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How about that UFO over Texas?

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Oh, I hadn't read that... they only saw the "reflection of sunlight on two airliners." My bad! :lol:

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Sooo...where's all the photos and YouTube vids, then???


I turned to for an in-depth analysis:


Hello Rocky,


What do you make of the rash of UFO sightings in Texas?


Jeffrey Alan Schechter

Cheviot Hills, CA



Rocky Responds:


After pulling together the entire HelloRocky Team, we decided not to comment on the situation in Texas other than to ask, "Doesn't anybody in that fucking state own a camera?"


We took our lumps last year when we spotlighted the reports that came out of Chicago. Both United Airlines and the U.S. Government were caught lying about the incident. After we pointed this out, strange things began happening around the HelloRocky offices. Cellphone calls were mysteriously dropped. Our internet service slowed down. Worst of all, our intern quit, ostensibly to take a paying job with Google, though she admitted that she felt like "the vibe" here had changed.


So if anybody in Texas is bright enough to capture a photo of a mile long airship, please email it to [email protected]. Until then, we'll be focused on more earthly concerns, like how to get our pension money out of a speculative multi-layered sub-prime real estate trust.



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Nice, and it even hung around for 40 minutes?


Sooo...where's all the photos and YouTube vids, then??? :blink:

Nooo, it hung around for 5 minutes. 40 people saw it.

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Great photos on that video :huh:


I need to stay out of the UFO threads

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I love how the USAF has already changed their story (just like at Roswell), and now claim that the UFOs were just "F-16s." :rolleyes:



Maj. Karl Lewis, a spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth, said no F-16s or other aircraft from his base were in the area the night of January 8, when most people reported the sighting.


Officials at the region's two Air Force bases -- Dyess in Abilene and Sheppard in Wichita Falls -- also said none of their aircraft were in the area last week. The Air Force no longer investigates UFOs.

Ten Air Force Reserve F-16 fighter jets were the cause of the lights seen over parts of central Texas earlier this month that many believed to be UFOs, according to an Air Force Reserve news release.


The F-16s were on a nighttime training mission over the Brownwood Military Operating Area on January 8, near Stephenville, Texas, the statement said.


A military operating area is airspace designated for military training, according to Air Force officials.


Several people in the area saw lights moving fast across the night sky. The Air Force reported it had no aircraft flying that night, which left people wondering what they saw.


Wednesday, an Air Force Reserve statement from the Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base said it made a mistake in its initial reporting, and that there were planes in the area that night.


"In the interest of public awareness, Air Force Reserve Command Public Affairs realized an error was made regarding the reported training activity of military aircraft," the news release said.


A spokesman for the Air Force Reserve fighter wing, Karl Lewis, said the error in the reporting resulted from an internal communications problem between offices at the base.


Lewis said he received the flight information earlier this week, confirmed it with officials on the base and sent the news release out Wednesday.


The release said the planes were in the area between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., about the time many people reported seeing the lights, according to reporting at the time.


Lewis said the planes were from the 457th Fighter Squadron based at the reserve base outside of Fort Worth, Texas.

Rigggghhhtttttt.... <_<


Meanwhile, has anyone seen the alleged Martian pic?




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