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Sexual accusations

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When the political parties find its not in their best interest all this will go away.


Looks like they still need to go through more pain .


On one hand Trump is the real target and they're willing to be martyrs for the cause,  it may not stop.

Edited by windwalker

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The 37-year-old Congressman insisted that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) was also aware of the charges. “They looked into them. They didn’t find anything, and they continued investing millions of dollars in my campaign,” he said last week.


We need you now,  its good all cool no big deal...


Despite his protestation, leader Pelosi called for Kihuen to resign in light of the renewed allegations. The DCCC also removed him from its list of supported candidates and canceled fundraisers for him.


Sorry kid, your time is up and now you've become a liability we don't need you.  You understand "don't you?" 

The big picture is they have no allegiance other then to their own ideology which in the end is very destructive to the 

institutions that they proport to serve for and in..   Very dangerous  

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yep need to keep it ones pants

on the other hand  do tongue and fingers count?


"While staying at the company apartment, Zhang began forcing her to perform oral and digital sex under threat of losing her job, Shi’s lawsuit says. According to the complaint filing in Santa Clara Superior Court, Shi says she was made “to work grueling hours and compose work emails over the weekend at the apartment, sometimes right after sex” under threats. Both Zhang and Shi’s lawyers declined to comment on the case because of the pending litigation."


"In her counter-claim, Zhang says Shi was underperforming" 


cant expect a woman to do a mans job..:P

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Here is the list, so far, of the NBC staffers and contributors accused of various forms of misconduct:

Mark Halperin – Fired over allegations — that numerous reports tell us everyone knew about —  of harassment, misconduct, rubbing his erect (but clothed) penis up against female staffers, and masturbating in front of a staffer.


Matt Lauer – Fired over allegations of horrific misconduct that, according to various reports, were an open secret.


Mike Tirico – Recently hired by NBC Sports to anchor the upcoming Winter Olympics, despite the fact that NBC knows that back in the 90s he was accused of “stalking, groping, and making explicit comments to female colleagues.”


Larry Gaetano – After 20 years with NBC News, Gaetano was fired two weeks ago over allegations of misconduct, something NBC apparently was aware of for a while.


Harold Ford Jr. – Prominent Morning Joe contributor fired two weeks ago from Morgan Stanley over allegations of “harassment, intimidation, and forcibly grabbing a woman several years ago.”


Matt Zimmerman – Senior NBC News executive fired in November for numerous allegations of  sexual misconduct that includes harassment, flashing, preying on interns and production assistants.


Alec Baldwin – Hired by NBC’s Saturday Night Live despite his long history of bullying women and homophobia.


David Corn – Prominent MSNBC contributor currently under investigation for harassment and unwanted touching.


Chris Matthews  – NBC News refuses to say if there are other accusations against its longtime star."



"this is the end"



Edited by windwalker

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8 hours ago, windwalker said:



The latest Star wars film is a sad attempt to indoctrinate the young and impressionable into the ways of Cultural Marxism.


The result was inevitable. A miserable and degraded mess of a film.

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"Jackie Levin persists in creating a toxic and demeaning environment, and Christine Cataldi enables and reinforces it. Amendments to their behavior since we last spoke have been marginal, patently cosmetic, and superficially employed clearly in order to tell themselves – and perhaps you – they are doing what have been told to do to ‘make nice.’ The antagonism remains.
Just last week, when I provided a constructive suggestion (to correct a mistake Jackie had made, but didn’t want to admit), she called me a ‘fucking whiner.’


Of  course "he" gets fired, nothing much is said.   

Many will say he should "man up"  but they wont say she should stop being a "bit-h"


"The working environment on Megyn Kelly Today is completely toxic. It is hypocritical that a show that has positioned itself as a safe place for those who are victims, has staff that feel like they are being harassed and abused."


"Nevertheless, NBC still refuses to hire an outside firm to come in to investigate its workplace behavior. The far-left network is committed to investigating itself."


Kinda sounds like the government brought to you by "thank you mr obama" for the last 8 yrs..


No worries currently being corrected by team trump......takes a  little time.. 

Edited by windwalker

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shocker that she's a bitch and her friends who help her are bitches too - but hey look at the bright side, they're not sexually harassing anyone, they just straight up harass, lol



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I used to enjoy being sexually harassed by women.


I have no idea what most of those women are complaining about.


Were I a woman I would be honored if someone wanted to take me tenderly to bed.


But I can understand the feelings of those who were forced into something they didn't want to do.


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Republican money-man Steve Wynn, Trump's good buddy, resigns amid wave of allegations of sexual harassment & abuse. 

Apparently he's been flinging $1000 tips to various women workers at his resort(s) in return for sexual favours. 



I wonder if the RNC will put their money where the mouth is and return all the 'donations', just as the RNC chairwoman uttered that its a no-brainer that the Dems should refund all the money taken from Weinstein after his beastly conduct was made public. 




Republicans have been critical of Democrats for accepting money from the movie producer Harvey Weinstein, who was a prolific fundraiser for the party as well. In response to the allegations of sexual misconduct against Weinstein, the RNC’s McDaniel tweeted that returning his money “would be a no-brainer.”




I am envisaging a revival of Martika's Toy Soldiers :lol:




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2 hours ago, C T said:

Republican money-man Steve Wynn, Trump's good buddy, resigns amid wave of allegations of sexual harassment & abuse. 

Apparently he's been flinging $1000 tips to various women workers at his resort(s) in return for sexual favours. 



I wonder if the RNC will put their money where the mouth is and return all the 'donations', just as the RNC chairwoman uttered that its a no-brainer that the Dems should refund all the money taken from Weinstein after his beastly conduct was made public.

While I in no way condone Wynn's behavior, Weinstein's was a whole-nother-cut-above-beastly.  Of course offering bonuses to employees for sexual favors is not ok - but saying "f you, blow me/f me or you're not getting any job whatsoever" is that culture turned up to 11. 


And of course, allegations require some proof - and Wynn happens to be going through a we'll see if the words like "forced" were embellishments by "journalists."


Usually, allegations are plenty to lose the position....(well, unless you're hillary and you like the guy and dont care about his sexual assaults, I mean she married a sexual predator, so it must not be that big of a deal to her)

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what a Frickin Bastion of Integrity


Over Two Dozen Teen Gymnasts Molested By Larry Nassar While FBI Sat On Case



The New York Times identified "at least 27 girls and women who say Dr. Nassar molested them between July 2015, when he first fell under F.B.I. scrutiny, and September 2016, when he was exposed by an Indianapolis Star investigation."


The three alleged victims then at the center of the F.B.I.’s inquiry were world-class athletes; two were Olympic gold medalists. Nearly a year passed before agents interviewed two of the young women.


The silence at times drove the victims and their families to distraction, including Gina Nichols, the mother of the gymnast initially known as “Athlete A”: Maggie Nichols, who was not contacted by the F.B.I. for nearly 11 months after the information she provided sparked the federal inquiry.


I never got a phone call from the police or the F.B.I.” during that time, Gina Nichols, a registered nurse, said. “Not one person. Not one. Not one. Not one.” -NYT






How the FBI became involved: 

After the mother of one of Nasser's victims, Gina Nichols, told U.S.A. Gymnastics president Steve Penny about her daughter's molestation - telling him police had to be called immediately, Penny advised her to keep quiet:




Gina Nichols, Maggie’s mother, recalled telling Steve Penny, then the president of U.S.A. Gymnastics, that the police had to be called immediately. But he insisted that she not tell anyone, she said. The organization would take care of alerting law enforcement.

Weeks of silence passed, Gina Nichols said, interrupted occasionally by admonitions from Mr. Penny to keep quiet about the matter — although the United States Olympic Committee has said that U.S.A. Gymnastics reported that one of its physicians had been accused of abusing athletes “and was in the process of contacting the appropriate law enforcement authorities.” -NYT

U.S.A. Gymnastics would eventually hire a specialist in workplace harassment, who recommended that Dr. Nassar be reported to law enforcement following her investigation. 

On Monday, July 17 2015, officials from the US Gymnastics organization contacted the Indianapolis FBI field office. After meeting with agents the next day who assured them they had come to the right place, the gymnastics officials handed the FBI the contact information for three gymnasts: Ms. Nichols, Ms. Raisman, and McKayla Maroney - a retired Olympic gold medalist who had become a minor celebrity. 

Video evidence of Dr. Nasser demonstrating his technique were also handed to agents:

They also turned over copies of videos of Dr. Nassar demonstrating his technique as he chatted clinically about pulled hamstrings, buttocks and trigger points. Reporters for The New York Times have seen the videos, which show him kneading the legs of girls before his ungloved hands begin to work under a towel, between the girls’ legs.

“It’s not a fun place to dig,” Dr. Nassar says to the camera.

“Do the hand-shaky thing,” he adds later, demonstrating how he shakes his hand vigorously when it is deep between a girl’s legs.

Part of the FBI's bungling of the Nasser case may stem from jurisdictional issues; although the agency received the complain in Indianapolis, the alleged sexual abuse by Dr. Nassar had taken place in Texas and Michigan, while one of the victims lived in California. 

When we consulted with the U.S. attorney, we knew right away that we would not have venue,” said Indianapolis FBI agent W. Jay Abbott, who added “It was never really our case.”

Asked why federal law enforcement officials did not notify people — other gymnasts, parents, coaches — that a potential child molester was in their midst, Mr. Abbott said, “That’s where things can get tricky.”

“There is a duty to warn those who might be harmed in the future,” he said. “But everyone is still trying to ascertain whether a crime has been committed. And everybody has rights here” — a reference to both the alleged victims and the person being accused.

An internal debate also took place within the FBI as to whether or not Nasser's techniques were a legitimate medical procedure. 


After not hearing back from the FBI for some time, Mr. Penny and another U.S.A. gymnastics official visited the FBI's Los Angeles bureau. 


“As time passed, concern about a perceived lack of development prompted Board Chair Paul Parilla and C.E.O. Steve Penny to report the matter a second time to a different F.B.I. office,” U.S.A. Gymnastics said in a statement to The Times on Friday.


So - after two complaints to the FBI over a case that would eventually include three FBI field offices - one of which recommended not saying anything about Nassar - at least 40 victims were molested over the course of the next 14 months.


One father to three of Nasser's victims, Randall Margraves, attempted to attack Nassar last Friday in a Michigan courtroom. It took three uniformed deputies and a plain-clothes officer to detain him.




FBI, hittin it out the park yet again

"Let me at that son of a bitch" Margraves shouted in court.

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