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Spent a week or so re-reading that book and handwriting the teachings of Devi that I found most salient in a journal. I found it to be a very interesting exercise and wound up with a much better understanding and appreciation of Kashmir Shivaism. I must give credit to Michael (thelearner) for bringing up the ancient tradition of handwriting teachings that are important to us. He mentioned this in a post months ago and I decided to try it.


Tantric Quest is a great read, glad you are enjoying it.

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Tantric Quest is a great read, glad you are enjoying it.


I must give credit to Michael (thelearner) for bringing up the ancient tradition of handwriting teachings that are important to us. He mentioned this in a post months ago and I decided to try it.



Thanks for posting that it was a good book :)


It's funny you should say about the handwriting. I usually toss books through the scanner when I want to quote them. But when the weekend made me remember that passage I felt it would be good for me to type it out by hand.


My handwriting is usually illegible, a constant thread in my dream journals is "must write so that I can read this" Works for a page or two then I go back to scribble :blink:

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