
Is KunLun Bogus?

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Skepticism is good but it is clear that there are levels of Nei Gung that ..... Starjumper have yet to experience.


I spent six years in close proximity to one of the most powerful Taoist wizards in the world, so stuff it!

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"I spent six years in close proximity to one of the most powerful Taoist wizards in the world, so stuff it!"


You've made this boast. Care to back it up? Wizard?

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This spat reminds me of mine with Denty last year; and even tho I received many emails of support that felt good back then, it is now a point of embarrassment for me...


So I will be wizardly in my clarvoyance and predict that next year you guys will realize how ill spent yr time was in this thang...


Having something to prove often means that you do not indeed "have it" in the first place...


And besides, if it is only what you are able to glean from being with masters that matters to you, then what do they get out of it?



Experiences are shared in that instance - as well as here with the Bums. We are sharing and exploring. So it may be that the out-ranking means so very little in what we do as to be silly in the first place.


I for one have scant interest in Kunlun, but would like to meet Max and get a sense of his "vibe" nontheless...


A quick path has never appealed to me -I tend to walk or take a train these days -I am not in a hurry, so Kunlun has probably little to offer me -We will each get where it is we are meant to get to and being where we are while we make our way offers so much that little else matters to me these days...


but hey-have fun with this as ya may... it too will pass... (I hope)

Edited by Wayfarer64

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Well I guess Chris is not going to respond to my question about how Kunlun achieves enlightenment. That's OK. My comments were made in the interest of encouraging honesty, integrity, credibility, disclosure and ultimately truth in advertising. I've made my comments and they'll either result in a response, manifest a change or achieve nothing. That's OK.

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Guest winpro07

Was that Bruce Lee's Kung Fu instructor you mentioned before?

I spent six years in close proximity to one of the most powerful Taoist wizards in the world, so stuff it!

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Guest winpro07

KunLun frees all of the extra baggage we carry. Without extra burden the path is much easier. I am being simplistic -please understand there have been many posts describing the experience of kunlun, and what happens. It is real. Finding the first secret inch, mountain, chamber, heart of the bird, seat of the soul, seat of Brahma, finding the true self etc. occurred a few days after the seminar during first solo practice. As other burdens fall more mountains can be climbed. It appeared to me at that time that all the prior years of work manifested in a very fixed permanent way. Or maybe this way: the central pillar the soul slides along is created in practice, and finds its home.

Well I guess Chris is not going to respond to my question about how Kunlun achieves enlightenment. That's OK. My comments were made in the interest of encouraging honesty, integrity, credibility, disclosure and ultimately truth in advertising. I've made my comments and they'll either result in a response, manifest a change or achieve nothing. That's OK.

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When words dissipate

And descriptions cease to be

Then we find accord

Edited by Sifu Stigweard

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Well I guess Chris is not going to respond to my question about how Kunlun achieves enlightenment. That's OK. My comments were made in the interest of encouraging honesty, integrity, credibility, disclosure and ultimately truth in advertising. I've made my comments and they'll either result in a response, manifest a change or achieve nothing. That's OK.

This too has been addressed many times in many ways.


The Kunlun posture activates an internal reset function that quickly realigns the mind, body, and spirit. When these energy bodies are brought back to harmony the experience of divine bliss (void) is achieved.


In that state, confusion is made clear. Our relationship to the creator is clear. Our purpose for being here is clear. Our understanding of our true nature is also very clear. Our understanding of our connectedness is clear.


Many things.


It is up to the individual to let go into the feeling generated by the practice to get the most out of it. When you can break the barrier of death itself you can experience the higher realms.


If you take everything I have written and look at the different ways I have tried to present the experience, you will have a pretty good idea of the process. It is simultaneously simple and infinitely complicated.


A spirited debate is a good thing, but we should enter these discussions with humility and respect for each other's perspective. I only know what I know based on my experience (which in the big picture is very little).


We all have a piece of the puzzle. We all are a piece of the puzzle.


Beyond the limitations of mundane reality, we are AMAZING beings.


Be nicer to each other.

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You've made this boast. Care to back it up?


Possibly, but not in this trash heap of a thread. Possibly in the nei Kung thread, and it depends on what you mean by back it up. Frankly I'm surprised you're not more intouch with chi. Perhaps I'll explain chi to you there, which might back it up.

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Buddy, so as not to waste too much more energy here, and given the difficulty of proofs on forums, please answer the following: what does 'back it up' look like to you? And please forgive me if I misunderstood your stand on chi, we'll clear that up =)

Edited by Starjumper7

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Was that Bruce Lee's Kung Fu instructor you mentioned before?


Yes, the primary one and the motivating one. These are things I've been told by experts in their fields: He is the most advanced kung fu master on the West coast and the most powerful chi kung master in the country.


He radiates so much energy and my tai chi teacher is so sensitive to energy that if my chi kung teacher walks towards a large building which the tai chi teacher is in the center of the tai chi teacher can feel his energy and can follow this feeling to locate him.

Edited by Starjumper7

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The Kunlun posture activates an internal reset function that quickly realigns the mind, body, and spirit. When these energy bodies are brought back to harmony the experience of divine bliss (void) is achieved.

Thanks for trying Chris. I think I should have been more clear about what I meant by "mechanism". Mechanism means a physical, chemical, neurological or combination thereof process. "Internal reset function" leaves a lot to be desired in the context of that definition.


If you'd like to try again using this definition, then by all means, please do. I'm becoming well accepting of the possibility that you don't know the mechanism. I certainly can't expect you to provide something that you don't possess.

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Guest winpro07

Cool stuff

Yes, the primary one and the motivating one. These are things I've been told by experts in their fields: He is the most advanced kung fu master on the West coast and the most powerful chi kung master in the country.


He radiates so much energy and my tai chi teacher is so sensitive to energy that if my chi kung teacher walks towards a large building which the tai chi teacher is in the center of the tai chi teacher can feel his energy and can follow this feeling to locate him.

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Thanks for trying Chris. I think I should have been more clear about what I meant by "mechanism". Mechanism means a physical, chemical, neurological or combination thereof process. "Internal reset function" leaves a lot to be desired in the context of that definition.


If you'd like to try again using this definition, then by all means, please do. I'm becoming well accepting of the possibility that you don't know the mechanism. I certainly can't expect you to provide something that you don't possess.

You left out the most important mechanism of all: feeling.


Consider the wealth of information you were able to accumulate as an infant. What was your primary mechanism for understanding your new world? Feeling.


You follow feeling as your guide through the infinite world within.


By holding the Kunlun posture you match the divine harmonic frequency (if you can let go of the mind) and everything of a lesser vibration falls away. This is a feeling, like love.


Do you possess the capacity to explain the mechanism of love?


This the "mechanism" we are dealing with. :wub:

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You left out the most important mechanism of all: feeling.


Consider the wealth of information you were able to accumulate as an infant. What was your primary mechanism for understanding your new world? Feeling.


You follow feeling as your guide through the infinite world within.


By holding the Kunlun posture you match the divine harmonic frequency (if you can let go of the mind) and everything of a lesser vibration falls away. This is a feeling, like love.


Do you possess the capacity to explain the mechanism of love?


This the "mechanism" we are dealing with. :wub:

EXCELLENT!!!! Very well done!!! You have my most enthusiastic gratitude and thanks for your perseverance! I was unwilling to suggest to you this last and most important mechanism (in my view, not so much feeling as much as simply Love itself, but that's a minor quivocation) in order that you not be provided the answer. Would've undermined the validity of your answer.


I'm in complete agreement that Love is a, indeed I understand it to be THE mechanism, for stripping of the ego and exposure of the self and the Tao to awareness. Simplifying a lot here...my SKF practice utilizes neurological manipulation (classic HT stuff really) to achieve a state where the divine harmonic frequency (to use your term...which I like) dominates awareness. And yes, it's quite easy to let go of the mind, because (by intention) the neurological manipulation of SKF takes it away! The cerebral portion anyway. Temporarily. Leaving the cerebellum to (primarily) inform awareness. Just as when a newborn. Before developing neral pathways throughout the cerebral cortex and the filling of it, by necessity as creatures "of this world", with information "of this world" and keeping these in the fore of our conciousness.


I've found that the amplitude of vibration (while at the same frequency, don't know what it is, but it seems 50ish to 60ish Hz) rises dramatically (and immediately...like a dynamo) when thoughts of my Loved ones, mrs. x in particular are focussed on...there is some ability to "think", but mostly it's a phenomenologically humbling and inspiring awareness of the incredible beauty and order of the Tao, and my "place" in it. Tears of joy flow spontaneously every time I achieve this state and I'm left oddly exhausted and refreshed with this profoundly compelling imperative to make Love to my wife. If only with a kiss or a hug. Or more :).


And the clear knowledge that we're truly Creatures of Love.


Again, much thanks for your perseverance and ultimately satisfying and believable answer to a difficult question.


Truly many paths lead to the Tao.


Be well upon yours.





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EXCELLENT!!!! Very well done!!! You have my most enthusiastic gratitude and thanks for your perseverance! I was unwilling to suggest to you this last and most important mechanism (in my view, not so much feeling as much as simply Love itself, but that's a minor quivocation) in order that you not be provided the answer. Would've undermined the validity of your answer.


I'm in complete agreement that Love is a, indeed I understand it to be THE mechanism, for stripping of the ego and exposure of the self and the Tao to awareness. Simplifying a lot here...my SKF practice utilizes neurological manipulation (classic HT stuff really) to achieve a state where the divine harmonic frequency (to use your term...which I like) dominates awareness. And yes, it's quite easy to let go of the mind, because (by intention) the neurological manipulation of SKF takes it away! The cerebral portion anyway. Temporarily. Leaving the cerebellum to (primarily) inform awareness. Just as when a newborn. Before developing neral pathways throughout the cerebral cortex and the filling of it, by necessity as creatures "of this world", with information "of this world" and keeping these in the fore of our conciousness.


I've found that the amplitude of vibration (while at the same frequency, don't know what it is, but it seems 50ish to 60ish Hz) rises dramatically (and immediately...like a dynamo) when thoughts of my Loved ones, mrs. x in particular are focussed on...there is some ability to "think", but mostly it's a phenomenologically humbling and inspiring awareness of the incredible beauty and order of the Tao, and my "place" in it. Tears of joy flow spontaneously every time I achieve this state and I'm left oddly exhausted and refreshed with this profoundly compelling imperative to make Love to my wife. If only with a kiss or a hug. Or more :).


And the clear knowledge that we're truly Creatures of Love.


Again, much thanks for your perseverance and ultimately satisfying and believable answer to a difficult question.


Truly many paths lead to the Tao.


Be well upon yours.





Right on, bra.

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Sorry, I don't believe in wizards, and I have students who have been with me longer than six years. And I find "the most advanced kung fu master" to be hyperbole. You can't back up qi because it's an unproven paradigm. You don't know what I'm in touch with nor what I can do. But I don't make outlandish claims. I'm not unknown in the online internal martial art world. I've given my teachers, they're all real people. And I use my real name when posting. I've been teaching for 25 years, please don't presume so much.

Edited by Buddy

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Sorry, I don't believe in wizards,


Too bad, you should get out more, or read more, or something, one or the other, since all real chi kung masters qualify as sorcerers. Seeing is believing, and so is feeling.


and I have students who have been with me longer than six years.


That's very nice, congratulations.


And I find "the most advanced kung fu master" to be hyperbole.


Yes you do.


You can't back up qi because it's an unproven paradigm.


If you can feel it you can prove it to yourself, do you feel it Buddy?


You don't know what I'm in touch with nor what I can do.


If you told me I would.


But I don't make outlandish claims.


Well, I'm just a wild and crazy guy learning a wild and crazy practice, and since I don't give a flying flapjack what people think I let er rip, but not with the really outlandish stuff.


I'm not unknown in the online internal martial art world. I've given my teachers, they're all real people. And I use my real name when posting. I've been teaching for 25 years,


All that is very impresive, good for you. Aint no one online ever going to learn my chi kung teacher's name, but some people know my other teacher's names - both online and off.


Also, I don't mind sharing my real name online, but I'm a Starjumper and Starjumper's my Taoist name.


please don't presume so much.


OK, I'll try.

Edited by Starjumper7

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"Too bad, you should get out more, or read more, or something, one or the other, since all real chi kung masters qualify as sorcerers. Seeing is believing, and so is feeling."


No, it isn't. People regularly see and feel things that aren't there.


"Aint no one online ever going to learn my chi kung teacher's name, but some people know my other teacher's names - both online and off."


Of course not.


"The intransigent position. The digging in of the heels. The refusal to suspend disbelief. The holding on to tight to pedantry."


It's called reality, try it sometime.

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Hello, boys and girls. In the 'Friends of Kunlun' thread on this forum those who explained some of the problems with the scientific explanation were told that to find their answers they should read Scientific American (magazine) which is a lie. I'm a very scientific American and I have carefully explained the science pertaining to this.


We are now discussing the latest greatest awakening invention, kunlun, on my forum. The thread is here: Pillars of Bliss and you don't need to be a member to see it. In order to learn what Max is really all about go to the end of the thread to posts made today 1/19/2008..

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Well & good -but Mals' entry on yr site is very possitive and he has done the work... It could be that Kunlun will not be as benificial for each individual, no system is. .. But if it works for beginners and helps anyone at all, and does no harm, then It may very well be a system that is viable and tryable...


Science can not explain what I have seen Grand Masters of ShaoLin do... Nor many things that have happened to me personally, emperically to use others' phrasiology...So I keep open to the prospect of an easy way to get blissed-out, it isn't as good as SCUBA nor sex for me- but I am not a spiritualistic maven of any sort.


I want to be on all levels of existence not just the blissed-out ones...I do not seek nervanha, though having Peace of mind is a great state of being for any moment by moment existance... enjoy, live a little before you train to die, then live a little more training to die, if ya want a jump-start on the here-after... live dangerously!

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Hello, boys and girls. In the 'Friends of Kunlun' thread on this forum those who explained some of the problems with the scientific explanation were told that to find their answers they should read Scientific American (magazine) which is a lie. I'm a very scientific American and I have carefully explained the science pertaining to this.

Hi SJ,

There is a nice video that mwight posted a few months ago called THUNDERBOLTS OF THE GODS. A new view of the old thing.

Take care, M.


Edit: also read:

The Science of Oneness

This is from archived website... the original website is gone.

Edited by Smile

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Guest winpro07

Mr. "Master" 'Scientific Star Jumper' on the subject of compter I-ching......


I just used the online I Ching and got #39 with no changes. It seems to be talking about recent events, and it also matches the random selection I got for the chapter of the TTC, chapter 19

It seems that when I use the I Ching I often get the trigrams kan and li


In absence of a specific question the I ching is more likely to make comments about your recent involvements and with that in mind I'll make a stab at interpreting it for you.


You could consider what it said in light of that idea and see if it fits.

If you experience a lot of synchronicity then be prepare to be dazzled. Sometimes I get one that seems inconclusive, but most of the times I get something meaningful and plenty of times I go Wow! How could it know so much about me

Part of the problem might be due to the internet/computer system which must use a random number generator. In the yarrow stick explanation I posted it says that the I ching was developed around the yarrow stick method and that it gives different results than the coin method, for example the chance of getting a changing yin line is 25% with yarrow sticks, while with coins it's always 50%



Hello, boys and girls. In the 'Friends of Kunlun' thread on this forum those who explained some of the problems with the scientific explanation were told that to find their answers they should read Scientific American (magazine) which is a lie. I'm a very scientific American and I have carefully explained the science pertaining to this.


We are now discussing the latest greatest awakening invention, kunlun, on my forum. The thread is here: Pillars of Bliss and you don't need to be a member to see it. In order to learn what Max is really all about go to the end of the thread to posts made today 1/19/2008..

Edited by winpro07

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