
Haiku Chain

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my heart still holds hope

and a lot of blood and goo

here's thinking of you.

here's thinking of you

steward of tao bums, how cool.

new titles, new times.

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but this is haiku

an ink blot in a mirror

writing on the wall

Edited by NotVoid

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writing on the wall

my spray can is running low

life can be a bi...


life can be a bi...

has sex with men and women

coming and going

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coming and going

the sun rising and setting

chasing the moon's tail


chasing the moon's tail

catching silver light at night

I eat glowing clouds

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chasing the moon's tail

catching silver light at night

I eat glowing clouds

I eat glowing clouds

Excluded from the buffet

Ordered à la carte

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Ordered á la carte

Discriminating palettes

Know from whom they choose


Know from whom they choose

Those choiceless choosers do know

Choosy moms choose Jif

Edited by Songtsan

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Choosy moms choose Jif

Smooth, Chunky, and with Honey.

Peanuts are legumes.


Peanuts are legumes

Soy beans are legumes as well

But they make me fart...

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Peanuts are legumes

Soy beans are legumes as well

But they make me fart...


But they make me fart...

Flapping cheeks like a brass band

yes, it's a real gas.

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But they make me fart...

Flapping cheeks like a brass band

yes, it's a real gas.

Yes, it's a real gas.

Like go-go and jitterbug

embrace the weird-- dance

Edited by balance.

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Yes, it's a real gas.

Like go-go and jitterbug

embrace the weird-- dance


embrace the weird-- dance

rhythmic entrainment occurs

Body-mind-heart sync

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Where's my TV set?

Life is too complicated

I would rather watch



I would rather watch

Although this might seem creepy

and voyeuristic.

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I would rather watch

Although this might seem creepy

and voyeuristic.

and voyeuristic

Vajrayogini unbared

all who seek, mimic

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and voyeuristic

Vajrayogini unbared

all who seek, mimic


all who seek, mimic

my next rebirth will be a


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the real nourishes

quenching mind, body, and soul.

Inanimate; lies.


Inanimate; lies.

inorganic porky pies

Yes I've told a few.

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