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23 minutes ago, GSmaster said:




If you say so.



Just curious when you fight with the ancient Naga demons, do you use fists, or guns, or any special abilities?

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56 minutes ago, MegaMind said:



Just curious when you fight with the ancient Naga demons, do you use fists, or guns, or any special abilities?

He probably uses an effigy of you and burns it.

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6 hours ago, thelerner said:

For free you could stop 99% of all Mo Pai threads by stating your truth and going away.  


You create dozens, 100s, 1000s(?) of negative posts here. Are there other sites your on where you do the same thing?  Go full MP bot on them?  Spend hours posting over and over?  Are we lucky enough to have this drama month after month?


Imo its gotta be a crazed drinking game . No one could think generating so much negativity and bad press day after day could be a good thing. Unless ones a masochist. 


The new party line of 'We dream of forcing others to do Mo Pai', is not going to be a hit. You've repeated it, what, 6 or 7 times, not a winner or persuasive outside a cult. 


I'm back to repeating- if you talked about benefits and experiences of your art, like everyone else here does you wouldnt create long bot threads. No more of your crazy drinking games, having to take one shot for every page you generate. 


Forget the bad press you generate for your art think about your liver. 


Not just that, but his insufferable arrogance and refusal to acknowledge where he was a jerk while justifying it makes him probably the worst of the group. 


The weird thing is, his initial posts to "defend himself" in the thread he called me out in was never about Mo Pai until he made it about Mo Pai, then edited it out when I told him it would only cause him grief. And somehow, he is asserting he never mentioned it first even though he did, thereby showing his tendency to lie, and put words in my mouth saying that I was attacking him, which I never was.


He deserves the grief. He gets back exactly what he gives, and apparently, he is a masochist. 

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8 hours ago, MegaMind said:


You make me and the rest of our group out to be the aggressors here, we aren't.


We are merely playing defence.



We can merely present the best evidence we have, and hope others are willing to put in the effort to come see for themselves.


If we could force them to practice and see for themselves we would, but unfortunately we can't.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

So "We wish we could force people to do Mo Pai" is the new permanent addition to the bot speak. 


Refeshing to see a new bot phrase come into existence. Bad mind set though. A bit fascist.  Perhaps you have children or elderly you can force into it. 


What we write or brag about is less a show of cultivation then how we conduct ourselves.  


Your inability to add to any subject on cultivation and merely cut and paste repetitively to insure long circular arguments doesn't show cultivation or strategy or wise use of time.


Your oblivious that you feed and continue long negative threads on Mo Pai.  You are programmed to turn a single or few negative posts on Mo Pai, ones that like all negative posts would quickly die down and vanish within a day or two. You findem and keep them alive, fan them for weeks. 


I assume you're on orders from the More Pie Bear. They want long insulting Mo Pai threads because.. I don't know, maybe they dont either, its a bad attention is better then no attention kind of thing. 


Obviously you could infiltrate us better by becoming a regular respected member. Join in discussions, share thoughts and ideas. Gain some site cred for being insightful, helpful. Note you couldn't rely on cut and paste. 


But as a respected member you'd actually have more influence and not just be a bot punching bag that I assume your group sent you here to be. 




Just kidding about the exterminate part but not the robotics.  


Are you getting the results here you want?  Is keeping negative MoPai threads going forever really what you want to do with your time?


Yes it doesn't require any thought on your part but you could do something creative or practice or make your art look good instead of spray painting 100 insult pages across the net each month.


Yeah I know, you got nothing to do with it, just helpless to follow the program.  Keep writing the same thing to keep the stupid negative Threads alive as long as possible, cause thats what you were told. 



Edited by thelerner
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12 hours ago, MegaMind said:


What worries me is people who practice what you have posted will not be following correct instructions, and will hurt themselves and blame Mo Pai as a result.

And who is to blame then? This is 100% mo pai's fault!

It is on Chang who gave the teachings to people that couldn't keep their mouth shut, WMP splinter guys for giving them away for whatever reasons and WMP purists for not posting the correct instructions to prevent the damage due to malpractice.

And all these for what? "Keeping the secrets" of a dead end system with limited progress?


12 hours ago, MegaMind said:

If we could force them to practice and see for themselves we would, but unfortunately we can't.

If only we could force you to practice some other "placebo" qigong and see for yourselves we would, but unfortunately we can't.-_-

9 hours ago, MegaMind said:

You guys and your conspiracy theories are just too much.

No conspiracy theories. The plain truth for all to see.

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6 hours ago, Earl Grey said:


Not just that, but his insufferable arrogance and refusal to acknowledge where he was a jerk while justifying it makes him probably the worst of the group. 


The weird thing is, his initial posts to "defend himself" in the thread he called me out in was never about Mo Pai until he made it about Mo Pai, then edited it out when I told him it would only cause him grief. And somehow, he is asserting he never mentioned it first even though he did, thereby showing his tendency to lie, and put words in my mouth saying that I was attacking him, which I never was.


He deserves the grief. He gets back exactly what he gives, and apparently, he is a masochist. 


I created a new thread to continue a conversation with you as there were complaints of the thread being derailed.


In hindsight if I had known doing so would have caused over 4 months of bellyaching I would not have.


You complained about the threads title, so I changed it to try and make you happy.


The major point of contention was that people could not learn from video which absolutely is not true, as we have people getting their PhD in mathematics and physics online, and those are some our most challenging subjects.


You asked why this was such a big deal and I explained that this has been something used to attack our group in the past, so it needed to be defended against.


Somehow this offended you greatly, because here we are nearly 4 months later still going over it.


To the best of my knowledge I referred to my practice, but did not specify which practice. 


I sincerely hope that in the coming years there will be a point at which you let this go and move on.

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15 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


I created a new thread to continue a conversation with you as there were complaints of the thread being derailed.


In hindsight if I had known doing so would have caused over 4 months of bellyaching I would not have.


You complained about the threads title, so I changed it to try and make you happy.


The major point of contention was that people could not learn from video which absolutely is not true, as we have people getting their PhD in mathematics and physics online, and those are some our most challenging subjects.


You asked why this was such a big deal and I explained that this has been something used to attack our group in the past, so it needed to be defended against.


Somehow this offended you greatly, because here we are nearly 4 months later still going over it.


To the best of my knowledge I referred to my practice, but did not specify which practice. 


I sincerely hope that in the coming years there will be a point at which you let this go and move on.


No apology yet and still lying and denying you edited out on the first page saying Mo Pai. It's right there on the first page, where I say in my third post "Why are you referring to your art when I didn't even mention it?" and when the record shows YOU EDITED OUT THE MENTION OF MO PAI INITIALLY. 


I never mentioned Mo Pai, I spoke IN GENERAL and you focused on it being an attack on your fucking group, which I NEVER MADE. YOU insisted that I was attacking your group. ANYONE can see prior to that how I was ADVOCATING and trying to be a bridge. Unfortunately, YOU want to play victim and made me an enemy. You can even ask your buddy ilovecoffee for the Skype conversation, which I ask how I can help, and he gave me what he wanted. 


Too late for apologies now, though it's pretty much a given you will never apologize because you're the guy who refuses to to acknowledge that his own shit clogged the toilet and blames the owners of the establishment for using terrible quality toilet paper.


And by saying, "Somehow, this offended you greatly" you are again IGNORING THE REASONS I SPELLED OUT. 


To the best of your knowledge is based on your being a shithead who ignores what is being said because he just wants to force his own view. Everyone on this forum can say you're a liar and an asshole for refusing to even acknowledge or consider what was said, or have the decency to apologize. 


And if you're telling me to let go and move on, then I say the same to you: let go and move on, stop dumping your cult victim bullshit on here. You started it in the original thread. I failed in attempting to persuade you not to pursue it, and you insisted. 


YOU STARTED IT. YOU can end it with an apology and shutting up.


But we all know you never will.


If I say so.  

Edited by Earl Grey
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10 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


I created a new thread to continue a conversation with you as there were complaints of the thread being derailed.

It wasn't then?


11 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

You complained about the threads title, so I changed it to try and make you happy.

yeah how silly of him to complain about a thread named "To Earl Grey"! Does it sound like an ad hominem? bahhhhhhhh

12 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

The major point of contention was that people could not learn from video which absolutely is not true, as we have people getting their PhD in mathematics and physics online, and those are some our most challenging subjects

Online PhD? Where can i find these things when i need them! How much do a dozen of them cost online? :lol:


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5 hours ago, thelerner said:

So "We wish we could force people to do Mo Pai" is the new permanent addition to the bot speak. 


Refeshing to see a new bot phrase come into existence. Bad mind set though. A bit fascist.  Perhaps you have children or elderly you can force into it. 


What we write or brag about is less a show of cultivation then how we conduct ourselves.  


Your inability to add to any subject on cultivation and merely cut and paste repetitively to insure long circular arguments doesn't show cultivation or strategy or wise use of time.


Your oblivious that you feed and continue long negative threads on Mo Pai.  You are programmed to turn a single or few negative posts on Mo Pai, ones that like all negative posts would quickly die down and vanish within a day or two. You findem and keep them alive, fan them for weeks. 


I assume you're on orders from the More Pie Bear. They want long insulting Mo Pai threads because.. I don't know, maybe they dont either, its a bad attention is better then no attention kind of thing. 


Obviously you could infiltrate us better by becoming a regular respected member. Join in discussions, share thoughts and ideas. Gain some site cred for being insightful, helpful. Note you couldn't rely on cut and paste. 


But as a respected member you'd actually have more influence and not just be a bot punching bag that I assume your group sent you here to be. 




Just kidding about the exterminate part but not the robotics.  


Are you getting the results here you want?  Is keeping negative MoPai threads going forever really what you want to do with your time?


Yes it doesn't require any thought on your part but you could do something creative or practice or make your art look good instead of spray painting 100 insult pages across the net each month.


Yeah I know, you got nothing to do with it, just helpless to follow the program.  Keep writing the same thing to keep the stupid negative Threads alive as long as possible, cause thats what you were told. 




"So "We wish we could force people to do Mo Pai" is the new permanent addition to the bot speak. "


All we can do is provide the best evidence we have, and hope that some are willing to come see for themselves.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


If we had some way to force people to see for themselves certainly we would.


There would not be 100 page arguments about the practice, because at that point it would be beyond reproach.


"Your oblivious that you feed and continue long negative threads on Mo Pai.  You are programmed to turn a single or few negative posts on Mo Pai, ones that like all negative posts would quickly die down and vanish within a day or two. You findem and keep them alive, fan them for weeks."


We took a break for a year, after a member was banned as it became apparent Dawei and Kar3ns new method was just to ban any member of our group that showed up to defend our practice.


During this time the Mo Pai wars didn't stop at all, they were just one sided threads filled with anti-mo-pai nonsense.


"Are you getting the results here you want?  Is keeping negative MoPai threads going forever really what you want to do with your time? "


The Mo Pai wars will continue with our without us present, it will just be a lot more one sided. 


If we were millionaires we would buy this forum from Sean and we would place a moratorium on all Mo Pai discussion.




You state that we think only Mo Pai and Tummo are real, that isn't correct.


We are looking for practices that have been investigated by scientists and medical doctors who were present to do their best to rule out fraud, on video.


At the moment Mo Pai and Tummo are all we know of, but certainly we are open to other practices if such evidence is provided.


That is a far cry from claiming our systems are the only real ones.

"Obviously you could infiltrate us better by becoming a regular respected member. Join in discussions, share thoughts and ideas. Gain some site cred for being insightful, helpful. Note you couldn't rely on cut and paste."


Many in our group do exactly this, however when they mention they are apart of our group people dig through their posts looking for ammunition to attack us as a group with so they keep silent to prevent this.


"spray painting 100 insult pages across the net each month. "


We are not the one spraying insults, we are merely defending against them.


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10 minutes ago, Zork said:

yeah how silly of him to complain about a thread named "To Earl Grey"! Does it sound like an ad hominem? bahhhhhhhh

25 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


Yes, right here. And even if he changed the thread title, HE STILL SHOULD HAVE APOLOGIZED FOR THIS TOO. 




11 minutes ago, Zork said:

Online PhD? Where can i find these things when i need them! How much do a dozen of them cost online? :lol:



Most are not accredited and are part of a big consumer scam too. Here is how badly it has affected people, with Corinthian, ITT, and University of Phoenix being some of the big ones.

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1 hour ago, Zork said:

And who is to blame then? This is 100% mo pai's fault!

It is on Chang who gave the teachings to people that couldn't keep their mouth shut, WMP splinter guys for giving them away for whatever reasons and WMP purists for not posting the correct instructions to prevent the damage due to malpractice.

And all these for what? "Keeping the secrets" of a dead end system with limited progress?


If only we could force you to practice some other "placebo" qigong and see for yourselves we would, but unfortunately we can't.-_-


No conspiracy theories. The plain truth for all to see.


"And who is to blame then? This is 100% mo pai's fault!"


If people practice what Starjumper has posted here, they will not be practising Mo Pai, they will be practising something new and different. 


One of Jim's students we believe his name was Sifu Rel, altered and leaked Jim's instructions on which was a website for trading occult books via torrents.


"No conspiracy theories. The plain truth for all to see."


[  s  ]

You got us!


Some more truth for you is that all members are required to have three body pillows.


One with John's image, the other two with Jim and Kosta.  


Each night we sleep with our savior's body pillows.


In the morning we pray to an alter with John, Jim and Kosta and tithe 20% of our income to glorious group leader.


To absorb more yin energy we bury ourselves underground, and use a hose to breathe with.

[  /s  ]

Edited by MegaMind

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5 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

The Mo Pai wars will continue with our without us present, it will just be a lot more one sided. 

If you think there has been any "war", then you are completely bonkers.


You are right that such conflict would be one sided because it only existed in your great and phantasmal mind.

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1 minute ago, virtue said:

If you think there has been any "war", then you are completely bonkers.


You are right that such conflict would be one sided because it only existed in your great and phantasmal mind.


No war existed--people on this forum are sick of hearing about it. I was too, and attempted to make peace and for a time, did with ilovecoffee. I even advocated for him personally and the group, hoping to act as a bridge and translator.


Sadly, LyingRatBastard (formerly MildMouse23, nee MegaMind) chose to pick a fight with me, the one person who publicly was willing to advocate for them much to the bafflement of other members. Sadly, it appears those other members were correct in telling me that trying to do something for the WMPs was a waste of effort, as LyingRatBastard proved by creating conflict with me, assuming I was initially attacking Mo Pai and refusing to focus on the point I was making, which in no way referred to or even attacked his group. 


So, let them eat horse testicles, for all I care. 

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8 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

Most are not accredited and are part of a big consumer scam too. Here is how badly it has affected people, with Corinthian, ITT, and University of Phoenix being some of the big ones. 

Well in Latveria where i am situated you can only gain PhDs with original research and in the physics department an experiment is implied but hey what do we know? :lol:

As it seems in the developed countries like the one that most WMP live you can gain PhDs online.

5 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

If people practice what Starjumper has posted here, they will not be practising Mo Pai, they will be practising something new and different.

this is 100% mopai's fault.

5 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

One of Jim's students we believe his name was Sifu Rel, altered and leaked Jim's instructions on which was a website for trading occult books via torrents.

This is 100% Jim's fault for sharing mopai instructions with people that he shouldn't have.

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2 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

No war existed--people on this forum are sick of hearing about it. I was too, and attempted to make peace and for a time, did with ilovecoffee. I even advocated for him personally and the group, hoping to act as a bridge and translator.

At least ilovecoffee was annoying but never rude the way megamind is.

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3 minutes ago, Zork said:

Well in Latveria where i am situated you can only gain PhDs with original research and in the physics department an experiment is implied but hey what do we know? :lol:

As it seems in the developed countries like the one that most WMP live you can gain PhDs online.


Hail Lord Doom!


PhDs online are often laughed at and not accredited, and the quality of work done there is often by people in a rush to get a credential for something--one guy needed it because he was leaving in a year and they insisted he get even a shitty certificate so he could be offered his position. There's even one very deceptive one, American Military University, which is not affiliated with the US Military! 


6 minutes ago, Zork said:

this is 100% mopai's fault.

12 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


The WMPs bring it upon themselves, as does their cabal head, Jim. And if his plan to go to tanning salons and get plastic surgery for his eyes and face went through before dying, he probably would have changed his name to something like "Jimikumiran Wypipowanabe" I bet. 


12 minutes ago, Zork said:

This is 100% Jim's fault for sharing mopai instructions with people that he shouldn't have.


Again, "misery loves company"!


10 minutes ago, Zork said:

At least ilovecoffee was annoying but never rude the way megamind is.


LyingRatBastard is the biggest asshole who has ever come from that group, hands-down. He also has the shittiest taste in music--I mean, come on: Taylor Swift! Really?! :blink:


At least ilovecoffee liked Nine Inch Nails! :lol:

  • Haha 2

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20 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

"No conspiracy theories. The plain truth for all to see."


[  s  ]

You got us!


Some more truth for you is that all members are required to have three body pillows.


One with John's image, the other two with Jim and Kosta.  


Each night we sleep with our savior's body pillows.


In the morning we pray to an alter with John, Jim and Kosta and tithe 20% of our income to glorious group leader.


To absorb more yin energy we bury ourselves underground, and use a hose to breathe with.

[  /s  ]

You exhibit all the characteristics of a personality cult despite how you are trying to deflect the subject.

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34 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


Yes, right here. And even if he changed the thread title, HE STILL SHOULD HAVE APOLOGIZED FOR THIS TOO. 





Most are not accredited and are part of a big consumer scam too. Here is how badly it has affected people, with Corinthian, ITT, and University of Phoenix being some of the big ones.


Originally the thread was supposed to be for you and I to finish our discussion without derailing the other thread.


You were offended by the title for some reason, so I changed it to try and make you happy.


I agree with your statement that most online degrees are scams, it is important to make sure the university is regionally accredited.

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2 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

Originally the thread was supposed to be for you and I to finish our discussion without derailing the other thread.

Is there ANY logical explanation why this wasn't done through PM like it should?

2 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

I agree with your statement that most online degrees are scams, it is important to make sure the university is regionally accredited.

Why did you bring up obvious online PhD scams then as an example of learning through video then?

Edited by Zork
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10 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


Hail Lord Doom!


PhDs online are often laughed at and not accredited, and the quality of work done there is often by people in a rush to get a credential for something--one guy needed it because he was leaving in a year and they insisted he get even a shitty certificate so he could be offered his position. There's even one very deceptive one, American Military University, which is not affiliated with the US Military! 



The WMPs bring it upon themselves, as does their cabal head, Jim. And if his plan to go to tanning salons and get plastic surgery for his eyes and face went through before dying, he probably would have changed his name to something like "Jimikumiran Wypipowanabe" I bet. 



Again, "misery loves company"!



LyingRatBastard is the biggest asshole who has ever come from that group, hands-down. He also has the shittiest taste in music--I mean, come on: Taylor Swift! Really?! :blink:


At least ilovecoffee liked Nine Inch Nails! :lol:


To the absolute best of my knowledge Jim never had plastic surgery, and we aren't contracting with the CIA to infiltrate the Indonesian Mo Pai school.

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2 minutes ago, MegaMind said:


Originally the thread was supposed to be for you and I to finish our discussion without derailing the other thread.


You were offended by the title for some reason, so I changed it to try and make you happy.


I agree with your statement that most online degrees are scams, it is important to make sure the university is regionally accredited.

Changing it without an apology is insufficient because it does warrant an apology. Ask anyone with class, which apparently, you have none.


You can disagree about online learning, but the numbers don’t mirror your opinions.

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2 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

Changing it without an apology is insufficient because it does warrant an apology. Ask anyone with class, which apparently, you have none.


You can disagree about online learning, but the numbers don’t mirror your opinions.


I hope in the coming years you can let this go, as far as I can tell there is no reason for you to be upset.


I agree with you, most online degrees are scams.


It is important to verify the school is regionally accredited.

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3 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

To the absolute best of my knowledge Jim never had plastic surgery,

That does not mean that he was not thinking about it.


4 minutes ago, MegaMind said:

and we aren't contracting with the CIA to infiltrate the Indonesian Mo Pai school.

A mere asian american would suffice. Why bother with the "big boys"?

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