
Haiku Chain

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to rule the world, dude.

With an iron fist and an

open hand: balance.


open hand: balance

good bad yin and yang all walk

the straight razors edge

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open hand: balance

good bad yin and yang all walk

the straight razors edge


the straight razors edge

so much sharper than gillette

deadly but so smooth

Edited by liminal_luke
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deadly but so smooth

I glide along the surface

until the ice cracks


"Until the ice cracks,"

I whispered to the Snow Queen.

"Until then, sister." 

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"Until then, sister.",

said Clotho to Atropos.

Destiny awaits.


Destiny awaits.

Come, dear boy. Have a cigar.

Which one's pink?  Bernie. 

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Destiny awaits.

Come, dear boy. Have a cigar.

Which one's pink?  Bernie. 


Which one's pink? Bernie.

the cell used for calming deary

and I'm not Bernie


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Which one's pink? Bernie.

the cell used for calming deary

and I'm not Bernie


And I'm not Bernie

but I can do your Bernie

'til your Bernie comes

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And I'm not Bernie

but I can do your Bernie

'til your Bernie comes


til your Bernie comes

I will be your substitute

Your cardboard cut out

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til your Bernie comes

I will be your substitute

Your cardboard cut out


Your cardboard cut out

gets votes.  My cardboard cut out

gets votes.  Who's counting?..

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gets votes. Who's counting?..

on their fingers and their toes, 

must be GOP!


must be GOP

cross-eyed and stumbling straight toward

a hole in the ground

Edited by Mark Foote
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A hole in the ground,

wherein there lived a hobbit.

Humble beginnings.


Humble beginnings.

Amazon dot com used to

sell books... then, the world. 

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Sell books... then, the world

Birds of sulphur, pretty girls

How much for your word?


how much for your word

your very bond and honour

just so much hot air

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how much for your word

your very bond and honour

just so much hot air


just so much hot air

up up up we went journey

sky balloon down earth

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just so much hot air

up up up we went journey

sky balloon down earth


sky balloon down earth

up up and away went my

beautiful balloon

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beautiful balloon

neunundneunzig luftballons

yup, that is German

Edited by Yulaw

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yup, that is German.

We say no to war but yes

to lederhosen


to lederhosen

required attire for Gay Pride

German gay and proud

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perpetual swing(ing)

and it's highly regular.

Not like the Double.




not like the double

the doppleganger steps out

the same yet other

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The same yet other.

My evil twin did it. --That

is the best excuse.


is the best excuse

to give no excuse at all

accept your actions

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is the best excuse

to give no excuse at all

accept your actions


Accept your actions.

It's your drugs, your guns, your wars,

your mess, man!   Repent!!    


Edited by Taomeow
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Accept your actions.

It's your drugs, your guns, your wars,

your mess, man!   Repent!!    



your mess, man! repent!

my responsibility 

rainbows earth to sky




*note - previous version used "stretches" in the third line.... which is one syllable in my native dialect of English but for which I would rather take responsibility and repent before making a further mess...

Edited by mostly_empty
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