
The importance of Cruelty

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The video demonstrates the importance of practicing kung fu,the ability to defeat are worst enemy. 


When the light of awareness shines on the dark animal nature of ourselves the dark nature willingly follows the light, everything in its proper place. The dark will not do harm because it is in love with the light it is obedient and will follow the light anywhere just like our shadow we are the light, the director, the shadow just follows..my suggestion is to make your shadow dance and have a good time.


The beauty is that it is not a hostile, violent take over, not an exorcism, not a divorce. More like a marriage giving birth to our higher divine self.


Making people identify themselves with the worst of human nature seems like a very odd thing to do because it is not really us it is just a shadow and shadows do not have any power of their own.


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On 28/11/2017 at 1:52 PM, Apeiron&Peiron said:

So, it does match up with your quote. But most modern teachers don't know enough about how energy actually moves to know that the solar plexus needs some help before it can fully transmute things. But that is definitely the right idea.


We agree then. 

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On 11/23/2017 at 0:29 AM, Apeiron&Peiron said:

As long as you try to "integrate" the shadow, it will be like trying to "integrate" cancerous tumors. In a sense, it is always integrated because, as long as it exists, it is a part of the body. But, it only comes into existence when when different things have gone haywire. The shadow shouldn't be integrated; it should be burned to ash in the fires of alchemical transmutation and used to fertilize the energy-deprived ground of a person's natural state of being. And from that, natural goodness will grow (provided a person doesn't warp the flow of energy).


This is actually a huge issue. There have been actual cases of people who have had their cancer cured by master healers of the qigong energy arts. They went in for a healing with cancer and walked out tumor free. But, since they let old habits return and did not maintain the state that they were gifted through the healing, the cancer returned a few days later. 


Nothing will improve as long as a person's mind and energy follows the same diseased patterns. The tissues of the body (the things slowest to change from energetic influences) could be completely cleansed. But, if a person's habits are set on etching diseased patterns into the tissues, disease will always return.

It's a great point. I find, in a lot of cases of people on a spiritual path, there can be a tendency for spiritual bypassing. A person doesn't want to accept certain feelings/impulses because they feel these aren't 'spiritual' feelings. They can tend to judge them as bad/wrong, which usually makes things worse. Loving all of ourselves..all of the feelings/impulses that come up.. is a way to 'burn to ash' the 'shadow feelings' that come up within us. And practicing this on others as much as possible can make this a more natural way of being. If we are attempting to love, and not judge, other people and seeing that everyone is doing the best they can with what they know at the time, this can make it easier to do the same with ourselves.


I think many of us have these shadow feelings, to one degree or another, just from being born into this world and being raised by people. I figured I would comment on this thread because I was just having a discussion via email with a friend where I wrote about this. I'll paste part of the email below.



"The very fact that two people decide to have a child (or have it accidentally and decide to keep it because of distorted religious beliefs) indicates a level of ignorance. Just the fact that they want to bring a life into a world where there is so much suffering going on. Even very good-hearted, non-cruel people still have this ignorance. Granted, when these parents get older they usually acquire more wisdom…but I think it’s too much to expect people who have children to have a lot of wisdom as far as raising their child/children. 
Also, as much as I disagree with it, we are in a paradigm where we learn through suffering. If anyone should suffer, it should be children - with the idea that their lives can only get better. Let’s face it, for most of us, childhood is the worst time of our lives. We are disempowered and subjected to ignorant people. If we are really lucky, then our parents/guardians may be good hearted though, and we can have a better time of it. If we are super lucky, we may be adopted. People who adopt I find are unusually kind and good-hearted people with more wisdom…They are trying to not bring a life into a place of suffering, but trying to alleviate suffering for a life that’s already here."
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