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Ngondro and Kunlun...

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We ended the year by spending the weekend with the highest known Tibetan spiritual master. He is a true Mahasiddha and spent over an hour meeting with Max about Kunlun and Rainbow Body.


We are all still recovering from that meeting. Things are very different for us now. The Mahasiddha recognized the Kunlun as a very effective method that he wants us to share with his people. The Ngondro and other Tibetan techniques are things we will incorporate into our practice.


I could never get past the prostrations... can I be grandfathered in pre-Ngondro? :lol:


I love the Tibetan thing about sharing the merit of one's practice. The prostrations were good for me, it's just that they were a lot of work.


It'll be fun to see where Max goes with all this.


I don't know why it's coming to mind at the moment, but I was very impressed with Max's demonstration of Powa in Phoenix.

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I could never get past the prostrations... can I be grandfathered in pre-Ngondro? :lol:


I love the Tibetan thing about sharing the merit of one's practice. The prostrations were good for me, it's just that they were a lot of work.


It'll be fun to see where Max goes with all this.


I don't know why it's coming to mind at the moment, but I was very impressed with Max's demonstration of Powa in Phoenix.

Yes we are really all going through the Tibetan system. We are even wearing robes as an acknowledgment of our commitment. So from now on when you see us at a seminar you will see Chubas and other attire.


Meeting the Mahasidda was incredible. He could answer everyone's questions without even having us ask them verbally. Amazing.


When Max looked at him energetically all he could see was a whirlpool of light.

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I've started the ngondro at least 3 times and I don't think I've made the 100k mark yet with the prostrations.


Which Rinpoche did you meet? There are some amazing being out there in the Vajrayana / Dzogchen realms.


I just received Pillars of Bliss, maybe this is a good time to start back up with the ngondro as well. : )

Edited by jaloo

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Sifu Jenny must have sent that dude your way... making us all Buddhists again. :lol:


The thing I ultimately couldn't deal with during my last incarnation as a Buddhist is the existence of hell and ghost realms that folks get stuck in for gazillions of years. If I ever become a Buddhist again, that's *got* to be scratched from the contract. :)


Your pal,


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The thing I ultimately couldn't deal with during my last incarnation as a Buddhist is the existence of hell and ghost realms that folks get stuck in for gazillions of years. If I ever become a Buddhist again, that's *got* to be scratched from the contract. :)


:D know what you mean, but I suppose it's just like the Christian hell, you need somewhere for people with those sort of thoughts to go :)

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Yes we are really all going through the Tibetan system. We are even wearing robes as an acknowledgment of our commitment. So from now on when you see us at a seminar you will see Chubas and other attire.


Meeting the Mahasidda was incredible. He could answer everyone's questions without even having us ask them verbally. Amazing.


When Max looked at him energetically all he could see was a whirlpool of light.

Wow, that is pretty cool! Who is this guy, exactly?


As an interesting tangent, David Hawkins tries to quantify the level of truth of people on a logarithmic scale of 0-1000 in "Power Vs. Force." Whereby:

he says that Consciousness can be represented on a scale going from 1 to 1000 with 1000 being the level of Krishna, Jesus and Buddha. He also says that enlightment begins at 600 and integrity (taking responsibility for your life) begins at 200. The human race currently calibrates at 207 - with only 22% being above 200.
I believe he also claimed that there were only 12 people on this planet testing at 700 or higher when he had written the book 5 years ago...


So, I'd be curious to see where Max, this Mahasiddha & Wang Liping rank on his scale? Obviously all very high, but just how high? :D

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Uh oh... a scale of 1-1000!!! A dangerous tool to place in the hands of us taobums! :lol:





I'd bet Mantra won't disclose the identity. I'd guess the teacher is Nyingma and we've not heard of him or her before.

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