sheng zhen

Full lotus

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My knees were a little sore for a few minutes after my first real success with full lotus. Is that normal, or am I doing something wrong?


Youre torquing the knees too much. If the hips open properly it should be more comfortable. I think theyll get sore until you get more flexible.

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So I just ordered one of these DiaDENS scenar should come in the mail in the next couple of weeks. I will try getting into lotus with it after a while, and report back.

These devices are actually a pretty big deal right now. They have a sports medicine brand called Inter-X which costs about 4-5 grand, which is being used in a lot of clinics and by pro sports teams. The DiaDENS-t costs 400...about 10 times less. :lol: But it's pretty much the same thing!

There's another Russian brand out there with RiTM models, which are around 3-4k too. What a ripoff. They say that the DiaDENS isn't as effective because the algorithms aren't the same as theirs. They call it a glorified TENS device....which is actually kind of a compliment because that's all it should be. Anyone who knows how these things actualy work with the body shouldn't be fooled into the more expensive brands (unless they are wanting to use it in a clinical setting, where they should probably use the Inter-X since it's regulated by the FDA and now has journal articles supporting its use). And the marketer for the expensive Russian models calls herself a Dr.

I don't really respect doctors that spread misinformation like that.

I agree that the pose shouldn't be painful in the knees, but more about having the flexibility in the hip. It should be comfortable...I mean, Patanjali says the the asanas should be comfy and stable. I don't think the idea of pushing through the pain is a good idea with lotus. So other poses should be done which help prepare you for lotus. A great one I know of is a piriformis stretch.


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As I type this my left foot is numb going up to the ankles and now my vagus nerve is pulsating on the right side of the neck and electromagnetic fields are shooting out of the full-lotus into people around the room. There's a cracking sound in my brain and neck as the blockages clear with orgasmic bliss and I can feel bacteria being leached from my gums and nose from the sugar I had earlier today. I smell like shit but I'm turning it into gold.


As for pain Chunyi Lin says there's good pain and bad pain when someone asked him about the full-lotus implying the latter is good pain. Jim Nance says don't force it -- of course. The pain and bliss cycle to deeper and more intense levels with only consciousness as the truth of reality. The full-lotus is an energy transducer to create electromagnetic fields.

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As I type this my left foot is numb going up to the ankles and now my vagus nerve is pulsating on the right side of the neck and electromagnetic fields are shooting out of the full-lotus into people around the room. There's a cracking sound in my brain and neck as the blockages clear with orgasmic bliss and I can feel bacteria being leached from my gums and nose from the sugar I had earlier today. I smell like shit but I'm turning it into gold.




I dont get that kinda effect from sitting in full lotus, am I missing something? :lol:


I can sit about 15-20mins (with my left leg going first), then my legs start to fall asleep, I need to open the hips a bit more so I can maintain the pose on a more relaxed level I guess.

And I wouldn't force your legs into lotus, take you time stretching into it, it makes it a more more comfortable pain free experience that way

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Thank you all for your help! I guess I should do hip openers for a bit longer before I go into the pose, ha ha. :lol:

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I dont get that kinda effect from sitting in full lotus, am I missing something? :lol:


Yeah once the "macrocosmic orbit" is open then you can have psychic mutual climaxes which convert the body to electromagnetic fields -- if I'm around young females I can sit in full-lotus for hours non-stop but the energy intensity converts to true love and then electromagnetic samadhi, etc. I recommend the small universe - level 1 sitting meditation c.d. is $11 -- and do that lots and lots with studying the alchemy text Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality.


I can sit about 15-20mins (with my left leg going first), then my legs start to fall asleep, I need to open the hips a bit more so I can maintain the pose on a more relaxed level I guess.

And I wouldn't force your legs into lotus, take you time stretching into it, it makes it a more more comfortable pain free experience that way

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I've been told by a trustworthy master that one's ability or inability to assume the full lotus position is karmically determined, and that one's inability to sit in full lotus indicates a karmic load heavier than otherwise.


As for spiritual benefits of other kinds of meditation, I believe they are there for someone who is able to sit in full lotus even if he or she isn't sitting at the moment and is doing it differently. For someone who is unable to assume this posture, however, I don't believe it's anything but a waste of time to practice other kinds of meditation until and unless this one is mastered. (Don't throw anything too heavy, please).


You are perfectly right about this. There is a balance between virtue and karma.


If your total energy field is 100 parts, let us say you have 90 parts karma and 10 parts virtue. You will be extremely stiff in your body. After you suffer a bit you will get to 11 parts virtue and 89 parts karma.... This way, suffering and being virtuous in daily life, you need to reach 90 parts virtue and 10 parts karma to be very flexible. The target is to annihilate all karma and being pure virtue(which can then be transformed into Gong - virtue is your precious fuel to Gong level and consummation).


My karmic load was extremely heavy and I could not even do the half Lotus when I started out in Falun Dafa. With practice and dedication, in eight months I went to full Lotus(with back support...) and now the posture is my next challenge. The legs is one part but the posture is a much bigger part(in my opinion). Keep your back straight for long periods of time is not easy.


Work off your karma is therefore imperative, there are no shortcuts. And your karma is tied to your attachments(your desires and emotions) which make you unable to reach stillness(Ding) while meditating.


Start out with half Lotus(or even Indian), prolong the sitting times gradually and when the left leg has come down to the floor, cross the legs to double Lotus. I recommend avoiding all types of pillows or back supports, they just fool you into thinking you are done...


I had a girl in my office, she asked me about the double Lotus and then crossed her legs with tight jeans and shoes on, just smiling, then asked me what was the problem about this, she could sit like that for a very long time.... Thinking about it she was a hard worker, very dedicated, very honest and never complaining. High level virtue. It is always connected.


That is what I mean with inborn quality, it differs for everyone and it is so valuable... But if one steels their will they can eliminate their karma, it just takes more effort.

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You don't need Full Lotus for liberation, just comprehension of empty inter-dependency equaling full inter-relations!


But... if you can get into full lotus for long periods of time, that is pretty cool, but you can't walk around in this life completely in full lotus unless you realize it's inner meaning... which is truer.

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I recently sat in full lotus for an hour which was my personal record, usually I never went for more than half an hour, which is the time it takes to start hurting.


It was painful, my legs were in "cold flames" for the last 20 minutes or so, but man it felt good too. I started to get sensations of cool energy tingling all over. After I released the posture I couldn't help but lie down and laugh :D


Afterwards I felt like I'd just had some great sex, hehe.. It is a powerful posture indeed.

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Normally I can sit in full lotus for a while, but I am blessed with flexibility, however recently I have done my ACL (a ligament) in my knee. Now I sit in half lotus with one leg stretched out in front! LOL, its kinda funny, but it seems to work well too! I think the key is gently increasing how much you can do. Your body will adjust if you do a bit everyday.

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I had found this yoga website that had all sorts of cool asanas that are supposed to help you get into full lotus, but I can't find it right now. I've also noticed that after Karate (a lot of our stretching is very similar to yoga) that getting into full lotus is easier (not easy, but easier, thought I can't sit in it very long yet, if I can get into it at all.

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Aw sheesh, I'll just never be good enough to do any of this stuff :ninja:


- CAN sit in half-lotus, DON'T want to break my knees trying for full

- CAN empty mind, DON'T see what it's good for ("absolutely nuthing, say it again;-)")

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Aw sheesh, I'll just never be good enough to do any of this stuff :ninja:


- CAN sit in half-lotus, DON'T want to break my knees trying for full

- CAN empty mind, DON'T see what it's good for ("absolutely nuthing, say it again;-)")



I often encounter problems stilling the mind. Parts from catchy pop tunes seem to play over and over, on and on..

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Aw sheesh, I'll just never be good enough to do any of this stuff :ninja:


Don't worry, lotus is not that important for the stuff we are doing :ninja:


The "usefulness" of an empty mind will reveal itself in time ;)


They like to listen to commercial radio here at work so I can sympathise about the pop tunes <_< I sometimes have to resort to using a mantra and just drown them out.

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Aw sheesh, I'll just never be good enough to do any of this stuff :ninja:


- CAN sit in half-lotus, DON'T want to break my knees trying for full

- CAN empty mind, DON'T see what it's good for ("absolutely nuthing, say it again;-)")


30 minutes per day, every day, and your right(I assume you are a female) leg will drop down towards the floor, finally, you will be able to do the double Lotus.


I tell you about a newcomer to Falun Dafa. He could sit 38 minutes in double lotus at the beginning and after a month or so he passed the hour mark... That is a very good inborn quality indeed.


He told me he feels like he can start to fly away from his body after sitting in double Lotus for a long time, all body parts.


Double Lotus will transform your body in a magical way, it is about the balance I guess.

Edited by Gauss

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I didn't read this whole thing but is it possible that the practice of meditation relaxes a person as opposed to reduces their karmic overload? ;)


I don't place to much faith in the full lotus position, I was eager to try it but in the end, your whole day is meditation.

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Its interesting when I look back at my logs and discovered that it took me about 7.5 months from starting a seated meditation practice to reach my first 60 minute session of full lotus.. then it took another 7.5 months to make my personal best time of 121 minutes of full lotus... and since then I've been able to regularly do 60 minutes full lotus meditation for the last 2 months...


But now, I'm not really sure what to focus on... I don't feel motivated to try to go for longer records of full lotus non stop.. I could try to balance both sides out, and make sure I can do 60 minutes or longer on both sides... or I could try for deeper full lotus posture with legs further up, but I'll probably sacrifice length of time.. or I could try a goal for bound full lotus but I'm not sure my arms can stretch that far backwards...


Haven't really experienced any major energetic effects from full lotus.. most of the pain is around the ankles which don't bend that well, and the lower leg's knee can hurt a bit after a long session...


The uncomfortableness from full lotus can be useful for meditation.. one to help stay awake and focused.. and also as a form of asceticism.. lol

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"Parts from catchy pop tunes seem to play over and over, on and on.. "


Yup, it's an "ear-worm". Cure is to sing it all the way to the end. Otherwise you get it stuck in feedback. Ah more "resolution" :)



Prevention could be a good idea. Don't listen to it :ninja:

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As a pre-teen (eight or nine, maybe?), I discovered I cannot sit in full-lotus because my left hip simply doesn't want to rotate into that position -- I learned this because I had an older step-sister who into mysticism and yoga and Buddhism and incense and Janis Joplin and psychodelics tarot and such, and she was convinced that my life would be horrid & empty if I didn't overcome my karma and acheive this position.


Throughout my life, I have found other occasions/motions where this physiological limitiation came into play -- such as a high sidekick with my right leg, for instance. Even sitting "Indian style" for more than a few minutes causes a sensation like a large needle being jabbed directly into my hip joint. I asked an accupuncturist about it once and was told, "Then just don't try to do it!" :)


That step-sister, who would sit in full-lotus for hours at a time as a teenager, is now in her mid-50s and, for the first time in four decades has been clean & sober and out of jail for nearly a year (she is suddenly a born-again Christian). I, on the other hand, have led a fairly kind & wholesome life (especially since my teen years!) rich with spiritual exploration and "soul-searching" but have just learned that I have overwhelmingly bad karma which, curiously, seems to be concentrated in my left hip joint.


Reality is a strange thing, no?


I would advice you to try the 5 sets of Falun Dafa exercises and especially the standing stance might be a good idea(30 minutes) to pull up the karma before you sit down in Lotus. Your hip karma surely can be moved to another place before sitting down.


Typically after I sleep during a night alot of karma has come up from the legs to the upper body, giving bad morning breath, burps etc.

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As a pre-teen (eight or nine, maybe?), I discovered I cannot sit in full-lotus because my left hip simply doesn't want to rotate into that position -- I learned this because I had an older step-sister who into mysticism and yoga and Buddhism and incense and Janis Joplin and psychodelics tarot and such, and she was convinced that my life would be horrid & empty if I didn't overcome my karma and acheive this position.


Throughout my life, I have found other occasions/motions where this physiological limitiation came into play -- such as a high sidekick with my right leg, for instance. Even sitting "Indian style" for more than a few minutes causes a sensation like a large needle being jabbed directly into my hip joint. I asked an accupuncturist about it once and was told, "Then just don't try to do it!" :)


That step-sister, who would sit in full-lotus for hours at a time as a teenager, is now in her mid-50s and, for the first time in four decades has been clean & sober and out of jail for nearly a year (she is suddenly a born-again Christian). I, on the other hand, have led a fairly kind & wholesome life (especially since my teen years!) rich with spiritual exploration and "soul-searching" but have just learned that I have overwhelmingly bad karma which, curiously, seems to be concentrated in my left hip joint.


Reality is a strange thing, no?


Hmmm that is interesting because it sounds similar to myself. Before I ever attempted full lotus I always had a very hard time with doing high side kicks in karate because of my hip joints. I read that the hips are realted to the root and sacral chakras and those chakras are realted to sexuality amongst other things. Sexuality has also been a problematic area in my life as well, so I've wondered what the connection was/is. I also have this feeling that my Karma sucks bad, and since most of my issues tend to be lower chakra issues, I guess my bad karama is mainly contained in that area of my body as well.


Also makes me ponder what a yoga instructor I was friends with said. She said that sometimes in class certain posses would relase energy blockages spontaniously and the student would have an emotional reaction.

Edited by dmattwads

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Lol, I've noticed there's basically only 2 opinions in this thread.


All those who can do full-lotus...go on about how great it is.

All those who can't...go on about how worthless it is.


Gotta love humanity. :D

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