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No Boundary

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I've had No Boundary by Ken Wilber on my "to read" list for a year now... can't find it in the bookstore to look through it and see if I really want it. Has anybody read it? What did you think? (Honest opinions please).

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I did pick up the book about a year and a half ago. I read part of it, I don't think I finished it as it was too heady and not practical enough for me. Very bright guy though who makes the clearest comparison between eastern spirituality and western psychology that I have seen. In that respect he is a genius.


Happy to send you my copy....

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THANKS!! I'll trade you something.... Lessee, what do I got that's not heady... Celestine Prophecy, but only if you haven't read my comment on that somewhere else on this board. :lol:


Had an acupuncturist that told me to read it. She had this amazing ability to read and pick up on my energy states and push me past them, tell me I wasn't allowed to stay in them...


It seems that when I get past the normal everyday state, and get really in tune with inner vision or intuition or whatever you want to call it, everything just falls apart afterwards. I wonder how this fits in with Alchemy... I mean the traditional definition of that term, the alchemical treatises, the classical texts, it seems are always talking about processes, 99% of them, about disilusio, being boiled down to bones and reconstituted again, and maybe 1% on the gold in the end...


I did pick up the book about a year and a half ago.  I read part of it, I don't think I finished it as it was too heady and not practical enough for me.  Very bright guy though who makes the clearest comparison between eastern spirituality and western psychology that I have seen. In that respect he is a genius.


Happy to send you my copy....


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