
A Path of ☮️

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Hello, Daemon and welcome.


Your membership is approved and we're happy you found your way to us. We look forward to accompanying you on some of the way that you still have to go.


Please take the time to read the post pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum Terms and Rules.   This covers all you need to know when getting started.


For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day.


Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you,


Marblehead and the TDB team



Hi Daemon,


The member Vmarco was the most active regarding the path of light but he is on vacation now.  But I'm sure you will find others to talk with.


You are welcome to jump right in ongoing discussions, revive an older thread, start a new thread of your own, or start a discussion in the "Newcomer Corner" sub-forms to expand on your introduction or ask general questions to help you get started.


May you enjoy your time here.



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Yes, "the" and "a" present different understandings in that sentence.


All I can say right now is that I will learn more of your journey as you post to various threads.


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1 hour ago, Daemon said:

Would it have been less open to the possibility of immediate misunderstanding to have stated that I follow a path of the Light?


No idea.  I suppose "a path of light" would need be defined.  Yin/Yang, Dark/Light.  Even Yin/Yang in this context would need be defined.


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8 hours ago, Daemon said:



Perhaps a discussion about the Light might be of some interest later.


However, what I'm attempting to discover now is the reason that you jumped to the assumption that I follow the same path as "the member Vmarco"?


On searching for the term "Vmarco", I was immediately confronted by an extremely unpleasant argument in a password protected area of this site.

So, I'm now even more puzzled, as this thread certainly appears to be addressing a path of Darkness.


Wow!  I surely have misrepresented my thoughts and intentions.  I apologize for that.


Yes, Vmarco had some problems with the Admin and Moderators when he was active but that was because of very controversial topics he often spoke to.


His Path of (White) Light is a valid concept regarding spirituality.  I interacted with him often mostly just to see how well he could define his path.


I did not intend any association between you and Vmarco except for the path of light.


And yes, when Vmarco went off into his controversial topics his path appeared more dark than of light.


I can't take back anything I have said so far but I hope to remove any confusion I have caused.



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Hehehe.  Okay.  We are good.


Now we can get on with you establishing yourself here.  I will try to pay attention for when you talk about your path.  I do have an indirect interest.  

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2 hours ago, Daemon said:

There's no need to apologise, especially as your misunderstanding was a result of me orinally writing that I follow "the path of Light" instead of "a path of the Light". If anyone should be apologising here it's me for having made that carless mistake in pressing enter before taking the time to reflect on my initial choice of wording. Sorry!





Either way, let’s here about it... :) 

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Great!  I will follow your lead from this point on.


Yes, misunderstandings are easily had on the internet.  But even these are useful if we continue discussing until an understanding has been had.


And just to let you know, I do sometimes intentionally speak in vague terms in order to get anyone interested is a concept to question me for clarification.  That way we are talking with each other rather than "at" each other.


This one was an accident but I think we had fun with it anyhow.


I like your footnote but won't speak to it unless it comes up later in conversations.


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4 hours ago, Daemon said:

Thank you Starjumper.


Had you seen what I wrote before I deleted it?  That was my plan but after I posted the info I saw you weren't online.

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9 hours ago, Daemon said:

Could you tell me why I cannot access the Off Grid area please? Is it even more contentious than the Primordial Chaos area?

I can't, no.  But if you post your question in Forum and Tech Support I'm sure someone will give you their attention.


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1 hour ago, Daemon said:

I don't think I'll bother. It's probably providential that I wasn't able to access it, as what I noticed happening yesterday in one of your password-protected areas to which you gave me access was absolutely sickening beyond belief.


There's an immense darkness lurking behind the facade here, isn't there?


It's not so dark, really.  It's just a bunch of bozos, flakes, idiots, egomaniacs, mental jerkoffs, plus a smattering of real people.  Internet communication brings out the YANG in people because they don't have the face to face visual signals that keep you from wanting to kill someone.  Also, in the realm of cultivation it's the beginners that are the most vociferous and determined know-it-alls.  It's easy to get sucked into those discussions sometimes, but it's good for observing yourself and your actions and reactions.  You can pick what you choose to join, of course.

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