
A Path of ☮️

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And let us not forget that there are many troubled souls who come here searching for harmony and balance.  These lost souls can speak only from their present state of clarity/confusion.


Some even come here seeking support for their confusion and in doing so appear to be promoting confusion instead of clarity.


A path of light leads to a path of white light which, in turn, leads to a path of energy which, in turn, leads to a path of pure energy, which is a path of balance and harmony of Yin/Yang.


Pure energy (white light), a concept I have thought about a little now and then, is linked to the concept of the uncarved wood and also to the concept of returning to our original nature - the nature of the new-born calf.


Dualistically, even though there be dark (Yin) there is also its opposite, light (Yang).  And these two never attain perfect balance because Dao is dynamic.  But they harmonize over time.


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23 minutes ago, Daemon said:

Having now reflected, it seems to me that I should go back and rewrite my first post here in the light of ...


I would say just let it go and write your questions/statements in a new thread in the Taoism or General discussion areas.  This welcome area thread will soon vanish in the haze of new 'welcome' posts.  You've had enough answers that changing the original would kind of throw people off.  Just curious, is daemon another way of spelling demon?

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3 hours ago, Daemon said:

One of the reasons for the utter confusion on this thread may be because you and Marblehead mistook daemon for demon.


No confusion here.  I was just curious about the name, and I don't care if it did mean demon, just wondering why you would choose that name if it did mean that.  You don't seem like the type to pick a name like demon anyway.


So what does it mean?  Also maybe you could describe what your path is like ... you know, some details.

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On 2/28/2018 at 5:22 AM, Starjumper said:


It's not so dark, really.  It's just a bunch of bozos, flakes, idiots, egomaniacs, mental jerkoffs, plus a smattering of real people.  Internet communication brings out the YANG in people because they don't have the face to face visual signals that keep you from wanting to kill someone.  Also, in the realm of cultivation it's the beginners that are the most vociferous and determined know-it-alls.  It's easy to get sucked into those discussions sometimes, but it's good for observing yourself and your actions and reactions.  You can pick what you choose to join, of course.



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On 2/24/2018 at 7:59 AM, Daemon said:



I saw that there are some others here who follow the a path of Light, so I thought it might be a good idea to touch base with you all.



Welcome and please do share more about your path :)

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4 minutes ago, Starjumper said:

What is this, some kind of joke?


They don’t talk about the path, they just prebrand and market. Too bad for them, but everyone already knows that I hold the trademark for “light” and all associated groups, stuff and etc at the TaoBums... 😉

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15 minutes ago, Daemon said:



I'm not joking and the path that we follow is not associated in any way with whatever Jeff seems to be promoting. PM me an email address if you want further clarification and I'll put that on my to-do list for next week.




I am not promoting anything, my comment was simply a joke based upon the fact that you have not said anything material after many requests.


Best wishes. :) 

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1 hour ago, Daemon said:

We don't talk this path. We walk it.

What's the point of coming here if you only "walk" (which is more or less a medium for "talking")? However, some of us do "walk" as well. Perhaps you can show us by "talking and walking" at the same time? :) 

Edited by dwai
spelling it out slowly ;)
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1 hour ago, Jeff said:


They don’t talk about the path, they just prebrand and market. Too bad for them, but everyone already knows that I hold the trademark for “light” and all associated groups, stuff and etc at the TaoBums... 😉



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2 minutes ago, dwai said:

What's the point of coming here, which is more or less a medium for "talking". However, some of us do "walk" as well. Perhaps you can show us by "talking and walking" at the same time? :) 


It looks like he's here looking for suckers.  A (or 'The') path of light is nothing more than new age stupidity promoted by people who are clueless about the basic workings of the universe.


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7 hours ago, Daemon said:



I'm not joking and the path that we follow is not associated in any way with whatever Jeff seems to be promoting. PM me an email address if you want further clarification and I'll put that on my to-do list for next week.


I'm not interested in your stupid shit any more.  I already have my 'way', an ancient and very effective chi power and spiritual cultivation path.  I was just trying to be friendly and encouraging, wasting my breath.  You can take your New Age (rhymes with sewage) 'path' and ...

Edited by Starjumper

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On 2/27/2018 at 0:19 AM, Daemon said:


I have also corrected my error in initially capitalising "darkness", as I felt it may have given the impression that I was attempting to convey that the Light to which I refer is a dualistic concept such as light/darkness.


Hi Daemon,


Is it possible that Light consists of both light and darkness at any moment? The Light I have in mind is not dualistic in any way - but more of a mix of 'who/what' I am momentarily.


'light' and 'darkness' pertain respectively to self knowledge thus - what I know/don't know about myself.


I tend to associate Light with Energy which is wide-ranging, various, varied, ever-changing, transformable...


Light/Energy fuel my very being.


- LimA

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4 hours ago, Limahong said:

Is it possible that Light consists of both light and darkness at any moment? The Light I have in mind is not dualistic in any way - but more of a mix of 'who/what' I am momentarily.


I like this. I especially like where you write "The Light I have in mind is not dualistic in any way".


The more I wrestle with it, the more I realize that dualism ain't no thing - at least at both ends of the spectrum. Imagine a rope, twisted together from many strands. At each end of the rope the strands are tight, inseparably so. But in the middle the strands are loose - so loose that you can see between them, pull them apart.


Living in the middle there are many strands and we have dualism. Living on the ends we have one rope. And here's the real kicker: the two ends of the rope connect to each other such that there really aren't any ends at all.


This is just something I've been realizing. That's what I get from studying the Laffer Curve...

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11 hours ago, Lost in Translation said:


I like this. I especially like where you write "The Light I have in mind is not dualistic in any way".


The more I wrestle with it, the more I realize that dualism ain't no thing - at least at both ends of the spectrum. Imagine a rope, twisted together from many strands. At each end of the rope the strands are tight, inseparably so. But in the middle the strands are loose - so loose that you can see between them, pull them apart.


Living in the middle there are many strands and we have dualism. Living on the ends we have one rope. And here's the real kicker: the two ends of the rope connect to each other such that there really aren't any ends at all.


This is just something I've been realizing. That's what I get from studying the Laffer Curve...

Really well worded Lost... your phrasing and the tone of the whole conversation really resonates within my awareness.  Thank you.


That which used to appear to me as two separate 'things'... I lately no longer perceive as static, separate things, yet they flow seamlessly into the varying degrees of expression of one fluid process.  No ends at all to them... but more like a Mobius Strip.  The extreme expressions of the one process used to appear as separate things.  Like temperature... one fluid process that seems to have two separate extremes due to my perception of the relativity of that which seems colder or warmer than I am.


This process is also blending other paradigms...  where the variety of phenomena, are no longer separate from each other, but morphing in perception to one great fluid gem, with endless facets... Indra's Net.  All flowing, interconnected and intra-reflective.  And defined only when my perception lends a definition to the process.  When this process is only mind and when my idea of my self is the relative anchor, mind seems to be the pivotal catalyst.  When I release mind and its processes of defining and ordering, beingness is experienced and the hard lines of mind perceiving melt away into a great flowing gem, oceanic in its totality and I feel the reality of the facet which represents 'me' in this present moment. 


In beingness the realization cannot remain unperceived, that what I used to perceive as my separate self is never separated from all other phenomena, or noumena... source, ever, even by a hair's width for a nano-second.



Edited by silent thunder
clarify second sentence
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At this point I feel I should thank Daemon as it appears this concept has a fair amount of interest for some of our members.


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So you are just wanting to post with no questions within the thread?


If that is what you want.. Okay by me.



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