
Haiku Chain

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no, it's not 'louie'...

he can't do it anyway

'levitate' - who can? :)

'levitate' - who can?

superconductive central

coefficient passed

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'levitate' - who can?

superconductive central

coefficient passed


coefficient passed

suppositories helped much

no more equations

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coefficient passed

suppositories helped much

no more equations


no more equations

you have 'e' and 'm' 'c' squared

leave Einstein alone!

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no more equations

you have 'e' and 'm' 'c' squared

leave Einstein alone!

leave einstein alone!

full picture by half picture?

why, I dont think so!

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why, I don't think so!

endless shamatha practice

has solved that problem

has solved that problem

no more messiness around

clear light and rainbows...

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As the body burned,

Iron Sand qigong progressed,

sneezing subsided.*



(*true story)

sneezing subsided

holy smacks! Its true indeed!

all hail to qigong!

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All hail to qigong,

taiji, bagua, and i-chuan.

Hear the dragon roar.


hear the dragon roar

like a stream over rocks, quiet

free in form, form free

Edited by Mark Foote

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free in form, form free

rest the mind in its nature

to abide or not?

to abide or not?

in dreams of riches and fame?

what say you, my friend?

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way say you, my friend?

a contemplative wisdom

does not crave such things


does not crave such things.

It is time to return to

floating in the dao.

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floating in the dao

awareness is manifest

in clear spaciousness

in clear spaciousness

Awareness pervades extent

And knows no limits

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in clear spaciousness Awareness pervades extent And knows no limits

And knows no limits

the effervescence of youth

brimming with joy...

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And knows no limits

the effervescence of youth

brimming with joy...


brimming with joy, yes

the pieces forgotten here

dragon coils unseen

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welcome to China

feel free to roam as you please

celebrate contrast!

Edited by C T

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Dragon coils unseen,

dragon jaws open wider:

welcome to China


welcome to China

President Nixon, do you

like our water gate?

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welcome to China

President Nixon, do you

like our water gate?

like our water gate?

perhaps have a cup of tea

and wait for sun's rise



and wait for sun's rise

feel free to roam as you please

celebrate contrast!

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