
IMA and Awakening

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It's energetic allowed realisation of true nature of true being and becoming in joy(indicating the degree of your allowance(nature of how you flow your energy without contradiction)).


Everything is consciousness and everything is energy. And you are consciousness and you are energy aswell.


So when you focus freely, and in harmony with your hearts true desire, meaning, in harmony with your soul, non-physical greater consciousness, (yes powerful focus, not because you will die if you don't focus, but because the joy it feels so good that it inspires a more powerful focus, it is basically the power of your true nature of being as pure positive energy, or source energy, the energy which creates worlds.) you are simply being true to yourself.


This energy is pure, because it is unconditionally pure positive energy, meaning, you experience a condition of some lack, it just inspires a greater realisation of a greater desire evermore. And that fuller greater realisation is naturally automatically allowed. As simply riding stream of your soul trajectory of your eternal and infinite nature. Meaning you realise true pure desire. We already do this all of the time naturally effortlessly. But usually unconsciously. when you do it consciously, you get to enjoy your own being and becoming more fully.


So it is not paradoxical. It is just variety. Infinite variety. Existance coming to know itself from all the different points of view that existance has of itself.


And the points of view are infinite. 


So you have to wonder, as an eternal being and infinite being. If one mistake happens, eternal and infinite existance not only no longer exist, but it never existed to begin with. Such a thing is simply forever and ever not possible. Because non existance will never exist. It will never happen. So everything is perfect and good. 


However, we humans, are capable, MASTERFULLY capable, of experiencing less of that goodness that already naturaly exists everywhere and in everything. There really is no point to doing that. There is no ultimate goal or depth that you will ever reach in despair. It will always be capable of being and becoming more painful for you, eternally and infinitely.  Because you are infinite goodness, you create all of it. And you do it so easily. That you don't even realise often that you're doing it. 


You do it by focusing energy, your consciousness, into the specificness of that moreness of your being and becoming, within and without.


And if you understand the suffering begins with self  contradictory focus, as negative emotion, energy in motion, you realise, this guidance is very good. Not because you are ment to suffer. But because you are NOT MENT TO SUFFER! That is why it will never feel good! And that is why it will always feel better to go with the flow of your own soul. Meaning true pure desire. And the negative emotion just points at that true pure joyous desire. Not "I gotta win this battle or else" that's not pure desire.


Alignment of your consciousness with your greater non-physical consciousness which already holdsyour pure desire evermore for you, unconditionally, meaning forever eternally infinitely ever MORE and MORE and MORE. This alignment is indicated by positive emotion. Now this alignment is also indicated by negative emotion, meaning the lesser allowed alignment. MEaning, your soul got some energy for you that you not allowing yourself to flow through you for your personal realisation of it evermore right here and now. 


So you feel negative emotion. You relax. Think I'm worried about nothing. And you remember what you want. To be one who feels good more of the time. Just the realisation of feeling good, as something that you want that already exists, as your normal natural state of being, that you can allow, simply by focusing on feeling good and better. Enjoying the thing that you want more unconditionally, internally, emotionally, energy motionally allowing the realisation to be and become evermore as you through you for you, with you, etc. Because the good feeling is simply indicating your alignment with who you truely are ALL THAT YOU TRUELY ARE, PHYSICAL AAAAAND NON-PHYSICAL. meaning here and now allowed full realisation of true being and becoming evermore.


But ignoring negative emotion is not the way to go. Rather, tending to it, loving it. Healing it. tHANKING IT. THE GUIDANCE THAT IT IS. But not with the idea that the negative emotion is a physical condition. Because it is not. Negative emotion is just an indicator of self contradictory focus. So you understand where you are contradicting yourself, by feeling the negative emotion, and then you are more fully capable of doing the complete opposite. Simply allowing that aspect of your being to flow back into natural harmony with all that you truely are and thus also naturally want. RE-ALIGNMENT. Shift of energy. Readjustment. Coming back to your senses. Flowing the consciousness more freely less self contradictly. Feeling better.


For example, "I'm stuck, walls are closing in on me. I keep feeling more limitted."

You may look at the conditions and say they are the cause of your negative emotion. But you created those conditions. And the negative emotion is simply indicating that you are continueing to create those conditions, with your focusing of energy of consciousness, into the moreness of that negative emotion condition of energy in motion, that feels negative because your soul is not flowing energy there. So in order to allow the condition to naturally come back to full realisation, you don't need to change the condition, in the same way that you don't need to hit yourself on the head in a different way to make a headache go away.


You just need to change the focus, and thus the emotion changes, you need to change the energy, the perspective, the alignment, the being and becoming, the allowing of your natural realisation of you true being and becoming that feels good, the art of allowing,  and thus the condition naturally comes back to full harmonic realisation of convergence of physical and non-physical of full blown realisation of true being and becoming evermore here and now in evermore greater allowed joy and freedom. You simply allow yourself to see the goodness of it all. More fully more consciously realisedly.


Effortlessly and naturally.


But it's not paradoxical it's simply infinite variety. You can run away from a monster it becomes bigger. You can also turn around and it becomes a rabbit. But that is just 1 description of infinite other things that can happen. Why? Because it is about the energy that is being flowed and allowed or not. You create your reality non-physically. Vibrationally. Energy motionally. Emotionally. Through infinite intelligence. Source Consciousness.


And to realise your own infinite nature, means, here and now, you feel very good. That's it. So the emotions are simply a guide. So you can never be disconnected from your full realisation. Just temporarily pinch yourself off from your true nature. And thereby feeling bad, because you can never become disconnected from your own greater non-physical consciousness. Of your true being and becoming evermore. Your infinite and eternal nature as existance as consciousness as energy motional being and becoming evermore.


You see consciousness is a powerful thing. That is why you need to be careful where you focus it. Not because it is dangerous, but because you care about yourself. You want to enjoy life. Be happy feel good. And so when you see something bad, you don't close your eyes. You just focus on the goodness that it allows you to realise for yourself and thus it evermore. Because we're all in the same boat. So you just gotta look for the goodness inside of yourself. To find it outside again aswell. Because it's always there.


So trying to put conditions into boxes of good and wrong. That's pointless. Because again, your soul already is being and becoming the moreness of all that you want evermore. You just need to flow with it more consciously more deliberately, meaning, feel good more of the time. Emotionally, energy motionally, which indicates your alignment with your greater non-physical being.


It's not different from focusing on the infinite goodness and simply allowing it more fully to flow into your life naturally because that is how consciousness works. You focus on something you allow it. So you got all this variety, to choose from. And let it inspire you to a greater desire evermore. To simply focus for the purpose of feeling better. Ongoingly. And eventually you will feel very good and you will simply allow the secondary manifestational evidence of your realisation to be and become naturally along the path of least resistance of your own true nature of being and becoming in evermore greater joy and freedom evermore naturally effortlessly joyously. And so joy to you evermore. of simply enjoying the being and becoming of evermore greater allowed realisation of all goodness for you evermore.


Cause you can understand that everything simply is good. Internally, and thus also allow its realisation to be and become evermore. And thus then as you allow so, you are more capable of also allowing yourself to realise that everything is being and becoming better evermore aswell. And so you flow with the improvement and the moreness and the joy of the eternal journey, because that is where you are looking. And how are you capable of doing so? the positive energy in motion, of positive emotion, allows you to see and realise all the goodness of true being and becoming evermore. It becomes real for you and so you can flow easily and effortlessly with it. You become it.


Just like when you focus in self contradiction you become that. You feel negative emotion, and your life becomes that in real physical tangible sense of real tangible negative conditions. Not because the conditions are bad. But because you are contradicting your own creation, so that's why it feels bad and becomes bad. Cause you're not ment to do that. And if you do, you lose capability of focusing. Meaning, eventually you will just wither and die. And the suffering ends. Because you come back to full realisation of your true nature, of unconditional pure positive energy. You begin to realise all the goodness of everything.


But that death can be replaced by a simple energy motional shift. Because that is what it already is! It is simply a releasing of resistant self contradictory energy. Dying is the art of allowing. Sleeping aswell(but often less conscious). Same thing. Meditation is middle path, balanced, harmony, of physical and non-physical. Consciously allowed realisation. Meditation results in conscious dreaming. But dying is conscious realisation all of the time, wether you want it or not. So it is completely meaningless, it is about as relevant as going from here and now, to a new here and now. and a new here and now. Do we say we died? Do we say "I am awakened now!"   Because if you do, then you understand your true nature. As the awe of each new here and now moment. Infinite existance, becoming more evermore. So to enjoy that is the whole point of existance. And to realise that, to allow yourself to realise that, is to simply allow yourself to feel good. Enjoying the newness of each here and now new moment. Of things constantly becoming better and better evermore. And flowing with that is the whole point of your eternal existance. To allow yourself to realise all of that goodness being and becoming evermore.


Doesn't matter who you are or your level of mastery. You simply realise the joy of the moment from within. And it becomes outward reflected aswell. And we can all do this, because we all feel emotion. Because we all are pure positive energy in our greater non-physical consciousness of all that we truely are, and our physical being is an extension of that, that will feel good if you allow yourself to come back into alignment, naturally effortlessly, feeling betterly, with your true soul of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now in evermore greater allowed realisation of true joy and meaning and value and knowing and freedom and love, etc.


But you always feel in your heart if you focus in contradiction with yourself. If you think in contradiction with yourself. So blessed be the emotional guidance system, highlighting, hey this thought doesn't feel good. LET IT BE RESOLVED. Don't try to make it happen. Just see the falacy of it. Just focus on the opposite of it. So in the sense of feeling limited and stuck. You focus on freedom. You shift the energy emotionally. Not because you need to transform some kind of spooky dark magic into light magic. No... Because your soul already is focusing on freedom. That is why you feel negative emotion of a tug of war, when you focus on limitation when your soul is focused on freedom. So you have to feel your way to allowing your pure desire to be realised by you, allowing your alignment back with your soul.


So you focus on freedom, you feel good again, and then you realise why the freedom feels good, as physical conditional allowed realisation of endless physical conditional allowed realisations, of here and now, being and becoming, as all that you truely are as a whole complete one fully realised being, of physical and non-physical hand in hand, harmonized, converging, inspired, co blended, expansive, free, light, empowered, in love, in true knowing allowed realisation, etc. Because the greater part of you is always already being and becoming all those things. You just let yourself relax into your true infinite and eternal nature, by feeling better/good. And knowing how important it is to feel better/good, because that is why you exist. For the joy of the eternal being and becoming evermore. Allowing true realisation to flow through you evermore. Why? Because it feels good. And you are never ment to suffer. So all that effort focused into the contradiction with your own true nature. It never feels good. So you let go of that, by also, coming back into alignment with your true nature of joy and focusing on that instead. Because it's simply simple! It simply feels better/good. And that's what defines all of eternal and infinite existance evermore for you. It really is that simple if you allow it.


No need to put words to it. Like "awakening" and how difficult it is to understand. You just allow yourself to feel better, unconditionally. Meaning, you don't care about the conditions. Because all of existance exists for the purpose of feeling better evermore. And if you feel better, then you understand all of existance evermore again. Naturally effortlessly. Harmonizedly. Whatever you wanna call it. The ten thousand things.


So take your soul, and feel your way into alignment with it. Evermore. You simply stay with your heart. And enjoy your life thus evermore. Unconditionally evermore. Under any and all conditions, regardless of any and all conditions. You allow everything to be fully realised by you naturally harmonaly. joyously. Enjoyably. Feeling goodedly. Really, its not serious at all. It's like we're talking about feeling good here! To come back in alignment with the Source of All Creation. Infinite Intelligence and Eternal Wisdom at your back. Simply by allowing yourself to feel good. Unconditionally. What better gift can I offer, if I could. You are free evermore, so I say, joy to you evermore. Because you will always be choosing the moreness of your joy. Because you are an eternal being evermore. And so simply feeling good here and now, is the point of everything. Doesn't matter how it happens or why it happens. It's all existing for the purpose of feeling better evermore. You let your greater non-physical consciousness simply flow through you fully and you feel good and better evermore and you enjoy life. And life goes well for you in infinite ways evermore. And the journey never ends, so joy to you evermore. It all exists for fun for joy, that's it. And no matter what emotion you feel, you feel it, because you are ment to feel joy. So allow it. To be natural and good and better evermore. And relax into your true nature of being and becoming evermore here and now in evermore greater allowed joys of evermore greater allowed freedoms of evermore greater allowed joys. Simply for the joy of evermore greater allowed being and becoming evermore. Naturally, effortlessly, joyously. Evermore. Feeling good and better evermore. Simply, easily, effortlessly. Feeling goodedly.


Relax, it's so easy to feel good. And to allow all of existance to simply be ok and good, because it already is. And you are ment to allow it to be so. And know you always deserve to be all that you truely are, evemore. Forever and ever more and feeling better more and more. Evermore. As simply as breathing in and out. Allowing and feeling better. Summoning, and allowing. Asking and allowing the answer to naturally flow and come to you. Allowing your goodness that is YOU! IT IS YOUR OWN GREATER NON-PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS. PURE POSITIVE ENERGY. INFINITE INTELLIGENCE. ETERNAL WISDOM. BEING AND BECOMING EVERMORE. SOURCE ENERGY. SOUL. FREEDOM. EVER AWAKENING INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS EVERMORE.

Edited by Everything
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I remember reading in Glen Morris' pathnotes that the only awakened person he's met who doesn't practice martial arts, is the Dalai Lama. And that was all martial arts, not just internal arts. Spoken from my own experience, I find karate katas both very energising and meditative, on a par with the qigong I practice in terms of effect. This internal effect has been confirmed by a medical intuitive.

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8 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:

I remember reading in Glen Morris' pathnotes that the only awakened person he's met who doesn't practice martial arts, is the Dalai Lama. And that was all martial arts, not just internal arts. Spoken from my own experience, I find karate katas both very energising and meditative, on a par with the qigong I practice in terms of effect. This internal effect has been confirmed by a medical intuitive.


There's a fellow that lives close by whose name is Kevin Millis.  He and Glen Morris get together often, I believe Glen is Kevin's student, or was at one time.  I met Kevin and his wife through walking the dogs.


They invited me into the house, and at one point Kevin started showing me some Bujinkan Ninja movement.  We had no discussion prior to that about the DDJ, Buddhism, Daoism, or anything.  But when Kevin started moving, it was the DDJ personified!  And I recognized it immediately.  I asked Kevin "Are you familiar with the Daodejing?"  And he replied, oh yes - it's the basis for martial arts movement.


I didn't know that at the time.  All I knew is that Kevin demonstrated an economy of movement that was incredible - and every single principle of the DDJ seemed to be exposed underneath.  And sure enough, it was.

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On 9/18/2019 at 3:34 PM, forestofemptiness said:

What is the criteria by which to evaluate that a person is awakened?



Edited by neti neti
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Self realization - seeing through the ego and conditioning to realize who you really are - 


A transparency borne of self examination

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Glenn Morris considered Enlightenment to be a raised energy level.  Strong flowing energy, have enough, strike kundalini (controlled) and MCO and you had it, Kan & Li. 


All this Morris talk has inspired me to get back into his Secret Smile and Damo's cave meditations.  I'd do a short Secret Smile every time I was in the washroom.  Work on exploring my Damos cave waking up or going to bed.  Just listened to his Damos cave meditation from the old Meditation Mastery series.  Interesting how different the intro and cave is from mine, but I think such individuality is the idea.  good stuff. 

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1 hour ago, neti neti said:



The touchstone of such evaluating, is the degree to which the evaluator has awoken.



I think that's true of DDJ translators as well.  Better understanding through triangulation of multiple sources.

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On 9/18/2019 at 2:34 PM, forestofemptiness said:

What is the criteria by which to evaluate that a person is awakened?

It is a recognition of the certain recognition of not being limited by body and mind. 

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18 hours ago, thelerner said:

Glenn Morris considered Enlightenment to be a raised energy level.  Strong flowing energy, have enough, strike kundalini (controlled) and MCO and you had it, Kan & Li. 


All this Morris talk has inspired me to get back into his Secret Smile and Damo's cave meditations.  I'd do a short Secret Smile every time I was in the washroom.  Work on exploring my Damos cave waking up or going to bed.  Just listened to his Damos cave meditation from the old Meditation Mastery series.  Interesting how different the intro and cave is from mine, but I think such individuality is the idea.  good stuff. 

I discovered Glenn Morris much after I started down this path. He had some interesting ideas for sure. :)

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47 minutes ago, dwai said:

I discovered Glenn Morris much after I started down this path. He had some interesting ideas for sure. :)

Yeah, he saw things thru the lens of an esoteric martial artists.  Looking for a jeet kun do for enlightenment. 

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18 hours ago, Boundlesscostfairy said:

So there is form...


But there is also the knowledge of changing into another form..


A set flow is a good kata..


And an open mind is a good self defense strategy..

It is NOT a self defense strategy. It is flowing in alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness.


Because if you understand, that you can open your mind to human thought, of which every thought ever thought by human, still exists. Then you will realise, not all of those thoughts are in harmony or alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness. And you open your mind to it, and also to your self. And you notice your self feeling negative emotion, and so... You realise those thoughts which are not in compatible with your true nature of being here and now, and so you are free from them evermore! Free to let them go, and move on to all that is truely being and becoming evermore here and now. 


And you open your mind to thoughts that do feel good, and you thus also, feeling good, keep finding more of those, naturally and effortlessly. And it doesn't matter where they come from. The point is, that you allow them because they do feel better. You don't defend against thoughts that don't feel good, because defending IS a thought that doesn't feel good. Get it? There is no no. Only moreness of being and becoming. And so you realise, what you are actually doing is aligning more with your own greater non-physical consciousness, because your emotions are all about your here and now relativity between your physical and your greater non-physical consciousness. So if someone says something to you or does something to you, that you use as your excuse to allow yourself to think a thought that is in harmony and alignment with your own greater knowing, and thus you feeo good, it has nothing to do wity that other person. Sure, they may be a catalyst. Just like someone telling you that you are absolutely worthless is a catalyst for you to look for your own worthiness where it already is. Within you, as you already contain it. 


So you find someone who explains to you why you are worthy, and you feel resonance with it, and it feels good to you emotionally, BECAUSE YOU ALREADY CONTAIN THAT KNOWLEDGE. You are simply coming more into alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness, and that is why you feel emotionally better. 


That is why it feels enlightening. To come to a realisation of true knowing. Because you cannot maintain that true knowing, and feel bad at the same time. The moment you flow your own greater knowing through you, in self contradiction, you feel the negative emotion, indicating, you are no longer allowing your own greater knowing from being more fully allowed to be known by you here and now. 


So again, why are you defending? And fighting? Because you want peace! Do you need to fight to realise peace for yourself? No... That is why everyone who fights, also seeks death, as the end of fighting. They often believe the reward is in the after life. Because when you die, you have no excuse anymore. To resist your own greater knowing from being effortlessly fully realised by you. And so the one who survives, often finds a way to let their energetic thought patters which are self contradictory in nature, die. They find a wayto release it, to let it go, to no longer hold on to it, to let it go. And thus they instantly feel better. And they call it "I AM ENLIGHTENED NOW" because I am finally feeling better now and so now I got acces to my own greater knowing, as I no longer am blocking it, I fully let go of blocking it, so I come to fully allow myself to fully receive my own greater knowing, and so EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE TO ME NOW AGAIN FULLY AND I UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING NOW! I AM INSPIRED. I AM FLOWING THE ENERGY WHICH CREATES WORLDS THROUGH ME FULLY! I FEEL THIS AS LOVE AND JOY AND EMPOWERMENT AND PASSIONATE AND FREEDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. I FEEL ENLIGHTENED. I am allowing any and all things to come to full realisation for me here and now, unconditionally. It happens so effortlessly, energy motionally, emotionally, unconditionally, regardless of any and all conditions, under any and all conditions, simply emotionally, energy motional re alignment. That's all there is to it. It happens through you. Not through some one or thing else, except your own greater non-physical consciousness of which you are an inseperable extension. Hence you always feel your energy motionao relativity to your own greater non-physical consciousness as your emotional guidance system. 


So you open your mind, to your self, your own heart and emotionao guidance system, through which you got acces to infinite intelligence and eternal wisdom, because you are unconditionally worthy of it evermore here and now, it is your own greater non-physical consciousness. To all that you truely are being and becoming evermore so joyously, effortlessly, natural, successfuly, unconditionally, emotionally, capable of allowing any and all conditions to come to evermore greater allowed realisation by you, for you, through you, with you, as you, as all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. Physical and non-physical hand in hand, in full allowed convergence and blending and realisation and joyous cocreation evermore fully here and now, evermore fully allowed by you to be realised by you, being and becoming evermore here and now. Effortlessly, joyously, naturally, succesfully, freely. Evermore enlighteningly. Evermore awakeningly. 


So yes, compassion is what allows you to understand your fellow beings. So that you can have peace, because you no longer need to defend yourself against anything! Because you know everyone then, through your own alignment with your own greater non-physical consciousness. So you can co-create harmoniously and joyously, with your fellow beings, naturally, effortlessly, valuablely. Meaningfully. 


And as you betray them, you are not betraying them, but rather yourself. Because betraying them, is an illusion you create for yourself to block yourself from your own greater non-physical consciousness. So you cannot love someone, and betray them at the same time. It is energetically, energy motionally impossible. And knowing this, allows you to effortlessly break free from your own insistence to create energetic thought patterns of resistance/self contradiction for yourself. Why? Simply, because you wanna feel better emotionally. To come back into alignment and full allowed realisation of your own true nature of being and becoming evermore here and now. As all that you truely are, in relationship to any and all things, being and becoming evermore here and now. Naturally effortlessly. For you already are it, and an inseperable extension of it, evermore here and now.


So no matter how long you will fight, you will never win. Because in the end, you can only fight with yourself. The aspect of you, which holds on to self contradiction. And as you thus simply give up, contradicting yourself, energy motionally, emotionally, you naturally and effortlessly come to evermore greater allowed realisation of all that you truely are being and becoming evermore here and now. Ongoingly. Eternally infinitely, joyously, freely, effortlessly. 


It doesn't matter how you do it, if you feel emotionally better, you are releasing resistance to your own greater allowed self realisation. To thus then also realise, you don't need to do anything to allow your own self realisation. You just need to learn how to allow it. That's it. All paths are valid. You are unconditionally loved, and worthy and capable evermore to come to evermore greater allowed realisation. Effortlessly, joyously. Freely. Being and becoming evermore here and now, in full harmony and alignment with the Source of All Creation. As your own natural self allowed realisation of your path of lesser resistance to your evermore greater allowed self realisation of your own unique path of least resistance to your own evermore greater allowed self realisation of any and all things you can or will ever want to be, do or have, evermore effortlessly and joyously allowed by you to be evermore so effortlessly and joyously and succesfully allowed by you to be realised by you, evermore here and now. As all that you truely are being and becoming evermore joyously and freely, effortlessly and naturally, here and now. Again, in full harmony and alignment with ever expanding, evermore incomplete evermore becoming Source of All Creation. 

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Mark Rasmus talks about how a martial arts mindset is particularly good for developing higher levels of awareness. I think it's a combination of that and people getting introduced to the whole concept through joining a IMA school


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@blackturtlesnake Mark Rasmus is one of my favorite “online” teachers of internal arts. Never met the guy but follow his videos on YouTube. He is very good, and at a high level. 

I don’t follow his hermetics framework, but I think at that level all these frameworks start to look the same once we get beyond the labels and language.

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I think being open mindedness is honestly allowing the most powerful truth that works for you to be evident...


Not really much point in saying I am open minded enough to allow loss worry and suffering into my life..


But being also opening to curing that^ if so necessary..

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