cancer risk

Agent Orange exposure increases veterans' risk of aggressive recurrence of prostate cancer


You don't understand statistical analysis. The links do not establish causality at all.

One study isn't proof. Repeated studies are an indication.

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12 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


So MegaMind, who originally came as MildMouse23, wanted to change his name to something else, but ended up with MegaMind. 


I believe the best name, in light of his hypocrisy (for talking about loving kindness but doing the exact opposite with his refusal to apologize to me for the initial transgression) and irritating behavior, should be renamed to "Rat Bastard". 


Or, with how often he cherrypicks information from his links--Lying Rat Bastard. 


What is it you want an apology for again?

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12 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


What is it you want an apology for again?

1) Accusing me of attacking Mo Pai in the initial thread,


2) Naming me and calling me out in the new thread,


3) Bringing up Mo Pai then editing it out when I told you I am not even talking about it,


4) Putting words in my mouth,


5) LYING ABOUT IT, and ignoring my attempts to explain I had no beef then,


6) Acting extremely arrogant and indifferent to my request for a SINCERE apology multiple times.


You want grief? Continue as you are. You want it to stop? Follow the ACTUAL MegaMind character in your own avatar who apologized when he was in grief in the prison scene.


The choice is yours to be humble and apologize sincerely, give a half-assed one, or continue on the path you’re on.


EDIT: Oh, and if you just give a justification for each point and insist you owe no apology, you’re only going to show how you have ZERO self-awareness and likely deserve the insults you get online and offline at your work and from other people for being a consistently pompous jerk.

Edited by Earl Grey
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7 minutes ago, Zork said:

You don't understand statistical analysis. The links do not establish causality at all.

One study isn't proof. Repeated studies are an indication.



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27 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

1) Accusing me of attacking Mo Pai in the initial thread,


2) Naming me and calling me out in the new thread,


3) Bringing up Mo Pai then editing it out when I told you I am not even talking about it,


4) LYING ABOUT IT, and ignoring my attempts to explain I had no beef then,


5) Acting extremely arrogant and indifferent to my request for a SINCERE apology multiple times.


You want grief? Continue as you are. You want it to stop? Follow the ACTUAL MegaMind character in your own avatar who apologized when he was in grief in the prison scene.


The choice is yours to be humble and apologize sincerely, give a half-assed one, or continue on the path you’re on.




People claiming all we have is video and you can't learn from video has been used as an attack upon our group in the past.


If that was your intention or not I do not know, but I explained why it was important for us to defend against it, because you asked why it was so important to defend.


There is no reason you should take this personally.








If could go back in time and NOT create a new thread, I would. 


Had I known trying to stop the derailment in Taomewo's thread to appease the people complaining about that would have caused this much bellyaching, I would have simply NOT created a new thread.


My hope was that you and I could continue our conversation.








I believe I referred to it as the art I practice, and I was not the first one to mention it by name.
















I don't understand why you are upset, and I don't see anything here that needs to be apologized for.


From my perspective I created a new thread because of complaints TaoMeow's thread was being derailed.


You seemed like the core individual to respond to, so I hoped maybe we could finish our discussion outside TaoMeow's thread.


I don't have a PPD so I created a new thread where we could finish things up.


You asked why it was so important to defend that point of view, and I explained it was because it was point of contention against our practice.


You complained about the thread title, so I changed it to try and make you happy.


It's been nearly 4 months, at some point I hope that you can move on.

Edited by MegaMind

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13 minutes ago, MegaMind said:




People claiming all we have is video and you can't learn from video has been used as an attack upon our group in the past.


If that was your intention or not I do not know, but I explained why it was important for us to defend against it, because you asked why it was so important to defend.


There is no reason you should take this personally.








If could go back in time and NOT create a new thread, I would. 


Had I known trying to stop the derailment in Taomewo's thread to appease the people complaining about that would have caused this much bellyaching, I would have simply NOT created a new thread.


My hope was that you and I could continue our conversation.








I believe I referred to it as the art I practice, and I was not the first one to mention it by name.
















I don't understand why you are upset, and I don't see anything here that needs to be apologized for.


From my perspective I created a new thread because of complaints TaoMeow's thread was being derailed.


You to me at least seemed like the core individual to respond to, so I hoped maybe we could finish our discussion outside TaoMeow's thread.


I don't have a PPD so I created a new thread where we could finish things up.


You asked why it was so important to defend that point of view, and I explained it was because it was point of contention against our practice.


You complained about the thread title, so I changed it to try and make you happy.


It's been nearly 4 months, at some point I hope that you can move on.

Justifications instead of an apology. The mark of not just an asshole, but an insufferable asshole.


And yes: I do say so.

Edited by Earl Grey
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27 minutes ago, MegaMind said:



Says who? The one who accused my country of being backwater because it doesn't accept video alone as proof?

Video isn't proof get over it.

The studies you posted are meta analysis of medical  of veterans who were already diagnosed with cancer. There is zero analysis on cofactors so i hate to burst your idiotic bubble but this study doesn't establish causality!

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4 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

Justifications instead of an apology. The mark of not just an asshole, but an insufferable asshole.


You are also still a dirty liar because you did say Mo Pai on page one then edited it out when I told you not to say it.


If I say so, and I do say so.



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2 minutes ago, Zork said:

Says who? The one who accused my country of being backwater because it doesn't accept video alone as proof?

Video isn't proof get over it.

The studies you posted are meta analysis of medical  of veterans who were already diagnosed with cancer. There is zero analysis on cofactors so i hate to burst your idiotic bubble but this study doesn't establish causality!


I have no clue where you live, because you won't tell me.


I used Latveria specifically because it is a fictional country.


In most developed countries that I am aware of they use video evidence in court.

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5 minutes ago, Zork said:

Says who? The one who accused my country of being backwater because it doesn't accept video alone as proof?

Video isn't proof get over it.

The studies you posted are meta analysis of medical  of veterans who were already diagnosed with cancer. There is zero analysis on cofactors so i hate to burst your idiotic bubble but this study doesn't establish causality!

Don’t worry about his views—we’ve already established that he believes he’s never wrong and will never apologize unless a gun is held to his head, and even then it’s only to protect his pathetic life because he has no respect for anyone else.

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7 minutes ago, MegaMind said:




Telling someone it’s their fault for being offended is typical of an idiot who thinks stepping on some kid’s sand castle is their fault for building something on the beach when he’s the asshole who ruined the kid’s fun. End result: kid is upset, asshole is insufferable and assumes no responsibility for what he did, then acts even more obnoxious by saying it’s the kid’s fault.


PS: Telling someone to “move on” is a serious faux pas, but no surprise as you have absolutely no manners, decency, or intelligence—not just mental intelligence, but emotional and social intelligence.


you have made your choice. You will have no quarter then.

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