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14 hours ago, Starjumper said:


Familiar, yes, it's sounds like a religious fundamentalist cult ... Oh wait!


Not just any religious fundamentalist cult, but a cult of darkness.  It reeks of dark side fundamentalism.




14 hours ago, Starjumper said:


Rather, no one takes it seriously because all Wimps are the same in this regard, being obvious nut jobs, religious fundamentalist nut jobs,


... and we known, deep down, that you just can't fix stupid.



We are a group of rational freethinkers.

We encourage skeptics to practice and see for themselves.

We want people to base their beliefs on their own observations, and on the best evidence available to them.

We do not want anyone accepting anything as true based on someone else's personal testimony, because a book says so, or on faith.

We do not worship any humans, demigods, gods, goddesses, demons, spirits, etc.

No one is required to pay homage to anything or anyone.

We do not charge money, and we do not accept donations.

In our opinion this makes us as anti-cult as it gets.




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20 hours ago, Zork said:

Jim is the reason this nutjob among many others has access to the teachings.

Who told you that we take WMP seriously?:lol:



2+2=4 is the same in the USA, Indonesia, and China.


There is no such thing as western Mo Pai.


The teachings are either the same or they aren't. 

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On 1/4/2020 at 7:42 AM, GSmaster said:

as @MegaMind is now looking to join the chicago bulls


I suggest that we go on and look, youtube mopai vids and particularly comments under them.


The amount of delusion and nonsense there is even surpassing wimps on tdb.



Wait, wait wait...


How did you figure out this was me???




Well, my cover's blown, now everybody knows how handsome I am. 


I guess now I have to fess up, in addition to being a Chicago Bull, I am also a card-carrying member of the NMo Pai.


As such it is my official duty, given to me by Mo-Tzu himself, to point out the following:

  • Jim was the top western student, going further than many Indonesian students.
  • John did allow him to film him during exams, and when providing instruction.
  • We preserve what Jim brought back to us from John, without alteration.
  • Many in our group were students of Jim, others of Kosta.
  • Our favorite restaurant is Arby's, and our favorite sandwich at Arby's is the Smokehouse Brisket (pictured)
    • Go to Smokehouse Brisket
  • Except for @MegaMind who think's he's soooooo special and always orders the Buffalo Chicken Slider (pictured) like he was some kind of fucking individualist or something
    • Go to Buffalo Chicken Slider
  • We pretty much all agree that Taylor Swift is pretty hot
Since we're at it, I'd also like to point out a great deal!


Join the club!
Bonus! Receive 2 tickets to a selected Bulls home game during the 2002-03 season. See the form for details.


  • Membership Information:
    As a member you'll receive:

  • Fan Club T-shirt
  • Bumper Stickers
  • 2 Fan Club Newsletters
  • Bulls Greatest Hits CD
  • Mini Poster

    Send a Gift:
    Send a Chicago Bulls Fan Club membership as a gift for birthdays, good grades, holidays or for any occasion. We'll enclose a Gift Card with your name and message on it! See the order form for details.

    Sign me up! $25.00 (includes shipping and handling):

  • Click here for a Fan Club form (.pdf format)


    Any questions? Call 312.455.4000 and ask for the Fan Club Coordinator.

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3 hours ago, MegaMind said:


The teachings are either the same or they aren't. 

Exactly! We told you numerous times that Jim wasn't taught everything. So you confirm that WMP is different.


3 hours ago, MegaMind said:

You are not entitled to teach nor an equivalent of a professor."


When I was in college I helped people the professor could not.


I worked with them at their own pace to work out math problems step by step until they grasped how to do it on their own.






"Like a recorded lecture on particle physics doesn't hand out degrees. Besides, John doesn't speak english and you don't speak Javanese. So fact 2 stands too"


We have paid for professional translation, to confirm the translation in the video is accurate.


If you were ethnically Chinese, and joined the school John would tell you the exact same words contained in the video.






"You only have the word of JC"


Certainly you are feel to believe Johns words are not accurate.






"Video isn't proof"


Again we aren't making the claim the video of John is "proof" we are making the claim it is objective evidence. 


By definition "proof" is evidence that compels a mind to accept something as true.


Proof requires the individual to accept the evidence as true, and as such is purely dependent on that individual accepting or rejecting the evidence.


You could fly a flat earth-er to the edge of space, and they could argue the windows were LCD screens put their to deceive them.


Even though the evidence seen by their own eyes would be undeniable to most, if they reject it nothing is proven to them.






"Dictionaries aren't proof."


Words mean things.


If you feel a dictionary is wrong, that is something you should take up with them and not me.






"You do" (charge people)


We have never, and will never charge anyone anything nor accept donations.






"That ship has sailed long ago moron"


Unfortunately what has been leaked are gutted and empty altered instructions. 


We dare not post the actual teachings in public because people will alter them further and blend them with other practices and make themselves sick or injure themselves and blame us for it.


We do our best to help people we feel we can help.






"Like Jim did with breathing incorrectly and mixing MCO with mopai? <_<"


It is true that Jim did not follow instruction correctly and continued normal breathing which is not what John taught.


It is also true that he did mix MCO which angered John to the point of almost dropping him as a student.


In Jim's defense though he did not know how to continue while John was on retreat in Borneo, and sought out the advice of a qigong master who gave him incorrect information.






"What "John Chang" practices is neither Chinese nor Taoist."


According to John it is not Taoist, but rather Mohist descending from the sage Mo Tzu.


According to John it does originate from China, and his teacher fled China to settle in Indonesia

You insist on your lies.

I told you the above in black are facts. You can't contest them. Fir example you charge for the techniques and that is why you are reluctant to publish them openly for free. You don't fucking care who gets hurt, all you care is that you keep the coal for yourself.

Guess what? It will never turn into a diamond because you will never find the way.


We also told you already that JC isn't Taoist and his system is more or less the same with another native Indonesian system. No taoist or chinese system is similar to mopai. So basically all that you have mentioned above is selfdelusion and lies.

Edited by Zork

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7 hours ago, MegaMind said:

"You are not entitled to teach nor an equivalent of a professor."


When I was in college I helped people the professor could not.


I worked with them at their own pace to work out math problems step by step until they grasped how to do it on their own.


See, @MegaMind is a professor! We should really all be more respectful. From now on can we please all call him Herr Doctor Professor MegaMind, Chicago Bull #69, Mohist Master? 




I cannot tell if there is any difference between the following four pictures. They all show the exact same thing, right?








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4 hours ago, Zork said:

Exactly! We told you numerous times that Jim wasn't taught everything. So you confirm that WMP is different.


You insist on your lies.

I told you the above in black are facts. You can't contest them. Fir example you charge for the techniques and that is why you are reluctant to publish them openly for free. You don't fucking care who gets hurt, all you care is that you keep the coal for yourself.

Guess what? It will never turn into a diamond because you will never find the way.


We also told you already that JC isn't Taoist and his system is more or less the same with another native Indonesian system. No taoist or chinese system is similar to mopai. So basically all that you have mentioned above is selfdelusion and lies.

Interesting enough, he earlier said people can learn from videos and are just lazy if they don’t get it. Then he brags about tutoring others. Then he disregards official licenses and qualifications to teach because he tutored. 

Sounds like a real hypocrite.


If I say so.

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20 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

Interesting enough, he earlier said people can learn from videos and are just lazy if they don’t get it. Then he brags about tutoring others

What is the point of tutoring then? A video would suffice! :P


21 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

Then he disregards official licenses and qualifications to teach because he tutored. 

Do you need a license to teach in college? A video with medical professionals and scientists present would suffice! Oh wait! :lol:

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29 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

Interesting enough, he earlier said people can learn from videos and are just lazy if they don’t get it. Then he brags about tutoring others. Then he disregards official licenses and qualifications to teach because he tutored. 

Sounds like a real hypocrite.


If I say so.


5 minutes ago, Zork said:

What is the point of tutoring then? A video would suffice! :P


Do you need a license to teach in college? A video with medical professionals and scientists present would suffice! Oh wait! :lol:


You can use videos to accomplish the same results as being tutored.


When I was in college the internet was just beginning, and there was no YouTube.

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5 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


You can use videos to accomplish the same results as being tutored.


I will a demand an MIT degree after i watch their online lectures!


The quoted text is a complete joke like western mo pai!


PS what is the number of your Bulls suit?

Edited by Zork

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4 hours ago, Zork said:

Exactly! We told you numerous times that Jim wasn't taught everything. So you confirm that WMP is different.


You insist on your lies.

I told you the above in black are facts. You can't contest them. Fir example you charge for the techniques and that is why you are reluctant to publish them openly for free. You don't fucking care who gets hurt, all you care is that you keep the coal for yourself.

Guess what? It will never turn into a diamond because you will never find the way.


We also told you already that JC isn't Taoist and his system is more or less the same with another native Indonesian system. No taoist or chinese system is similar to mopai. So basically all that you have mentioned above is selfdelusion and lies.


"We told you numerous times that Jim wasn't taught everything. So you confirm that WMP is different."


Jim was taught up to level 2b.


Just because someone wasn't taught calculus doesn't mean they don't understand trigonometry.






"you charge for the techniques and that is why you are reluctant to publish them openly for free."


Whomever told you this lied to you.


We have never, and will never charge anyone anything, nor accept donations.






"JC isn't Taoist" 


"No taoist or chinese system is similar to mopai."


John claims to be a Christian, and the system he follows is not Taoist but rather Mohist.


Well seeing as Mo Pai actually gets results, it would stand to reason it wouldn't be like systems that don't.

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@MegaMindWhere is my MIT degree?

Video can be faked. It isn't evidence.


What is the number of your Bulls suit?

Edited by Zork

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16 minutes ago, Zork said:

@MegaMindWhere is my MIT degree?

Video can be faked. It isn't evidence.


What is the number of your Bulls suit?


Video most certainly can be evidence.


Video from police body cams, dash cams, bank and store cameras is routinely used in courts in most developed countries.


Any evidence can be faked.


Personal testimony has repeatedly proven itself to be wildly unreliable, and people have proven they can and do lie under oath.


Objective video evidence while it can be faked is a better alternative.

Edited by MegaMind
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44 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

Video most certainly can be evidence.


Video from police body cams, dash cams, bank and store cameras is routinely used in courts in most developed countries.


Any evidence can be faked.


I like video too!


For instance, metaphorically speaking, here's John Chang:




Then, metaphorically speaking, here we have the Western No Pai:




Finally we have a video metaphor for how the Western No Pai view themselves:




Video can teach us so much!


(Plagiarized from Nungali :D)

Edited by Walker
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1 hour ago, MegaMind said:

Any evidence can be faked.

Yes folks you heard it here first!

There is a thing called fake evidence!:lol::lol:


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41 minutes ago, Zork said:

Yes folks you heard it here first!

There is a thing called fake evidence!:lol::lol:



Personal testimony can be deliberate lies, or delusion.


All other forms of evidence can also be faked.


As rational freethinkers we have a responsibility to base our beliefs on the best evidence available to us, and re-evaluate those beliefs as new evidence is gathered.

Edited by MegaMind

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26 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


Personal testimony can be deliberate lies, or delusion.


All other forms of evidence can also be faked.


As rational freethinkers we have a responsibility to base our beliefs on the best evidence available to us, and re-evaluate those beliefs as new evidence is gathered.


1 hour ago, Walker said:





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Scientific evidence is evidence that serves to either support or counter a scientific theory or hypothesis. Such evidence is expected to be empirical evidence and interpretation in accordance with scientific method. Standards for scientific evidence vary according to the field of inquiry, but the strength of scientific evidence is generally based on the results of statistical analysis and the strength of scientific controls.


Scientific evidence has nothing to do with what you have in your hands. Video isn't scientific evidence and you have deliberately and unsuccessfully tried to convince us that they are the same. Video evidence isn't even acceptable in courts in the absence of testimony or physical evidence.

A scientific control is an experiment or observation designed to minimize the effects of variables other than the independent variable.[1] This increases the reliability of the results, often through a comparison between control measurements and the other measurements. Scientific controls are a part of the scientific method.

The videos you have do not have either scientific control or statistical analysis therefore there are not evidence of anything. You have been told of this FACT repeatedly but you do not wish to acknowledge it. There is no debate on this. You don't have video evidence of Chang doing anything. You only have recordings of a phenomenon that may or may not be true.

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8 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


Hey can you teach this slamdunk method? It looks impressive. A real superpower.


Do I have to send application to a closed forum of Chicago Bulls to develop this ability?

Just watch the video of the slam dunk. You’ll learn from a video and reading the coach’s playbook and tips, even if it’s only the first 10 pages of his notes.

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58 minutes ago, Zork said:

Scientific evidence is evidence that serves to either support or counter a scientific theory or hypothesis. Such evidence is expected to be empirical evidence and interpretation in accordance with scientific method. Standards for scientific evidence vary according to the field of inquiry, but the strength of scientific evidence is generally based on the results of statistical analysis and the strength of scientific controls.


Scientific evidence has nothing to do with what you have in your hands. Video isn't scientific evidence and you have deliberately and unsuccessfully tried to convince us that they are the same. Video evidence isn't even acceptable in courts in the absence of testimony or physical evidence.

A scientific control is an experiment or observation designed to minimize the effects of variables other than the independent variable.[1] This increases the reliability of the results, often through a comparison between control measurements and the other measurements. Scientific controls are a part of the scientific method.

The videos you have do not have either scientific control or statistical analysis therefore there are not evidence of anything. You have been told of this FACT repeatedly but you do not wish to acknowledge it. There is no debate on this. You don't have video evidence of Chang doing anything. You only have recordings of a phenomenon that may or may not be true.


We are not claiming the video of John is scientific proof, replicated, peer reviewed, and published in journals.


We are claiming it is objective video evidence, with scientists and medical doctors present to do their best to rule out fraud.


John was stripped to his shirt and underwear, searched with metal detector and gave a demo at a random location chosen by the researchers.


Certainly fraud and hoaxes do occur, and perhaps the researchers missed a non-metallic device hidden inside his body.


We contend this is the best evidence we know of at the moment.


Video from dash cams, body cams, store cameras and bank cameras are used in court as evidence in most developed nations.

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4 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


We are not claiming the video of John is scientific proof, peer reviewed, and published in journals.


We are claiming it is objective video evidence, with scientists and medical doctors present to do their best to rule out fraud.


We contend this is the best evidence we know of at the moment.

What is it evidence of? 


For example what level/how many years to lift.. um.. 6 ounces or light things on fire?


Do you know?  Is there anyone you can ask? 

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9 minutes ago, thelerner said:

What is it evidence of? 


For example what level/how many years to lift.. um.. 6 ounces or light things on fire?


Do you know?  Is there anyone you can ask? 


In the video John is stripped to his shirt and underwear, checked with a metal detector, and taken to a random location chosen by the team of scientists and medical doctors where he gives a demo.



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I am going to settle this argument once and for all. This video absolutely proves there are superpowers just waiting to be learned. :lol: After all, video evidence is absolute proof. :huh:



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One of the great scenes from the movie, “American Hustle.” It’s a fake. 






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1 hour ago, MegaMind said:


We are not claiming the video of John is scientific proof, replicated, peer reviewed, and published in journals.


You are not taking the case in court. If there is no scientific evidence then there is no argument from your part. You have no evidence.

1 hour ago, MegaMind said:

We are claiming it is objective video evidence, with scientists and medical doctors present to do their best to rule out fraud.

You keep using the term but you really don't know what it means.

Objective evidence is " OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE is evidence you can examine and evaluate for yourself. "

You can't do that.

"SUBJECTIVE EVIDENCE is evidence that you cannot evaluate -- you have to simply accept what the person says or reject it. "

That is exaclty what is happening here. You have been told that John Chang was brought to room (which you haven't visited), he was searched (which you can't verify because you were not present) and he was checked by them (but you have no way of knowing if he was or in what extent). It might as well be a hoax.


Edited by Zork

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