Sulo Eno

Non-Taoists, Non-Buddhists?

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On 1/15/2018 at 5:17 AM, Limahong said:


Hi Sulo Eno,





- LimA


I'm not sure why you are directing these quotes at me. 

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On 1/15/2018 at 1:07 PM, vonkrankenhaus said:



Yes, "atheists" use this article in online arguments about "religion".


People assume the article is about "whether Jesus existed or not", etc.


But do you have an article that debunks the history and politics discussed in that Mithras article?






No. I have not sought such an article. The burden of proof is on the more outrageous claim. I do admit to being a bit snobbish when it comes to academic and pseudo-academic articles. The linked article has--in my view--irrelevant footnotes, that is, few to underscore the big claims. It's the sort of stuff you find on the History Channel.

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On 1/15/2018 at 9:34 AM, blue eyed snake said:

yeah, defining what you mean with a term is often at the core of ( mis) communicating


To me, the word religion can mean ( at least ;)) two things

One is a set of rules and a way to live that is proscribes by for instance a certain church, as in katholicism/ protestantism, but also Hinduism and lots of others.


The other meaning is what it really means for me. religion is a way to go back to the source, I think every religion ( as in the first definition) started out as a way to go back to the source. But only rarely will people find their way in the institutionalized churches.


Concerning the answers on existential questions, i think when you, yourself, try to find the way back to the source, those answers will unveil themselves, slowly. For that i do not want a religion that gives me the answers....


When I say I do not regard Daoism as a religion, I mean that to me it is a way to go back to the source. ( even though I do know that there is a sort of institutionalized Daoism too, but to me that is not daoism)


My text is not very clear today...


so, what I meant was: to me Catholicism is a religion as in a institutionalized religion, my sort of Daoism is free of that.

But I can see that every way of worship, including Catholicism, is ( at it's root) a way to go to the source.




For me that means I can bow to Jesus, prostrate for Quan yin, find guidance in Daoism and remain just



I think there are too many terms here that are either esoteric or vague for me to comment. I just don't agree about this "source". I believe that there are objective truths. I don't believe in syncretism.

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16 hours ago, Sulo Eno said:

I'm not sure why you are directing these quotes at me.


Hi Sulo Eno,


Nothing was directed at you. The quotes surfaced complementary to this from you - "Only an act of benevolence continues to sustain life".


- LimA


Edited by Limahong
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I've got to chip in. I've meditated years, been into plenty of deep states of bliss and tranquility.


My partner turned back to Catholic faith and I went along for the ride, started praying a little. 


Just my experience but something else switches on in prayer, worship is very distinctive to the Taoist and Buddhist meditations I've done. 


I've come to accept that Catholicism has a deeply mystical component that is very easy to tap into. 


Not for the faint hearted though. Although trails and tribulations didn't turn me on to the idea of a God. The experience of prayer though I've found undeniably powerful. 


It seems to help my Qigong as well , for now though I keep them largely separate and only pray in the darkness of the night. 


Side note, I still think it's good to be grounded though and do an earthing practice before prayer. Think it's safer for heart energy, akin to distance Reiki type concentration. Better to be deeply grounded before even thinking about it... Imho

Edited by Thrice Daily
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Judaism is closer to Taoism than any other spiritual system.



Yang - male Adam

Yin - female Eve

And so started LIFE from the union of the two sacred/primordial energies. 



We are all God.


Heavily submerged under a thick layer of symbology and metaphors. Easy to become religious rather than spiritual. To see beyond that veil one must clear consciousness to a significant level.


Likewise with its sister religion, Islam.



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@Daniel I’d like to hear your thoughts on the preceding post.




Edited by Cobie

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